Liberal extremists.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well I’m half haole too so it’s not racist.
Sure it is, given you used the word aggressively and negatively as an instrument aimed at me, not yourself. It has a particular meaning applied to whites. Now if I called myself one it would be a different thing, though pointless. Same with you.

Just realistic.
Says you. But that's just the surface of the pudding.

Town please. You have the logic of a nag
Can't wait to find out what that means to you. [/sarcasm]


New member
Stripe , conservatives are extremists, and liberals are pansies . You've got things reversed .
In America, people calling themselves "conservatives " are opposed to everything that is good for this country. . They are anti-freedom, anti-progress, anti-equality and anti-justice .
Supposedly, conservatism means wanting to preserve the best of the past . But American conservatives are trying to return to the WORST of America's past, and then some .
They claim to be "constitutionalists ,", but they actually have absolutely no understanding of our constitution, and use it to try to further their fascist and theocratic agenda . The Constitution is whatever THEY say it is . If they want to ban something and make it illegal, they use the Constitution to demand this . If they want to make something evil legal, they also use it .
Or to make something mandatory which is actually totally unconstitutional, such as mandatory school prayer and Bible readings .
American conservatives claim to be for "liberty ", but they want liberty for themselves and no one else . And liberty to violate the rights of others, particularly gay people .
To these right-wing extremists , only heterosexual Christian Americans have any rights . Mostly white heterosexual Christians, and mostly white heterosexual female Christians .
If you are not a Christian, or in some cases even a Catholic , if you are gay or LGBT , an atheist or agnostic , you are a second class citizen to them.
These conservatives tolerate women only if they agree with them on issues and share the same religion and don't want to assert their rights as women . If you are a liberal black, Hispanic, a Muslim , you are also a second class citizen .
Conservative don't believe in equality if you are a black or Hispanic or non-white and don't toe the conservative line . Conservatives don't like the poor, the struggling middle class , the unemployed , the disabled, elderly and infirm people etc .
If you were born poor, or have been impoverished through unemployment , are too disabled to work , are elderly and infirm, you are a "lazy bum" who doesn't want to work and wants to liv in luxury while the government allegedly takes hard-earned money form those who do work .
It's all YOUR fault , and you don't deserve any help from the government .
The government has absolutely no business providing for people in need, including children and infants, because this would be "socialism", and we know socialism is the same thing as communism and automatically leads to government tyranny and killing millions of innocent people .
Conservatives talk glibly about the need for "self-reliance", but this is just a code word for the government denying help to people who are down on their luck .
If you are rich, you deserve to be rich , because you are smarter than poor people and you worked hard . Poor people deserve to be poor because they're lazy . And so on .

It is consistently obvious on here that the kind of "Conservative" you are describing in all that, does regularly posts on here.

But to make such a blanket statement of all Conservatives is as hypocritical as the extreme of such.

I personally know plenty of Conservative Pastors and assemblies who are ever reaching out to the poor and disenfranchised the above hypocrites you are describing spit on.

And not with false words about "just trying to share the gospel" even as such repeatedly prove what hypocrites such are, but actually genuine individuals who consistently walk their gospel "talk" towards those they consider what Scripture refers to as being "without."

Ministries that regularly feed, cloth, help out both as to shelter and the financial where warranted, and with jobs, and so forth.

You're simply dead wrong to lump all Conservatives into the same kind of a "one size fits all" the extremist bigots within "Conservatism" on here and elsewhere practice, say, towards you.

There are many Conservatives out there who are actually Independent (or Liberal CONSERVATIVE).

When someone like a Trump and his kind of supporter comes along to attempt to force such a Conservative to have to choose between their party and their heart towards the God of Scripture, a Trump and his kind of a supporter, loses out.

Each...and every time.

Regardless of how few in number we might appear to be.

Get out a bit, TH - visit many an assembly.

Look into this one on one.

Let the "one size fits all" hypocrisy of the extremist and bigot within "Conservatism" be theirs, not yours.

Not the face of the Independent Conservative.

Rom. 5:6-8 - in each our stead.


