Laura Ingraham apologizes too late.

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Barbarian observes:
Laura's goof was not in messing up format. It was matching wits with someone much smarter than she is.

In this case, it was reality. She might be an important lawyer and famous, but she got schooled this time.
Naw, I don't think so. Sponsors try to stay away from ANY bad press. Just having a spat WITH them mentioned is enough to get money plugs down up and until the spotlight is off of them. They often do re-sponsor when the attention is gone. They only need ad space. There are no loyalties, just business. To me? Not really matching wits, just playing dirty. Question: why do YOU see it differently? It just looks like playing dirty to me. If she started it? She wasn't being savvy, but that doesn't make the kid smarter for having joined in. Again. Why do you see it differently? :think:

True. This is why theology won't save anyone.
Jeremiah 29:13 :think:

Ingraham has a mean streak. She just played it for the wrong guy, this time.
Yeah, but playing dirty isn't 'more intelligent' in my book. Is it in yours?

The young are not wise. Wisdom, in the young, is cynicism.
Agree to a point, but those who fear the Lord are a LOT closer to it (wisdom) and faster in attaining it. I do believe it is something you and I can pass along, which is why honoring parents comes with a promise of long life. It can be imparted.

Perhaps I can give you 'some' outsmarting for the kid, but that isn't what I tend to call intelligence. I'd suggest the kid and Laura may not be wise. She didn't cause his college rejections, but he certainly isn't 'smarter' for it, just because he caused some of her sponsor problems (maybe four or fourteen is nothing in TV land :idunno: ).

Yes, If I were Hogg, I'd have been more forgiving. But then, I've not lived through a massacre and had friends murdered therein, only to have some online ditz make fun of it.
He has never 'looked' like the caring cohort to me. Type in "David Hogg crying" and you get a whole different picture than a caring school-mate. He hates the NRA and cries some pretty foul words. Not the guy I really want to hear (I read a bit of news, but don't watch it often, thankfully. I don't care for that kind of language).

My thinking is that Ingraham is in the same position as that woman who pretended to behead Trump. The worst for her may be yet to come.
Overshooting imho.


New member
Less than 1 in 4 Americans own any guns. It's a sizeable minority, but a minority. Tam thinks only people who know about guns are qualified to talk about them. She touts her gun shooting experience as credentials to talk about gun policy. But you see, all Americans are impacted by gun violence. All of us have to deal with the consequences when a someone who should never have had a gun kills. And we all have a right to weigh in, especially those whose lives have been directly touched by gun violence. That's why I've asked her how many times she's been shot at. But she doesn't seem to want to answer it.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Laura's goof was not in messing up format. It was matching wits with someone much smarter than she is.

It's important to know the difference between the two. Her formatting may have been excellent. Her judgement was sadly lacking. And so she gets schooled by a high school senior.

Even though she's a lawyer and a commentator and very impressed with herself. Or maybe because.

That's how I feel about you, Barb. Why do I even bother to waste my time? I guess I'm just a kind person who likes giving to those who are less fortunate than me?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Nope, just a mean-spirited person.

Another lame poster-boy to crap all over our Constitutional rights.

Hogg is on the wrong side.

After the left is finished with him, I guess he'll have to just peddle that bike of his back home and cry in his 'Star Wars' pillow.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(Musty is upset and making up stories again)

No one said that Ingraham didn't have a right to be a jerk and belittle the survivors of that attack. But here's the part you don't get; she has a right be be despicable; she doesn't have a right to demand that others approve of her behavior.

She did something stupid and vicious and it backfired on her. If you're going to attack a kid, it's a good idea to make sure he's not smarter than you are.

It doesn't backfire on you when you're being that way? Why is that?


New member
Then why are you bringing him up????

Because you complained about his bad language. You clearly only care about that when you disagree with the person speaking. Which means that the complaint you raised is clearly not the real issue. You're just grasping for anything you can reach to throw at him.

He has been.
How many other teens do you idolize for using foul language?

How many times have you been shot at?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Of course she's allowed the same. That's how we learned that she's a horrible person who doesn't deserve a primetime TV show supported by ad revenue. I think it's great that she's allowed to say any fool thing that comes to her mind.

Why should he accept a tactical, patronizing, and insincere apology?

Do you think she's entitled to an advertiser-subsidized platform to spout horrible nonsense?

Sure. But even if you ignore his recent history of tragedy and loss, even if you ignore the putative difference in their power, she a primetime host, and allegedly a grown woman, he a teenager in high school, it was still a dumb attack. He wasn't whining. If anything, Ingraham was whining about him. And if he were any normal high school student getting ready to go to college, it would have been a pretty normal thing for him to tweet about, and her response would have been horrible if she had been some random anon on the Internet.

How many times have you been shot at?

Now I see why you have only 2,600 'Pos-reps' after all the years you've put in here. Posters just don't happen to see things the way you do.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Dream on.
He's a big mouthed teen that thinks he knows everything, like most teens do.

When you start idolizing and fawning over a big mouthed teen about gun safety that doesn't have any personal experience with gun safety, you're a fool.
Knowing how to use a gun in his hand would have been more efficient than him flapping his big mouth at most of America.

He didn't get enough discipline as a child growing up.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Is that a 'yes'?

You haven't even listened to this kid.
Not only does he use foul language when speaking of those that oppose his view, but he goes on to claim that those that oppose his view are evil and don't care anything about children.
What a crock!

Well said, Tam.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
All Trump supporters have permanently lost the right to complain about fowl language. You're done with that complaint forever. Ok. Moving on...

You've got all the tests in the world to apply to this guy. One gets knocked down and you move right on to the next one. Why don't you say what you really don't like about him? You don't like that he's winning and you might have to give just an inch on gun ownership. And in your mind, that's unforgivable.

It looks as if YOU went to the same 'School of Generalisations' that Barb went to.
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