Liberal extremists.


Freedom without discipline is just as criminal as no freedom at all.

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Grammatically that holds together, but that's about it.

I kicked a bum out of Starbucks today. He was sitting outside, peed straight thru his pants. I proceeded to get a hose hit him over the head and spray him down. He left without incident. A white bum in Hawaii. What’s this country coming too?

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I kicked a bum out of Starbucks today.
You're a bouncer at a Starbucks? That can't be a tough gig.

He was sitting outside, peed straight thru his pants. I proceeded to get a hose hit him over the head and spray him down. He left without incident. A white bum in Hawaii. What’s this country coming too?
Illegal vigilante tactics? :think: Or Mittyesque prose fests. It's a toss-up.

Sent from my computer using my noggin


You're a bouncer at a Starbucks? That can't be a tough gig.

Illegal vigilante tactics? :think: Or Mittyesque prose fests. It's a toss-up.

Sent from my computer using my noggin

Simply the difference when a Polynesian man handles a bum peeing on a chair at a coffee shop vs a liberal white dude going into plead mode to rid the perpetrator.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Simply the difference when a Polynesian man handles a bum peeing on a chair at a coffee shop vs a liberal white dude going into plead mode to rid the perpetrator.
No, it's the difference between following the law and mistaking yourself for it.

Sent from someone else's PC using telekinesis[/QUOTE]


No, it's the difference between following the law and mistaking yourself for it.

Sent from someone else's PC using telekinesis

Yes. Makes me feel like a man. First I banged the table and told him to leave but when he played dumb I hit his head (tap tap) with a very light carbon fiber pole I had in my truck. The baristas gave me a free vanilla ice drink. Actually this was the second time I bounced a street person from a Starbucks. The first time I could’ve been hit with terroristic threatening. But no cops around, just me the Samoan sheriff.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yes. Makes me feel like a man.
What did you feel like before you did that? :shocked:

First I banged the table and told him to leave but when he played dumb I hit his head (tap tap) with a very light carbon fiber pole I had in my truck. The baristas gave me a free vanilla ice drink. Actually this was the second time I bounced a street person from a Starbucks. The first time I could’ve been hit with terroristic threatening. But no cops around, just me the Samoan sheriff.
No, that's not what a sheriff does. It's what someone with authority and/or self-image issues might do, though mostly in their heads. What the barista allegedly did was even less intelligent, as he opened his employer to a civil suit, hypothetically speaking.

Sent from the ether using a cordless cable


What did you feel like before you did that? :shocked:

No, that's not what a sheriff does. It's what someone with authority and/or self-image issues might do, though mostly in their heads. What the barista allegedly did was even less intelligent, as he opened his employer to a civil suit, hypothetically speaking.

Sent from the ether using a cordless cable

Hahahaha. It’s Hawaii man. The cops are your friends here. You get to do what they would do but can’t and everyone appreciates it, celebrates it. Unless you’re name is Obama.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Hahahaha. It’s Hawaii man.
If you're not going to use a comma you might want to hyphenate and buy a mask.

The cops are your friends here.
In my experience they aren't generally the friends of criminals, which in your hypothetical is what you'd be classified as.

You get to do what they would do but can’t and everyone appreciates it, celebrates it.
In this fantasy do people genuflect or just thrust cold beverages at you while sighing?

Sent from here to there using tin cans


If you're not going to use a comma you might want to hyphenate and buy a mask.

In my experience they aren't generally the friends of criminals, which in your hypothetical is what you'd be classified as.

In this fantasy do people genuflect or just thrust cold beverages at you while sighing?

Sent from here to there using tin cans

Come on over and find out haole

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
A conservative only reads between the lines to justify what he can't justify plainly and calls that hypocrisy "good reason."

He what?

There's nothing in the term "conservative" that defines them as that.

Like slavery, keeping women out of the voting box, and submachine guns in the hands of anyone with a fistful of their mana. AKA, everyone has an ox dying somewhere.
Things that were eliminated from normal society decades ago?

I'm talking today. :up:

Like taxes or public education.
"Taxes" isn't a nice word. Public education is a good example of what I was talking about.