New member
So let me go back to the first Starbucks operation. A hexican guy thinking he’s a gangbanger in the middle of an upperclass hawaii suburb.. I see this guy looking out of place sitting outside the coffee shop. I’m in the drive thru. He’s making an older white guy uncomfortable and the white guy leaves. Fast forward a week. I saw him a couple times again up to no good. One day I’m coming home early morning and I get a call from the wife about calling the cops on some fool at the Starbucks while she and our teenage daughters were in the drive thru. I’m exiting the freeway and although she said she left, I’ll try and reach there before 50 gets there. You know Samoan sheriff.
So I’m passing by with my windows down I see him, look at him and he says to me: what if I dance on your face?
Uh oh did he just green light me for action?
So I get out, remove his cap, his sunglasses and tell him if he ever bothers another local person (including local haoles) I going to rip his blanking head of. He proceeds to tear up and apologize. Problem solved. Never saw him again

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Which reminds me of this hilarious moment in The Sopranos...

WARNING: A foul word or two is used.

A little bit of Law, and a little bit of Grace.


Rom. 5:6-8.


Which reminds me of this hilarious moment in The Sopranos...

WARNING: A foul word or two is used.

A little bit of Law, and a little bit of Grace.


Rom. 5:6-8.

What triggered me was when my wife told me that the guy approached her car with my daughters in it. When the Italian mafia attempted to put roots down in Honolulu in the 60’s they thought they’d scare the locals. They saw the Samoans coming for them with machetes, dropped their machine guns and ran off. On that day there wasn’t anything calm. But although I regret my level of rage I’m glad I had the nerve to do what was not allowed to be done by the local laws.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So let me go back to the first Starbucks operation
Unless you are a surgeon or part of a military or police organization you weren't part of an operation.

A hexican guy thinking he’s a gangbanger in the middle of an upperclass hawaii suburb.
How so? Wait, he's Latino. Most of them aren't from Mexico you know. And many people of Latino descent are affluent too, or the sons and daughters of. The way you write it this guy sounds like a kid of one of those, posturing a little.

I see this guy looking out of place sitting outside the coffee shop.
Because he's Latino? Because you don't like his clothing choices?

I’m in the drive thru. He’s making an older white guy uncomfortable and the white guy leaves.
How is he making the old white guy uncomfortable? By being Latino? Maybe the older white guy was a racist. Maybe he was looking at you AND the other guy and thinking you were both out of place and worrisome. Maybe he was simply done, or agitated by something else. Who knows? Certainly you didn't. But then, you didn't need to, did you.

Fast forward a week. I saw him a couple times again up to no good.
Having overpriced coffee might be foolish, but "up to no good" appears to largely be a creation of your imagination.

One day I’m coming home early morning and I get a call from the wife about calling the cops on some fool at the Starbucks while she and our teenage daughters were in the drive thru.
What was he doing? Anything? Or just being Latino in the "wrong" place and making old white people uncomfortable?

I’m exiting the freeway and although she said she left, I’ll try and reach there before 50 gets there. You know Samoan sheriff.
You rush to beat the people who are legally entitled, trained and responsible to deal with the situation so you can do what? Act out some fantasy you have in mind that were it pulled on an actual gang-banger would probably get you killed? Or was he a kid, someone obviously posturing but no real threat to you and so a perfect opportunity?

So I’m passing by with my windows down I see him, look at him and he says to me: what if I dance on your face?
Wait, you rush to get there before the police so you can cruise by him and "look at him". And out of the blue he says that? Right. Sure.

Uh oh did he just green light me for action?
No, but at this point you were probably cueing up your background music.

So I get out, remove his cap, his sunglasses
Both of which could get you put behind bars. You don't have a right to put your hands on anyone without their invitation unless you're defending yourself or someone else. Being a bully isn't that. :nono: I wonder if someone might have seen you and thought, "Yeah, that's what those people are like, always looking for a fight." Wouldn't that be hilarious?

and tell him if he ever bothers another local person (including local haoles) I going to rip his blanking head of.
Another second, another reason to lock you up. Two crimes in a breath or two. You're lucky you appear to have been dealing with a kid.

