Laura Ingraham apologizes too late.

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Look it up, the human mind doesn't become fully developed until 25-years-old. This 'kid' is 17 and has a ways to go. His parents were way too lenient with him, now they have a MONSTER on their hands.

The Barbarian

Hogg's SAT score of 1270:

Out of the 1.67 million test-takers, 336260 scored the same or higher than you.
Competitive For:
1825 Schools

You can apply to 1825 colleges and have a good shot at getting admitted.

Missing Out On:
534 Schools

You have a very low chance of getting into 534 with this score.

A lot smarter than average, but not first rank.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hogg's SAT score of 1270:

Out of the 1.67 million test-takers, 336260 scored the same or higher than you.
Competitive For:
1825 Schools

You can apply to 1825 colleges and have a good shot at getting admitted.

Missing Out On:
534 Schools

You have a very low chance of getting into 534 with this score.

A lot smarter than average, but not first rank.

Did you get this from CNN and their ilk?


New member
Yes he was.
He made the statement that 4 colleges rejected him and then whined about them not wanting to help him out.

The only thing he griped about wasn't about himself. He complained that other young people aren't able to go to college because of the cost. And he's right. College tuition has gone up far, far faster than the wages that could pay for it, to the point that college financing is almost an indentured servitude system. Which means that the children coming up now have fewer avenues to advancement, and fewer job opportunities whether or not they've been to college, all while older people who have benefited from every advantage of the post-WWII economy peg them as lazy and entitled.

Just curious, do you have any idea why he might call out this issue in the midst of a complaint about his own experience?

Those mean ol' colleges!
This kid is a joke that thinks he's entitled, as much of the left does.

Those mean ol' advertisers not wanting their products associated with unfounded attacks on children...

Talk about entitled. Why do you think the rules don't apply to you? The whole right-wing mediasphere is toxic, mostly designed to provoke outrage, and one-upping each other in their brazen outrage-stoking tactics, often not very concerned with facts or grounded in reality. Laura Ingraham didn't come up with this on her own. She was responding to a tame-by-comparison article in the Daily Wire. You expect these things to go unanswered? Do you not understand that things that get published on right-wing websites can be read by *gasp* liberals?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The only thing he griped about wasn't about himself. He complained that other young people aren't able to go to college because of the cost.
Teacher like to get paid for their services.
So do the janitors of the school.
So do the lunch ladies.
And the county likes for the utilities of the school to be paid.

I don't know about you, but I'm not fond of the notion of paying those bills by stealing money out the pockets of others.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Why do you think the rules don't apply to you?
I'm the opposite.
I taught my kids that if you don't have the cash to pay for a pair of designer jeans, then you don't get designer jeans.
And if you don't have the cash to join a country club, then you don't get to be a member of the country club.
And if you lose a competition, you don't get a trophy.
Oh, and life ain't fair to anyone, so don't think you're special in that regard.



New member
Teacher like to get paid for their services.
So do the janitors of the school.
So do the lunch ladies.
And the county likes for the utilities of the school to be paid.

I don't know about you, but I'm not fond of the notion of paying those bills by stealing money out the pockets of others.

And yet, we've been cutting public investment in higher education, which shifts more and more of the cost onto the students. Which, in my book, is remarkably short-sighted. And educated populous is in the general good, and young college students just starting out are the least able to pay for this. And we've been needlessly allowing private companies to profit from loans backed by the government.

I know, this satisfies an ideological goal of conservatives. But it's worth recognizing that it's not something that older generations had to deal with. My dad, a baby boomer, came from a middle-class family, and went and got a Ph.d. at an affordable price that he could pay as he studied because the government was also investing. My sister got her teaching degree while incurring enough debt to buy a modest house, which she may have paid off by the time she retires, as long as her career goes off without a hitch or a setback, and while her public school salary pays better than the median income, it's hardly lavish. My own degree came from a relatively affordable public university, so I haven't been saddled with the same kind of debt, but I had more advantages than most. And these kids coming up now have it far, far worse.

I just think it's important to consider to burdens that kids are being asked to shoulder to get ahead before writing them off as lazy and entitled.

patrick jane



New member
I'm the opposite.
I taught my kids that if you don't have the cash to pay for a pair of designer jeans, then you don't get designer jeans.
And if you don't have the cash to join a country club, then you don't get to be a member of the country club.
And if you lose a competition, you don't get a trophy.
Oh, and life ain't fair to anyone, so don't think you're special in that regard.


When you were 18, did you have $50,000 to put into becoming a teacher?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
When you were 18, did you have $50,000 to put into becoming a teacher?
Like most people, I didn't have the money to go to college.
So I didn't go.
And I sure as heck didn't expect for others to have their hard earned money stolen from them so I could.

What socialism sheep want is to have hired thieves (like a government) that will steal from folks for them.
Turning charity into thievery.
And then expecting the sheep to praise them (the thieves) for being so noble and taking care of them.
And brainwash the sheep to say "It's OK for me to hurt you so my pain doesn't feel so bad".


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The leftist media should be ashamed for using a kid for their political propaganda.
A kid that is clearly upset about seeing his classmates killed (normal) and is overly emotional because of it (normal), and is not thinking as clearly as he should be because of it (normal).
But the leftist are encouraging this kid and pushing him into the spotlight.
Child abuse.
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