Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It isn't the denial of the foundation of our law if the legislature creates it, the executive branch enforces it, and the courts uphold it. In fact, the courts are the final word on what is foundational and what isn't. Therefore, the example is the same in principle.
Sorry, but you're wrong. It isn't the same if we follow the form without understanding what the form is meant to serve.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Sorry, but you're wrong. It isn't the same if we follow the form without understanding what the form is meant to serve.

the problem being, of course, an activist judicial branch that keeps discovering new and novel "understandings"

such as reinventing the definition of marriage to include perverts


New member
the problem being, of course, an activist judicial branch that keeps discovering new and novel "understandings"

such as reinventing the definition of marriage to include perverts

you mean people like these good folk?


New member
The clerks name is printed on them, even when a deputy signs off on them:

Marriage licenses issued Friday in Rowan County were altered to remove Kim Davis' name

Read more here:

She does not want her name on them, period. that has been the issue this entire time.

and yet this link also states; Davis had refused to issue marriage licenses to any couples, gay or straight, since late June when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage.

Seems to be this was an issue of religious intolerance and not someone being forced to do something against her beliefs, otherwise why stop issuing them to heterosexual couples?



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New member
Hall of Fame
because she believes that having her name on them indicates that she approves of their perverted practice or recognizes the fraud of homosexual "marriage"

We have a winner.

Romans 1:32 Who, having known the justice of God, did not understand that they who do such things, are worthy of death; and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them.

noun: consent; plural noun: consents

permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
"no change may be made without the consent of all the partners"
synonyms: agreement, assent, acceptance, approval, approbation; More
permission, authorization, sanction, leave;
backing, endorsement, support
informalgo-ahead, thumbs up, green light, OK
"the consent of all members"
antonyms: dissent

verb: consent; 3rd person present: consents; past tense: consented; past participle: consented; gerund or present participle: consenting

give permission for something to happen.
"he consented to a search by a detective"
synonyms: agree to, assent to, yield to, give in to, submit to

Her name on them implies consent/agreement


yes, it is and has been, according to day one. If you are too lazy to read all the news about it, instead of being spoon fed by extreme liberalist news, too bad for you.

She is also out of jail now too.

She never had to sign anything. If you were too lazy to read the statute, not my fault.

If she was upset with her name printed, then either cross it out, or quit. She did not do the honorable thing.


New member
Consent would connote she personally is condoning the gay marriage, when in fact she is not, but it is the county/state for whom she was elected. Nowhere in the legislation does it convey the authority is vested in the actual person, it conveys it is vested in the office, which if filled by a duly elected official.

Extract from the Kentucky law.

Since the time when the District Court replaced these courts, the clerk has no longer had judicial duties, and the name of the office has been
abbreviated to county clerk to more accurately reflect the nature of the office.
The duties of the county clerk fall into the general categories of clerical duties of the fiscal court: issuing and registering, recording and keeping various legal records, registering and purging voter rolls, conducting election duties, and conducting tax duties.

Nothing in the above gives her ANY authority to refuse legal applications.
Her belief system does NOT enter into it, both morally and legally.


because she believes that having her name on them indicates that she approves of their perverted practice or recognizes the fraud of homosexual "marriage"

Similar to the Secretary's/Treasure's signatures on our currency indicating a tacit approval of embezzlement, money laundering, fraud and general greed? :think:


New member
Hall of Fame
She never had to sign anything. If you were too lazy to read the statute, not my fault.

If she was upset with her name printed, then either cross it out, or quit. She did not do the honorable thing.

Youre an idiot, her name was on them whether she signed them or not.

The reason they are now saying those licenses being issued right now may not be legal, is because the clerks name has to be on them for them to be legal according to kentucky state law and they are just scratching it off and inserting the county name, which has already been posted for you who are brain dead.

No, she shouldnt have to quit, the constitution protects against religious discrimination too.

The cowardly supreme court and or lawmakers need to rectify this conflict in the law.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So she's out now, what's she gonna do?
Is she gonna go full George Wallace?
Is she gonna fire all the deputies and block the door with her body?
Is she gonna burn down the County Clerks Office?
What would you supporters have her do?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So she's out now, what's she gonna do?
Is she gonna go full George Wallace?
Is she gonna fire all the deputies and block the door with her body?
Is she gonna burn down the County Clerks Office?
What would you supporters have her do?

break more legs and pick more pockets?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what neighboring state do you suppose the next pair of fags comes in from?

Take your pick, you're surrounded.
You've lost.
The Nation has moved on.
If you want to position Christianity against gay marriage then you'll only diminish Christianity, you'll take nothing from the Gays.
You will only strengthen them.
The GOP front runner Trump has said "It's settled Law".
You can move on from this and not die on that hill.
Find some other social issue that is more important.
Or Stand with George Wallace/Kim Davis in the doorway.
History is waiting.
Choose wisely.