He proceeds to tear up and apologize. Problem solved. Never saw him again
Alternative reading. A kid you rushed to hastle tries to puffer fish to get you out of his eyeline, you act like a bully (because there's no way he's bigger and stronger than you if he lets you do what you just said you did) break a couple of laws and he cracks, apologizes, which would indicate a basically decent sort that you misread and overreacted in relation to. How old was he?

Lucky you. If he'd been anything like the fantasy in your head you probably wouldn't be writing this and your wife would be wishing she'd never made that phone call. Refrain from creating that sort of drama. Let people trained to handle situations handle them, assuming the situation actually existed to begin with. The only time anyone should take personal action is when their life and safety or the life and safety of someone else is threatened. Pushing a situation to the point of potential violence isn't smart, legal, or virtuous.

What triggered me was when my wife told me that the guy approached her car with my daughters in it.
And yet she drove away unharmed with your daughters. So he what, walked toward her car? Or toward the drive thru or who knows? Nothing in your description of his subsequent actions leads me to believe he actually meant anyone harm, however tough he might have wanted to appear.


Unless you are a surgeon or part of a military or police organization you weren't part of an operation.

How so? Wait, he's Latino. Most of them aren't from Mexico you know. And many people of Latino descent are affluent too, or the sons and daughters of. The way you write it this guy sounds like a kid of one of those, posturing a little.

Because he's Latino? Because you don't like his clothing choices?

How is he making the old white guy uncomfortable? By being Latino? Maybe the older white guy was a racist. Maybe he was looking at you AND the other guy and thinking you were both out of place and worrisome. Maybe he was simply done, or agitated by something else. Who knows? Certainly you didn't. But then, you didn't need to, did you.

Having overpriced coffee might be foolish, but "up to no good" appears to largely be a creation of your imagination.

What was he doing? Anything? Or just being Latino in the "wrong" place and making old white people uncomfortable?

You rush to beat the people who are legally entitled, trained and responsible to deal with the situation so you can do what? Act out some fantasy you have in mind that were it pulled on an actual gang-banger would probably get you killed? Or was he a kid, someone obviously posturing but no real threat to you and so a perfect opportunity?

Wait, you rush to get there before the police so you can cruise by him and "look at him". And out of the blue he says that? Right. Sure.

No, but at this point you were probably cueing up your background music.

Both of which could get you put behind bars. You don't have a right to put your hands on anyone without their invitation unless you're defending yourself or someone else. Being a bully isn't that. :nono: I wonder if someone might have seen you and thought, "Yeah, that's what those people are like, always looking for a fight." Wouldn't that be hilarious?

Another second, another reason to lock you up. Two crimes in a breath or two. You're lucky you appear to have been dealing with a kid.

Alternative reading. A kid you rushed to hastle tries to puffer fish to get you out of his eyeline, you act like a bully (because there's no way he's bigger and stronger than you if he lets you do what you just said you did) break a couple of laws and he cracks, apologizes, which would indicate a basically decent sort that you misread and overreacted in relation to. How old was he?

Lucky you. If he'd been anything like the fantasy in your head you probably wouldn't be writing this and your wife would be wishing she'd never made that phone call. Refrain from creating that sort of drama. Let people trained to handle situations handle them, assuming the situation actually existed to begin with. The only time anyone should take personal action is when their life and safety or the life and safety of someone else is threatened. Pushing a situation to the point of potential violence isn't smart, legal, or virtuous.

And yet she drove away unharmed with your daughters. So he what, walked toward her car? Or toward the drive thru or who knows? Nothing in your description of his subsequent actions leads me to believe he actually meant anyone harm, however tough he might have wanted to appear.

Well Town, if you’ve read my bio you’d know that I spent time in downtown LA. We have homeless people moving here because it’s easy being homeless here. The guy was late 20’s. He thought he could act out his bravado in hawaii like LA. Nope. He’s on the bottom of the food chain with the haoles.

