Jesus: The end and the fulfillment of the Old Testament

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, and thank God. Under the Old Covenant life was hard and harsh. If you sinned, you were cursed. If you did well you were blessed. Problem is that we are all sinners, Romans 3:10.

To be under the New Covenant is to be under grace. Jesus is the New Covenant. The Old Covenant is a thing of the past. It was blotted out and nailed to the cross, Colossians 2:14.

Confirmed satanist, and the intoxicated demon still spams this convoluted "Jesus is the New Covenant," demonstrating, again, how far this diminished capacity devil child has sunken into demonism, and its "logic."

The Old Testament along with the Old Covenant have been abolished.

We are on to you, as you learned deleting/adding to/corrupting scripture, from your father the devil, and hate the Lord Jesus Christ, so much, you attempt to abolish Genesis-Revelation, to prevent the testifying of the book, about him, and your end goal, is to "spiritually" rape others, by convincing them that people are saved, by walking in the law, and not via the righteousness of God.

Pate-on record, rejects the righteousness of God, which is why, he has deleted words from this scripture:

Romans 3:21 KJV

But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

The Old Testament along with the Old Covenant have been abolished.

666 Pate/devil Romans 3:21

But now the righteousness of God with the law is manifested.

=he deletes being witnessed by the law and the prophets, as he attempts to abolish the law and prophets, the same law and prophets that testify to the Saviour, since he is a Christ rejector.

Luke 24:44 KJV

And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

Pate: To h with you, "god," as stuff your Luke 24:44 KJV, as the law of Moses, Genesis-John, no longer exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John 5:39 KJV

Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Pate: To h with you, "god," as stuff your John 5:39 KJV, as the OT is gone, those "scriptures" you reference in the passage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Psalm 40:7 KJV

Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me,

Hebrews 10:7 KJV

Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.

Pate: To h with you, "god," as stuff your "volume of the book" jazz, as most of "the volume of the book" has been abolished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the bird, "Jesus," as Genesis-John has been abolished, so that I can help prevent the law and the profits from testifying about you, and hide the righteousness of God, to which the law and prophets witness.

You wicked devil child:

The Old Testament along with the Old Covenant have been abolished.

You wicked, bible deleting God hater, and hater of the scriptures.

Get off this site, satanist.


New member
Yes, and thank God. Under the Old Covenant life was hard and harsh. If you sinned, you were cursed. If you did well you were blessed. Problem is that we are all sinners, Romans 3:10.

To be under the New Covenant is to be under grace. Jesus is the New Covenant. Theo Old Covenant is a thing of the past. It was blotted out and nailed to the cross, Colossians 2:14.

Once again...

If the Law is abolished there is no need for grace...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
He isn’t alone in his claim...most Christians claim the very same thing...

That the OT Law was abolished...

Here’s some:

WWJD? No example or teaching of His for church on Sunday then Ham dinners and yet...

Wakeup! "Tell me that you desire to be under the law, DO YOU NOT HEAR THE LAW?" Galatians 4:21.

"For as many as are under the works of the law are under the curse" Galatians 3:10.

Paul is giving us a warning. The law does not make one righteous, nor does it justify. The purpose of the law is to judge and condemn. if you want to be judged and condemned then make yourself subject to the law.


New member
Wakeup! "Tell me that you desire to be under the law, DO YOU NOT HEAR THE LAW?" Galatians 4:21.

"For as many as are under the works of the law are under the curse" Galatians 3:10.

Paul is giving us a warning. The law does not make one righteous, nor does it justify. The purpose of the law is to judge and condemn. if you want to be judged and condemned then make yourself subject to the law.

Oh I am awake and grace alone...for what He why I want to abide in His love...

You know what He says as how to do that?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Wakeup! "Tell me that you desire to be under the law, DO YOU NOT HEAR THE LAW?" Galatians 4:21.

"For as many as are under the works of the law are under the curse" Galatians 3:10.

Paul is giving us a warning. The law does not make one righteous, nor does it justify. The purpose of the law is to judge and condemn. if you want to be judged and condemned then make yourself subject to the law.

