Liberals win: America to become Communist/Socialist


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Only when you forcibly take other people's money to do it.
Stealing from the rich to give to the poor is still theft.
Given the attitude of giving and generosity shown here....there seems to be no other recourse.

Here, you've admitted your willingness to steal wealth from its owners--your willingness to be a thief. How is it you imagine your avowed willingness to be a thief comports in the least with your pretense of having an "attitude of giving and generosity"? You're a common example of rank hypocrisy.


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Let's finish what Jesus said...per your own 'Good book':
For the poor you will always have with you in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’" (Deut 15:7-11)

Again...I don't follow your "goodbook"; I don't such, this isn't about me.

So, on the one hand, you want us to agree (incorrectly) with you that what Jesus is recorded, in the Bible, as having said/done, supports your anti-Christian view, while, on the other hand, you tell us (correctly) that you don't follow what Jesus, as per the Bible, said/did.

If you "don't care" what Jesus said/did, then why bother quoting Him, and what the Bible records about Him?

Gary K

New member
Giving aide to the poor; supporting social and economic equity for the same is considered a 'satanic philosophy' to you?
What an utterly sad and daresay, impoverished take on spirituality.

You bet it is. There can be no equal outcomes without punishing those who are born with greater abilities and have ambition and drive and those who are born with lesser abilities, ambition, and drive without punishing those who are born with those advantages. This is true even in the animal kingdom. The leaders of the packs are smarter, stronger, better fighters, and emotionally dominating over their pack members. It's just the way things are. To purposefully punish those whom heredity has given greater abilities is very unjust. It is evil.

The Bible doesn't teach that we are to pay taxes to help anyone. It teaches us to help others on a personal level, not through some soulless bureaucracy whose bureaucrats take very little if any personal interest in the individual. They are interested in making sure their bureaucracy succeeds. The poor are nothing but a way to earn money and keep the money flowing through their hands.

The Bible says some very interesting things on how to help, and leaves out some very important things that socialism specifies.

Leviticus 19:[FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot][SIZE=+1]9[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]¶And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field, neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest.[/FONT]

What does the Bible leave out that a socialist government would surely put in place? And why did God leave that part out?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Giving aide to the poor ...

great idea! I do it, through my church or on my own, often

how about you?

supporting social and economic equity for the same

"social equity" for the poor - sounds great!

what does that mean, specifically?

"economic equity" for the poor - sounds great!

what does that mean, specifically?


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Giving aide to the poor; supporting social and economic equity for the same is considered a 'satanic philosophy' to you?

Your willingness to steal from others, and to lie about your willingness to steal from others, by calling stealing from others "giving aide to the poor"--is definitely a satanic way of thinking. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy--and you're all for that, because the thief is your father, the devil--the father of lies.

Of course, I can't credit you with having a philosophy, inasmuch as I can't consider your commitment to irrationality in any sense philosophical: there's nothing philosophical about your irrationality, whatsoever. Rather, by your commitment to irrationality, you've made yourself anti-philosophical.


Apparently he wants the poor ("the poor") to be socially and economically equal to the poor ("the same"), rather than to be socially and economically equal to the rich.

What? :chuckle:
I'm gone a few hours and I see nothing but brilliant gems like django's here.

I must have hit the motherload. :idea:

It stands to be reiterated... tenfold:
Given the attitude of giving and generosity shown here....there seems to be no other recourse.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
What? :chuckle:
I'm gone a few hours and I see nothing but brilliant gems like django's here.

I must have hit the motherload. :idea:

It stands to be reiterated... tenfold:
Given the attitude of giving and generosity shown here....there seems to be no other recourse.
Stealing from the rich to give to the poor is still theft.

You're a thief.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

The Barbarian

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