By the way, I bought a new Range Rover and the salesman used to work at that very Starbucks and said he knew the guy and wasn’t allowed to kick him out but could only call the cops. I handled it bro. Every Buddhahead, Chinese, Hawaiian, Korean, Portaghee and others in this quiet neighborhood approves. Especially the local police. It takes a village to raise a hexican.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well Town, if you’ve read my bio you’d know that I spent time in downtown LA.
I've spent a great deal of time at Knott's Berry Farm. Doesn't even make me an expert on the rides.

We have homeless people moving here because it’s easy being homeless here.
On the plus side they must be really healthy, swimming all that way. Or do you attract the homeless who can afford coach? :think:

The guy was late 20’s. He thought he could act out his bravado in hawaii like LA. Nope. He’s on the bottom of the food chain with the haoles.
Unless you also took his wallet I don't believe you on the age. I think you just realized how bad that looked (though not as bad as pulling a weapon on the first homeless guy) and aged him. Nothing in his act makes sense for the age you're speaking to.

I handled it bro.
Handled what? You ran toward the chance to puff up like a kid. You knew it wasn't necessary. The cops were called. That's not heroics. And nothing in the guy, whatever his age, speaks to a divergence from how I'm seeing the narrative. He was harmless. At best an attitude with nothing behind it. Otherwise he'd be in jail or you'd be dead, or both.

Every Buddhahead, Chinese, Hawaiian, Korean, Portaghee and others in this quiet neighborhood approves.
Another thing you don't know, a projection of your rich, inner fantasy life where you probably see high fives, free drinks, and a grateful public.

Especially the local police.
The ones you rushed to beat out so you could do your flexing to a kid who let you take off his hat and apologized for...apparently not doing anything that was actually a violation of the law.

You prince you. :plain:

It takes a village to raise a hexican.
It only takes an idiot to call a Latino a "hexican".


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Outside of abortion? Such as? I read the goofy, "pansies, left/wrong nonsense. But I outside of abortion what things?
Is this tacit admission that liberals are extremists?

They tend to fight for child killing. What else do you want? What could possibly be worse?

I think liberalism, outside of the general tendency, is much more divided and harder to pin down than conservative thinking, so that's not surprising.
So I can hardly be called inconsistent for defining terms by their plain meaning except in the case of liberals. Especially when it obviously does not mean what it plainly says.

I'd bet someone identifying as a liberal would say that it actually does mean what it plainly says.
They also call child killing a right.

I tend to address it as it applies to particular issues, as I do with conservatism. And I've generally found that people move between the two terms by issue. I suspect more people consider themselves one or the other as part of their impression of its application in a broad and frequently political expression.
What people think about themselves is irrelevant.

I know more than one person who does.
They're illegal. Unless you're talking about soldiers.

AR-15s and bump stocks.
Those aren't automatic weapons.

It's simpler to just shoot into a crowd of people when you're sure a murderer is hiding there. Not a good idea, mind you, but simpler.
What on Earth are you talking about?

Are you suggesting all good ideas are pleasant ones in application?
I mean exactly what I said before you started debating: Liberals rename horrific ideas with nice-sounding terms. Public education, pro-choice, gun control...

"Taxes" is not a nice term. It's not an example of what I'm saying.

You think having people better capable of making informed decisions in relation to their government is a bad idea?
Public education is a horrific idea.

Your response wasn't tied to a particular quote.
Yes, it was.

If you say liberals are X and that you're a conservative that's one of the things you're doing.
I'm not a conservative.

You asked about fundamentals. I gave an example.

Not something either camp fundamentally disagrees with.

Another fundamental is that everyone will give an account for their life.

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk


I've spent a great deal of time at Knott's Berry Farm. Doesn't even make me an expert on the rides.

On the plus side they must be really healthy, swimming all that way. Or do you attract the homeless who can afford coach? :think:

Unless you also took his wallet I don't believe you on the age. I think you just realized how bad that looked (though not as bad as pulling a weapon on the first homeless guy) and aged him. Nothing in his act makes sense for the age you're speaking to.