Devil child Pate asserts, on record, that the Saviour did not die for our sin debt/IOU, paying our debt, in our place, as the solution, and, instead, asserts, on record, that this "Jesus" is an incompetent, impotent fool,UNABLE TO DIE FOR ALL OF OUR SINS, future sins, as is God the Father, for even sending Him to die, as devil child Pate's "solution" to the sin/sins problem, is to eliminate the law that defines the sin/transgression, thus, "presto," there is no offense/transgression/sin for which to die, instead of the Saviour dying for our future sin debt. Do you all "get that," TOL audience? That, in simple terms, is this satanist "argument," breaking it down. Again, Pate asserts that the solution to the sin/sins issue, is not that the Saviour died for our sin debt in the future, which is contrary to us, for breaking the LORD God's perfect,good, holy,just, spiritual law, and a reflection of His character to both the saved and lost, and not that we are the problem, but the problem is with the law, as it is not perfect, it is not good, it is not holy, it is not spiritual, as laws against murder, rape, lying, stealing......are all contrary to us, so, instead of the Saviour dying in our place, to satisfy the debt/IOU, abolish the law, so that there is no offense/transgression/sin for which He should die, and thus abolish the Saviour's work, as Pate asserts that the Saviour DID NOT DIE FOR OUR FUTURE SINS, SHOULD NOT HAVE TO DIE, for our future sins/sin debt. Thus, Pate asserts he died in vain, for nothing, as his "solution" is to abolish/eliminate/destroy/make void the law, so that there is no future sin/transgression/offense, and associated/corresponding wage/sin debt to be paid for.

Again-Pate-Christ died in vain.

Mayor STP:"It's not that complicated."

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Devil child Pate asserts, on record, that the Saviour did not die for our sin debt/IOU, paying our debt, in our place, as the solution, and, instead, asserts, on record, that this "Jesus" is an incompetent, impotent fool,UNABLE TO DIE FOR ALL OF OUR SINS, future sins, as is God the Father, for even sending Him to die, as devil child Pate's "solution" to the sin/sins problem, is to eliminate the law that defines the sin/transgression, thus, "presto," there is no offense/transgression/sin for which to die, instead of the Saviour dying for our future sin debt. Do you all "get that," TOL audience? That, in simple terms, is this satanist "argument," breaking it down. Again, Pate asserts that the solution to the sin/sins issue, is not that the Saviour died for our sin debt in the future, which is contrary to us, for breaking the LORD God's perfect,good, holy,just, spiritual law, and a reflection of His character to both the saved and lost, and not that we are the problem, but the problem is with the law, as it is not perfect, it is not good, it is not holy, it is not spiritual, as laws against murder, rape, lying, stealing......are all contrary to us, so, instead of the Saviour dying in our place, to satisfy the debt/IOU, abolish the law, so that there is no offense/transgression/sin for which He should die, and thus abolish the Saviour's work, as Pate asserts that the Saviour DID NOT DIE FOR OUR FUTURE SINS, SHOULD NOT HAVE TO DIE, for our future sins/sin debt. Thus, Pate asserts he died in vain, for nothing, as his "solution" is to abolish/eliminate/destroy/make void the law, so that there is no future sin/transgression/offense, and associated/corresponding wage/sin debt to be paid for.

Again-Pate-Christ died in vain.

Mayor STP:"It's not that complicated."

Claims to be a Christian, but seldom quotes scripture.

"Try the Spirits to see if they be of God" 1 John 4:1.

No Spirit here, just another heretic spouting off.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Claims to be a Christian, but seldom quotes scripture.

"Try the Spirits to see if they be of God" 1 John 4:1.

No Spirit here, just another heretic spouting off.

No, liar, I quote 4 times the amount of scriptures you quote, which you corrupt, by deleting words/sentences, replacing words/sentences,posting verses in isolation, adding words, and abolishing 3/4 of the book, you evil, admitted child of the devil, who hates the Saviour, asserting that He died in vain, and hater of the "volume of the book."

No, you assert that He did not die for our future sins, on record, asserting that the solution is to abolish the law, to take care of future sins, God hater, not Him dying for those future sins, as you assert He died in vain.

You wicked viper, as no Christian deletes the law of God, and 3/4 of the book, you wicked, lost satanist, plague of TOL, that most members of the boc shun, because of your trash, dung, sulfur, from the pits of hell, wolf, posing as a sheep.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Claims to be a Christian, but seldom quotes scripture.

"Try the Spirits to see if they be of God" 1 John 4:1.

No Spirit here, just another heretic spouting off.
Devil child Pate asserts, on record, that the Saviour did not die for our sin debt/IOU, paying our debt, in our place, as the solution, and, instead, asserts, on record, that this "Jesus" is an incompetent, impotent fool,UNABLE TO DIE FOR ALL OF OUR SINS, future sins, as is God the Father, for even sending Him to die, as devil child Pate's "solution" to the sin/sins problem, is to eliminate the law that defines the sin/transgression, thus, "presto," there is no offense/transgression/sin for which to die, instead of the Saviour dying for our future sin debt. Do you all "get that," TOL audience? That, in simple terms, is this satanist "argument," breaking it down. Again, Pate asserts that the solution to the sin/sins issue, is not that the Saviour died for our sin debt in the future, which is contrary to us, for breaking the LORD God's perfect,good, holy,just, spiritual law, and a reflection of His character to both the saved and lost, and not that we are the problem, but the problem is with the law, as it is not perfect, it is not good, it is not holy, it is not spiritual, as laws against murder, rape, lying, stealing......are all contrary to us, so, instead of the Saviour dying in our place, to satisfy the debt/IOU, abolish the law, so that there is no offense/transgression/sin for which He should die, and thus abolish the Saviour's work, as Pate asserts that the Saviour DID NOT DIE FOR OUR FUTURE SINS, SHOULD NOT HAVE TO DIE, for our future sins/sin debt. Thus, Pate asserts he died in vain, for nothing, as his "solution" is to abolish/eliminate/destroy/make void the law, so that there is no future sin/transgression/offense, and associated/corresponding wage/sin debt to be paid for.