That might be compelling coupled with particular reason. Without that supporting logic it's just a pretty good funny.
You could look at what it was in response to:

Neaderthals such as yourself would still be residing in cave dwellings. You at least owe the fundamentally discontented that much. :idunno: ...yes?
You see anything sensible in there?

Which is only a vice relative to the cause.
I don't know what that means.

It is liberals who advocate abortion — child killing.

I suppose it depends on what the fundamentals are.

1. Life has meaning.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
He what? There's nothing in the term "conservative" that defines them as that.
There's nothing you your invention of "liberal" that defines them the way you've chosen to.

Things that were eliminated from normal society decades ago? I'm talking today. :up:
The submachine gun part is today, the others were additional examples of dangerous tradition championed by the defenders of tradition. But I don't really see liberals or conservatives as inherently the advocates of wrong headed ideas. It's just that when they get a bad one they tend to go in whole hog. Both philosophies have given us entrenched evil often enough to make reasonable men avoid the tendency to lionize the camps. And both have given us enough sustained good to prohibit reasonable men from demonizing either as a rule.

"Taxes" isn't a nice word.
I wouldn't suggest taxes are pleasant, only necessary.

Public education is a good example of what I was talking about.
Public education is a great example of a public good instituted not out of some altruistic principle but in recognition of self-interest. A better educated populace is a better workforce. A better educated populace will make more informed decisions related to the life of the republic.

You could look at what it was in response to:...You see anything sensible in there?
You could quote a passage and narrow the criticism, but you didn't. What quip was inferring is that lock-step defense of the status quo isn't a good thing. You might not care for how he decided to make that point, understandable, but then you began the choice of approach with an unsupportable and insulting generalization of the divided camps, so after that complaining about the reasonable doesn't seem particularly reasonable.

I don't know what that means.
It means that what qualifies as extreme is frequently a matter of perspective. If you believe liberal thinking in every particular is extreme you mostly illustrate how far out on the limb you are in the opposing direction. As a moderate I find a lot of value in any number of particulars with conservative and liberal thinking, and I see the extremist in both, for good and ill.

It is liberals who advocate abortion — child killing.
Speaking of perspective, most liberals who are pro-choice don't share ours on abortion. They see their support as a defense of a constitutionally protected liberty, the right of a woman to make a decision that they feel (mistakenly, to my mind and arguments) can't be settled objectively and shouldn't be settled by a particular religious litmus enforced by fiat. They don't see the humanity in the unborn, the way slave owners once appeared to miss it in the enslaved. And there are liberals who oppose abortion, just as there are conservatives who support the pro-choice camp.

Which is a way of underscoring that sometimes the difference is less about philosophy and more about justification.

Life has meaning.
I agree, but that's not the distinction between the parties.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Come on over and find out haole
And that's what someone with your approach always reduces to by the end. But the racial tendency was already established. It must have been gratifying for you, getting to shove around the homeless white guy.

I mean, you made the point on both, didn't you.

Sent from bemused indifference using fingertips


And that's what someone with your approach always reduces to by the end. But the racial tendency was already established. It must have been gratifying for you, getting to shove around the homeless white guy.

I mean, you made the point on both, didn't you.

Sent from bemused indifference using fingertips

Well I’m half haole too so it’s not racist. Just realistic. Town please. You have the logic of a nag

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So let me go back to the first Starbucks operation. A hexican guy thinking he’s a gangbanger in the middle of an upperclass hawaii suburb.. I see this guy looking out of place sitting outside the coffee shop. I’m in the drive thru. He’s making an older white guy uncomfortable and the white guy leaves. Fast forward a week. I saw him a couple times again up to no good. One day I’m coming home early morning and I get a call from the wife about calling the cops on some fool at the Starbucks while she and our teenage daughters were in the drive thru. I’m exiting the freeway and although she said she left, I’ll try and reach there before 50 gets there. You know Samoan sheriff.
So I’m passing by with my windows down I see him, look at him and he says to me: what if I dance on your face?
Uh oh did he just green light me for action?
So I get out, remove his cap, his sunglasses and tell him if he ever bothers another local person (including local haoles) I going to rip his blanking head of. He proceeds to tear up and apologize. Problem solved. Never saw him again

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
There's nothing [in the term] "liberal" that defines them the way you've chosen to.
That's true.

