The people John Calvin authorized the council in Geneva to prosecute were largely Catholic priests-
Michael Servetus was a Catholic priest.
They were committing sins and desecrating their own ordinance as vicars.
I love how you call the Catholic Church a tyrant, and that they were wicked and the Pope is the Antichrist- anon anon- and yet you want to sit there and take the moral highroad on account of Geneva serving a counter-inquisition on them.
I also love how you bring up the Jews, who take advantage of any opportunity they can to beset Christianity- they took advantage of the Reformation to boast their Jewry, and neither Calvin or Luther, Catholic or Arminian dissident, stood for it.
It was a sign of the times- a world in which heresy and dissent had far more reaching consequences than your vain society today. Your Christianity has lost to the world because you all have decided to be false martyrs and labor under an invalid sense of holiness.
This entire thread is worldliness masquerading as benevolence, in step with the relative nature of society- the world has come to uphold Jews, and so you uphold Jews- it's just another
sign of the times