Lesbian Lawmaker Threatens to Out GOP Adulterers who oppose 'marriage equality'


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Hall of Fame
Seems lesbian cant back her own rhetoric when asked about it on MSNBC and admits she has no evidence of anyone in one.

Despite Hayes' prodding, Todd chose not to name anyone in Montgomery who might have had an affair.

"Obviously I don't have proof because I wasn't the person involved in the affairs, but the rumor mill's pretty strong in Montgomery," Todd said. "My purpose was to say, be careful when you cast that stone of 'family values' - you need to look at your own family values first before you attack ours."

Todd said her threat to out politicians with affairs is "an attempt to try to cool the rhetoric."
quote taken From http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/i..._holds_her_tongue.html#incart_related_stories

She made an empty threat to trash others, with nothing but gossip. I hope the people of Alabama who elected her sees what she is about and throws her out on her rear end next election, as she has shown she has no credibility and only cares about her lesbian agenda.


New member
Its ok by me, it will mean shes fair game. Its very well known that homosexuals are very promiscuous.

I cant wait also to see her sued for libel - which will happen as soon as she thinks shes outing someone based on someone elses gossip, so i hope shes real sure (evidence) against those she accuses.

At any rate that article just shows her to be a nasty nasty person who cares little for discretion. Hopefully people will take note, since discretion issues show she cant much be trusted with anything. She/it just outed itself.
I had all these same thoughts . :thumb: Well said.


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Hall of Fame
And if a politician was threatening to expose the homos in the midst of a state legislature who here would have a problem with that and why?


New member
Seems lesbian cant back her own rhetoric when asked about it on MSNBC and admits she has no evidence of anyone in one.

quote taken From http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/i..._holds_her_tongue.html#incart_related_stories

She made an empty threat to trash others, with nothing but gossip. I hope the people of Alabama who elected her sees what she is about and throws her out on her rear end next election, as she has shown she has no credibility and only cares about her lesbian agenda.

That is how it appears to me also!

The Barbarian

I remember some pornographer taking down a few hypocrite republican congressmen who were carrying on affairs while acting horrified about Bill Clinton.

Everyone with any sense of fairness takes a guilty pleasure in people like that being exposed. Doesn't justify it, though. She's doing the wrong thing.


New member
Its ok by me, it will mean shes fair game. Its very well known that homosexuals are very promiscuous.
you do realize that there is no evidence for this. That it's just empty gossip used to trash others and anyone who makes that claim "has no credibility and only cares about her ... agenda."


New member
you do realize that there is no evidence for this. That it's just empty gossip used to trash others and anyone who makes that claim "has no credibility and only cares about her ... agenda."

She does realize that! She is merely stating that a person like that is really exposing her own lack of substance.


New member
Hall of Fame
I remember some pornographer taking down a few hypocrite republican congressmen who were carrying on affairs while acting horrified about Bill Clinton.

Everyone with any sense of fairness takes a guilty pleasure in people like that being exposed. Doesn't justify it, though. She's doing the wrong thing.

Sorry, I see very little wrong with this. A few hypocrites exposed is always fine in my book.


[Sodomites] They are certainly better than anyone who dreams about mass executions.

"In our culture we have experienced the death of outrage--there is not outrage over sin. There is only outrage toward one who speaks out against sin unashamedly." ~ Bob Enyart


She has nothing to hide, and evidently a lot of these bigots do. Screw them.

In this culture she has nothing to hide (Jer 8:12). We've progressed :freak: beyond God.

Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them (Ro 1:29-32).


[What is a Sodomite?/credibility] No ...
If you are willing to commit adultery, you are willing to lie to your spouse and others. :dizzy: Re 21:8

"Ezekiel tells us that Sodom was not just a whole civilization of homosexuals, but that Sodom had given itself over to the gratification of the lust of the flesh, and it had manifested itself among other ways in homosexuality; and this is just one perversion that existed there among many, for which it was destroyed; but this was one particular central one that is pointed out in the passage as these Sodomites attempted to rape angelic visitors, the angels of God visiting Lot..." Full text: What God Thinks of Homosexuals by John MacArthur