Handled what? You ran toward the chance to puff up like a kid. You knew it wasn't necessary. The cops were called. That's not heroics. And nothing in the guy, whatever his age, speaks to a divergence from how I'm seeing the narrative. He was harmless. At best an attitude with nothing behind it. Otherwise he'd be in jail or you'd be dead, or both.

Another thing you don't know, a projection of your rich, inner fantasy life where you probably see high fives, free drinks, and a grateful public.

The ones you rushed to beat out so you could do your flexing to a kid who let you take off his hat and apologized for...apparently not doing anything that was actually a violation of the law.

You prince you. :plain:

It only takes an idiot to call a Latino a "hexican".

Hahahaha nyc was buying one way tickets to Honolulu for there bums a few years ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I personally know plenty of Conservative Pastors and assemblies...

We are talking about concepts and worldviews, not individuals. We hear from liberals about "radical, fundamentalist bigots" when it is them who support child killing.

The discussion is regarding definitions.

There isn't one for "liberal." "Fundamentalist" and "conservative" should be understood for what they plainly mean, but nothing in them implies extremism or bigotry.

Liberals are the extremists. And bigots.

Excuse the redundancy.

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Hahahaha nyc was buying one way tickets to Honolulu for there bums a few years ago.
New York is still handing out one way flight tickets, at least inside the continental U.S., if the person has a connection to the new locale and can establish residence there (through family and/or a promised employment). I don't know about Hawaii. I haven't seen anything on that. I know I read an article about Hawaii considering doing it to decrease the impact of their homeless population on tourism a few years ago, but I don't know if they wen't through with it (link).

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Is this tacit admission that liberals are extremists?
Of course not. Why would you think that?

They tend to fight for child killing.
They really don't. In point of fact, it's hard to find many people who oppose abortion out of hand. Mostly it's a matter of where the line should be drawn. For many who oppose it as an elective procedure the endangerment of the mother's life changes their position. For some it's late term pregnancies. For a few it's any point past conception. Some of that few are found in either camp, with Catholics comprising the majority of the liberal anti-abortion without exception grouping.

Liberals tend to support the right established by a conservative appointed Court, sadly (either). A lot of that support is conditional and some of it is wavering, which is why you have pro-life movements within the Democratic Party.

What else do you want?
What you only just told me you'd proffered. I didn't recall anything outside of the issue by you but you gave the direct impression of a list to support your contention and the one isn't that. So I asked in case I'd missed it.
What could possibly be worse?
Does something have to be worse to be in the running? I think facilitating slaughter for no particularly good reason is pretty grotesque. That's what people who support the status quo or lesser law in relation to guns are doing, for one.

So I can hardly be called inconsistent for defining terms by their plain meaning except in the case of liberals. Especially when it obviously does not mean what it plainly says.
I'm not sure what that's responsive to, but it's been a busy day, so it could be me. Not sure how you sustain the last part. I don't believe you've done it, but if you can I'm game to read it.

They also call child killing a right.
No, the really don't. They call abortion rights what they are in this country. If they were convinced it was child killing they'd likely be on the right side of the point. That's part of the problem and name calling won't solve it.

I'm convinced the problem is that most of the largely conditional, even tenuous support for the thing is born of an emotional response to an emotion laden entreaty and a general confusion/lack of application of simple, clear, and compelling reason. I don't believe they've thought it through. Now you have the minority of zealots on the point who have and who I believe are at best deluded and at worst willful participants in a narcissistic evil, but I suspect most of those supporting the practice can be won over with consistent, civil, and compelling reason.

What people think about themselves is irrelevant.
Rather, it's everything to the person. What you or I think of anyone else is only relevant to us, but I suspect most people aren't as solidly in a camp outside of a general sense of alignment on guiding principles. A lot of qualifications after that.

They're illegal. Unless you're talking about soldiers.
They aren't made legally and are difficult to come by for a private citizen, but possible. It's complicated. Of course, with the bump stock and a semi-automatic it's a bit moot as points go.