However, I've put forward things they tend to believe as reason. Also, liberals struggle to define their own label. It certainly doesn't mean what it plainly says.

How do you define liberal?

The submachine gun part is.

You know someone who owns a machine gun?

The others were additional examples of dangerous tradition championed by the defenders of tradition.

And yet, it is liberals fighting for such things today.

But I don't really see liberals or conservatives as inherently the advocates of wrong headed ideas. It's just that when they get a bad one they tend to go in whole hog. Both philosophies have given us entrenched evil often enough to make reasonable men avoid the tendency to lionize the camps. And both have given us enough sustained good to prohibit reasonable men from demonizing either as a rule.
It's simpler to just look at what the words mean.

I wouldn't suggest taxes are pleasant, only necessary.
Is that a retraction?

A better educated populace will make more informed decisions related to the life of the republic.
Reason No. 1,088 to get our keep your kids out of the government schools.

You could quote a passage and narrow the criticism.

I made a post in response to a piece of nonsense calling it what it was. If you want to call Quip's contribution sensible in some way, go for it. Just don't pretend there was no context to what I said.

[/Quote]It means that what qualifies as extreme is frequently a matter of perspective.[/quote]Murdering children?

I agree, but that's not the distinction between the parties.

I wasn't making a distinction between any parties. :idunno:

One of the fundamentals is that life has meaning.

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Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
That's true.

However, I've put forward things they tend to believe as reason.
Outside of abortion? Such as? I read the goofy, "pansies, left/wrong nonsense. But I outside of abortion what things?

Also, liberals struggle to define their own label.
I think liberalism, outside of the general tendency, is much more divided and harder to pin down than conservative thinking, so that's not surprising.

It certainly doesn't mean what it plainly says.
Just looked at Merriam Webster. I'd bet someone identifying as a liberal would say that it actually does mean what it plainly says, but I'm not interested in haggling over it. You'll have to take it up with one of them.

How do you define liberal?
I tend to address it as it applies to particular issues, as I do with conservatism. And I've generally found that people move between the two terms by issue. I suspect more people consider themselves one or the other as part of their impression of its application in a broad and frequently political expression.

You know someone who owns a machine gun?
I know more than one person who does, and more than a few with AR-15s and bump stocks. Everyone I know is a gun owner and more than a couple, one in my family, is a collector. I'm a gun owner, but I've reduced mine to breach and bolt action, which is what I am a proponent of in terms of gun rights. It's not really about machine guns or even ARs to me, though they're part of or the most obvious expression of the larger problem with modern weapons.

And yet, it is liberals fighting for such things today.
Outside of abortion, which still manages to find people from conservative camps in the pro-choice column and some in the liberal camp opposing, what do you have in mind?

It's simpler to just look at what the words mean.
It's simpler to just shoot into a crowd of people when you're sure a murderer is hiding there. Not a good idea, mind you, but simpler.

Is that a retraction?
Doesn't read like one. Are you suggesting all good ideas are pleasant ones in application?

Reason No. 1,088 to get our keep your kids out of the government schools.
You think having people better capable of making informed decisions in relation to their government is a bad idea? That was the what quote you followed with the above advanced.

What? I made a post in response to a piece of nonsense calling it what it was.
Your response wasn't tied to a particular quote. Quip had written a poke at you, but given you started the thread with words like extremists and pansies as expressions of how you saw liberals. So I wasn't entirely sure your remarks, untethered to any quote, weren't simply more of the same.

If you want to call Quip's contribution sensible in some way, go for it.
I think he made a point with a barb. I set out what I thought that point was and why it came to you in that form.

Just don't pretend there was no context to what I said.

I wrote: "It means that what qualifies as extreme is frequently a matter of perspective."

Murdering children?
In the case of abortion the qualifier is when a person believes human right begins. There are any number of ideas and arguments on the point, divisions in both camps on the point. I advance the flag of conception, both as a moral and rational necessity.

I wasn't making a distinction between any parties.
If you say liberals are X and that you're a conservative that's one of the things you're doing.

One of the fundamentals is that life has meaning.
Not something either camp fundamentally disagrees with.