Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


Well-known member
He can't fire her, but she was obstructing a Court order. That's her stepping on his toes. Do that with a federal judge and you're going to jail ninety-nine percent of the time. He actually showed a lot more restraint than I've seen out of many of them, attempted to give her a way out of the mess short of resigning and she chose a different path.

So, did he hire her?


Well-known member
So, did he hire her?

Look, I guess what I am trying to suggest is that a judge should not come into play here unless and until it involves an elected official. Employees are just that and should be dealt with by their employers. Granted, Uncle Sugar could be said to be her employer in that this is who issues her a check but if you're going to make federal judges responsible for every firing decision that is going to be one clogged court system.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Next thing will be that pastors cannot refuse to marry man/man, women/women, man/woman/woman, etc. man/woman/beast?

Eh, why didn't you go the whole hog and say man/child as well? Only the most paranoid conspiracy nut would think that the floodgates have opened for those unable to consent to be "lawfully wed" simply because homosexual consenting adults are allowed to do so.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Kindly produce a copy of Kentucky's anti-miscegenation law of 1885 so that we can compare the similarities.

If your so capable of finding this, you can find what you request simply by looking it up. Of course then you would have to be HONEST.

Your fellow LGBTQ activist TracerBullet brought up the subject. I did half the leg work for him...

BTW, there were quite a few in Kentucky...the last being 1962. None in 1885 however.

Except that skin color and sex (in this case sexual perversion) have absolutely nothing in common.

Surely you've had the "birds and the bees talk" by now haven't you Stan?


Well-known member
He can't fire her, but she was obstructing a Court order. That's her stepping on his toes. Do that with a federal judge and you're going to jail ninety-nine percent of the time. He actually showed a lot more restraint than I've seen out of many of them, attempted to give her a way out of the mess short of resigning and she chose a different path.

Ignore me ... I didn't realize this was an elected official.


New member
Your fellow LGBTQ activist TracerBullet brought up the subject. I did half the leg work for him...

You do what suits you and nothing more. The only activist here is you and your anti gay activities. Like most homophobes you can't tell the truth.

Except that skin color and sex (in this case sexual perversion) have absolutely nothing in common.
Surely you've had the "birds and the bees talk" by now haven't you Stan?

The only perversion I see is you perverting the truth about Christianity and what it upholds. Apparently you had a traumatic event in your childhood that caused you to be a homophobic paranoid bigot. Jesus could deliver you from this, IF you were actually willing to be delivered.


You do what suits you and nothing more. The only activist here is you and your anti gay activities. Like most homophobes you can't tell the truth.

The only perversion I see is you perverting the truth about Christianity and what it upholds. Apparently you had a traumatic event in your childhood that caused you to be a homophobic paranoid bigot. Jesus could deliver you from this, IF you were actually willing to be delivered.

I asked you yesterday if you are a 'gay' christian Stan and don't believe I received an answer.

*Not to be confused with an incestuous or adulterous christian.


New member
I asked you yesterday if you are a 'gay' christian Stan and don't believe I received an answer.
*Not to be confused with an incestuous or adulterous christian.

If you have to ask, then you are incapable of hearing the truth. You ask to be inflammatory aCW and I answered you once way back on your thread that apparently gets no action anymore so you come on this one.

Which are you, gay, adulterous or incestuous? Or do you only like trolls?


If you have to ask, then you are incapable of hearing the truth.

Your lack of an answer makes me believe that you're ashamed of associating with a certain behavior Stan. Why is that?

You ask to be inflammatory aCW and I answered you once way back on your thread that apparently gets no action anymore so you come on this one.

Not that I don't grasp every word that you say, but tell me again.

Regarding my "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!" threads:
75,000 views since Part 3 closed just over a month ago is hardly "no action" Stan. 5,500 in Part 4 in 3 weeks time isn't bad either (and I haven't even started the good stuff yet).

Which are you, gay, adulterous or incestuous? Or do you only like trolls?

Be nice Stan or I'll have to start telling Wile Coyote jokes again.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
She's an elected officer of the Court with proscribed duties. Her job is to follow the law and execute the obligations of her office.
Except when the obligations of her office are to do what's wrong. Like promoting capital criminal behavior.

If her conscience won't allow for it then she should resign...though as I noted, in this case she didn't have to do either, but she decided on the present course.
Well, it wouldn't have been wrong for her to resign. But she's a hero for taking a stand against capital criminal behavior. She's not a hero for citing the law for the basis of her stand, but doing God's work for the wrong reason is better than doing what's wrong for whatever reason.

The law isn't holding out a moral opinion.
The law is ONLY to propose a moral opinion. All laws are based on a moral foundation and promote that morality or immorality as the case may be.

So it is neither agreeing with nor disagreeing with you on your belief. It's simply denying you the right to impose that belief on someone who doesn't share it.
How ironic. You are promoting the right to impose the contrary belief on me; has the flavor of hypocrisy.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


Well, it wouldn't have been wrong for her to resign. But she's a hero for taking a stand against capital criminal behavior. She's not a hero for citing the law for the basis of her stand, but doing God's work for the wrong reason is better than doing what's wrong for whatever reason.

Do right and suffer the consequences?

The law is ONLY to propose a moral opinion. All laws are based on a moral foundation and promote that morality or immorality as the case may be.

I believe this is covered in an optional course in first year law that students can audit if they choose

most choose not to

How ironic. You are promoting the right to impose the contrary belief on me; has the flavor of hypocrisy.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Her job is to follow the law and execute the obligations of her office.


seems to me these guys made the same argument


how'd that work out for them?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Except when the obligations of her office are to do what's wrong.
No, Yor. Again, that's a personal and moral distinction that should have her resigning rather than participating, but she isn't empowered to decide what the law is or isn't, should be or shouldn't be.

The rest is you essentially propounding what you believe the law should be and how it should function. I can't see any real point in arguing that with you as you're entitled to your opinion on it, but it's not controlling here, in considering the actual law, it's function and her role.

How ironic.
It isn't though.

You are promoting the right to impose the contrary belief on me;
No one can impose a belief on you.

has the flavor of hypocrisy.
Only if you don't understand me.


New member
I believe in religious liberty, but this is a civil job she has, and the law is the law,...

Obergefell is unconstitutional. It... IS NOT THE LAW.

Irrational grounds cannot provide justification for calling anything "law."

All grounds given for the justification of the majority decision in obergefell are irrational.

Anyone handing out marriage licenses in alignment with obergefell are breaking the law.

... but she isn't empowered to decide what the law is or isn't, should be or shouldn't be.

She is perfectly justified in deciding what is law and what's not. We all are, we do it every day routinely. In fact, the founders gave the power to judge what is and what is not law to NOOONE, not even the supreme court.

She and we are, however, on the hook for having to make a correct assessment of what is and what is not law.

We are under no moral or legal obligation to follow non-laws. We will also be punished by people pushing such things as laws, and must react to that tyrannical action in morally correct ways.