Those aren't automatic weapons.
An AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon. The bump stock isn't a weapon at all. It's a device that transforms a weapon like the AR-15 into a de facto machinegun. My nearest neighbor to the north has one. He's a responsible guy from a good family. He collects weapons because he likes to fire them and own them. It's his hobby.

What on Earth are you talking about?
I was demonstrating that simpler isn't necessarily preferable.

I mean exactly what I said before you started debating: Liberals rename horrific ideas with nice-sounding terms. Public education, pro-choice, gun control...
And I meant what I, as gently and civilly as I could manage it, implied, which is that you're wrong on the point. Public education and gun control are both good ideas and their defense is both rational and empirical in nature. Pro-choice is a horrible idea, but it's not nice-sounding, only indicative of the root of the error for those supporting it.

"Taxes" is not a nice term. It's not an example of what I'm saying.
The whole "nice" approach is too subjective to use meaningfully anyway.

Public education is a horrific idea.
So you said already, but saying doesn't make a thing so, let alone demonstrate it as an unassailable truth. And so I set out specifically why that isn't the case and why people on the whole, both conservative and liberal, differ with you.

Yes, it was.
In your mind perhaps, but not on the page. No quote, no link, only your declaration on the point.

I'm not a conservative.
You identify as a right winger. In general terms that aligns you with conservative camps, however qualified in particulars.

Another fundamental is that everyone will give an account for their life.
Another fundamental truth for some is that no one will exist beyond this life and therefore no one will give anything.

So outside of the empirical, fundamentalism is as individual as anything else.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Why would you think that?
Because the assertion is that liberals tend to fight for child killing.

They really don't.
They really do.

It's hard to find many people who oppose abortion.
So? :idunno:

What you only just told me you'd proffered. I didn't recall anything outside of the issue by you but you gave the direct impression of a list to support your contention and the one isn't that. So I asked in case I'd missed it.
You should stop responding to impressions you get and just read what I say. :up:

Does something have to be worse to be in the running?

Liberals support child killing. That makes them extremists.

I think facilitating slaughter for no particularly good reason is pretty grotesque. That's what people who support the status quo or lesser law in relation to guns are doing, for one.
Does endorsing car ownership also mean one "facilitates slaughter"?

I'm not sure what that's responsive to.
It's pretty simple:

As a fundamentalist, I treat ideas and descriptions according to what they plainly say unless there is good reason not to. So a fundamentalist is a guy who holds ideas up against a few key truths. A conservative is a guy who did to protect the status quo. However, a liberal is not a guy who values freedom above all. They tend to think regulations are the answer to problems.

No, the really don't. They call abortion rights what they are in this country. If they were convinced it was child killing they'd likely be on the right side of the point. That's part of the problem and name calling won't solve it.
It's of no relevance what words they use or what they are convinced of.

I suspect most of those supporting the practice can be won over with consistent, civil, and compelling reason.
It's worth a try. :idunno:

Rather, it's everything to the person.
Nope. Not "rather."

What people think about themselves is irrelevant to this discussion.

They aren't made legally and are difficult to come by for a private citizen, but possible. It's complicated. Of course, with the bump stock and a semi-automatic it's a bit moot as points go.
So are you retracting your assertion about submachine guns being a problem in society?

An AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon. The bump stock isn't a weapon.
Like I said: They're not automatic weapons.

I was demonstrating that simpler isn't necessarily preferable.
Nobody said it was. :idunno:

Public education and gun control are both good ideas.
Horrid things.

I prefer liberty.

The whole "nice" approach is too subjective to use meaningfully anyway.
Which group is it that faces the accusation of using nice terms to describe horrific ideas?

In your mind perhaps, but not on the page. No quote, no link, only your declaration on the point.
Quip replied to OP, I replied to Quip. It's in the first posts.

You identify as a right winger. In general terms that aligns you with conservative camps, however qualified in particulars.
Being "aligned" with conservatives doesn't make me a conservative.

I'm not a conservative.

Another fundamental truth for some is that no one will exist beyond this life and therefore no one will give anything.

So outside of the empirical, fundamentalism is as individual as anything else.

Nope. It doesn't matter what people believe.

What matters is what is true.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Because the assertion is that liberals tend to fight for child killing.
That largely isn't what they're fighting for, which goes back to my assertion about why so many of them can be moved. Beyond that I'm not sure what position on the point isn't extreme. The assertion of right or its absence and the nature of the outcome of that argument is literally life and death. To label a group extreme for the one point doesn't make any more sense than it would to label an anarchist who supported the right to bear arms a conservative.

They really do.
So you said before, but I wrote more than a simple, unsupported declaration.

Here it is again in case you feel like engaging more substantively:

"They really don't. In point of fact, it's hard to find many people who oppose abortion out of hand. Mostly it's a matter of where the line should be drawn. For many who oppose it as an elective procedure the endangerment of the mother's life changes their position. For some it's late term pregnancies. For a few it's any point past conception. Some of that few are found in either camp, with Catholics comprising the majority of the liberal anti-abortion without exception grouping.

Liberals tend to support the right established by a conservative appointed Court, sadly (either). A lot of that support is conditional and some of it is wavering, which is why you have pro-life movements within the Democratic Party."

You should stop responding to impressions you get and just read what I say. :up:
It wasn't an impression. You literally wrote:

That's true.However, I've put forward things they tend to believe as reason.
Things. As in more than one. :thumb:

Does endorsing car ownership also mean one "facilitates slaughter"?
Cars aren't designed to kill people and we have to have them.

It's pretty simple: As a fundamentalist, I treat ideas and descriptions according to what they plainly say unless there is good reason not to.
Oh, then I've addressed the point. The problem is with the subjective nature of good reason, absent a serious set out of the particulars and an objective litmus.

So a fundamentalist is a guy who holds ideas up against a few key truths.
Fundamental absolutes. Okay, that sounds reasonable.

A conservative is a guy who did to protect the status quo.
I think you're short changing conservatives. What historically separates the fundamentalist from the conservative has been that fundamentalism tends to be used with respect to religious principle and conservatism tends to be applied to political/economical realities. That's why they tend to be the same animal, though you could be a religious fundamentalist without being a fiscal conservative, and likened variations.

However, a liberal is not a guy who values freedom above all. They tend to think regulations are the answer to problems.
You're conflating a principle and method. The real difference between conservatives and liberals isn't their valuation of the individual, but the method by which the individual is best served.

It's of no relevance what words they use or what they are convinced of.
Not if you care about changing minds and moving the issue to a different conclusion.

It's worth a try. :idunno:
So which is it?

Nope. Not "rather."
I'm mostly going to stop responding to any point where you just declare a thing more than once without supporting it rationally, to save both of us time. I'll also set aside attempts to move goal posts by subtly altering an actual point transforming it into a pointless sidebar, as with your attempt on submachine guns.

Nobody said it was. :idunno:
You said it was simpler to just look at what a word means. I noted and illustrated that simpler isn't necessarily better or even preferable, depending.

On public education and gun control.
Horrid things.

I prefer liberty.
And that is a beautiful non sequitur. Pancakes. Tilt-a-whirls. I prefer liberty. Just plug in anything, really. I've set out particular support for public education as a good, one agreed upon by the majority of conservatives and liberals, and why revisiting gun restrictions (a thing also universally agreed upon, the difference coming with particulars and by degree) are both necessary and in the service of the public good.

Which group is it that faces the accusation of using nice terms to describe horrific ideas?
From you or from someone else?

Quip replied to OP, I replied to Quip. It's in the first posts.
Not a part of my argument. So okay.

Being "aligned" with conservatives doesn't make me a conservative. I'm not a conservative.
What conservative ideas do you reject?

What matters is what is true.
Everyone believes that. That's not the problem or the dividing point.

The Barbarian

I was going to chide you, Town, for even bothering to reply to him. However, as I went through your reply, it was so reasoned and so well exposed his faulty thinking (or lack of thinking) that it turned out to be a highly effective and useful post.

Well done.