Again-Pate-Christ died in vain.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
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Claims to be a Christian, but seldom quotes scripture.

This tactic is getting tiresome, Robert.

When anyone carefully examines your claim quoting Scripture, what one finds is but naked cuts and pastes of Holy Writ, liberally seasoned with some boldface formatting, and subsequent declarations of victory. In other words, formatting has replaced sound hermeneutics. This is intellectual laziness at best, incompetence at worst.

This Scripture quotation litmus test of yours fails on many levels. Using this tactic is exemplary of your desperation, nothing more. Rather than mud slinging, why not take the time to carefully explain in detail why you believe what you are claiming you believe?

In fact, I have yet to see you in all the years you have been here, actually taking the time to parse out verses you readily tee up, detailing therein what you think these verses are teaching while relying upon historical and localized contexts, word studies, grammatical constructions, etc., as evidence of why you think. Simply posting Scripture as mere sound bites is not how Scripture is properly interpreted within the community of saints.

In Acts 19:8 we find Paul spending three months exhorting and teaching. Do you actually think all the Apostle was doing is quoting Scripture? No. Paul was arguing persuasively. All you seem to be doing is arguing. Focus more upon the persuasive aspect of argumentation.


Robert Pate

Well-known member
This tactic is getting tiresome, Robert.

When anyone carefully examines your claim quoting Scripture, what one finds is but naked cuts and pastes of Holy Writ, liberally seasoned with some boldface formatting, and subsequent declarations of victory. In other words, formatting has replaced sound hermeneutics. This is intellectual laziness at best, incompetence at worst.

This Scripture quotation litmus test of yours fails on many levels. Using this tactic is exemplary of your desperation, nothing more. Rather than mud slinging, why not take the time to carefully explain in detail why you believe what you are claiming you believe?

In fact, I have yet to see you in all the years you have been here, actually taking the time to parse out verses you readily tee up, detailing therein what you think these verses are teaching while relying upon historical and localized contexts, word studies, grammatical constructions, etc., as evidence of why you think. Simply posting Scripture as mere sound bites is not how Scripture is properly interpreted within the community of saints.

In Acts 19:8 we find Paul spending three months exhorting and teaching. Do you actually think all the Apostle was doing is quoting Scripture? No. Paul was arguing persuasively. All you seem to be doing is arguing. Focus more upon the persuasive aspect of argumentation.


Here we have a Gospel denying Calvinist, trying to defend a non scripture quoting law loving Pharisee.

Jesus said, "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch" Matthew 15:14.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Pate argues that the solution to the sins issue, is not Christ dying for our sins, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV, to blot out/wipe out/pay for the sin debt, both past/future, "man's IOU" for breaking the good, holy, spiritual law of God, per Paul, in Romans 7, which Paul asserts is not void, as the problem is not with man, but with the God's law, as he asserts that it is not perfect, it is not good, it is not holy, it is not just, it is not spiritual, as it is the law, that is contrary/against us, according to Pate, those troublesome prohibitions against murder, rape, sodomy, theft, adultery, lying......and not the sin debt/IOU that is contrary to/against us; Again, Pate denies that the sin debt/IOU is contrary/ against us, as He asserts that God's laws against murder, lying, rape, sodomy, theft, adultery,......................................are contrary/against us, are not for our benefit, are not good, not holy, not spiritual; His "solution" is for the LORD God to destroy/abolish/make void the law, so there is no offense to break, in the future, not Christ dying for our sins, He paying the debt/IOU for us, in our place.

Thus, Pate, on record, asserts that Christ died in vain, there was no reason to die, as He did not need to die to pay our IOU/sin debt, as all the LORD God had to do, was destroy/abolish/make void/eliminate the law, so there would not be a sin debt/IOU. Thus, he then,like the devil attempts to ...

Delete "the handwriting of ordinances" of Colossians 2:14 KJV, replacing it with "law/ordinances," thus perverting, corrupting the scriptures, making it look like Paul says that Christ blotted out, made void, the law/ordinances, making it look like Paul is saying that the law/ordinances are contrary/against us, not for our benefit, instead of Paul saying that the sin debt/IOU was blotted out, as that is what is contrary to us, against us, as Paul asserts that the law is perfect, good, holy, just, spiritual, not void, in Romans 11, and the problem is with man, and the sin debt/IOU for breaking a good, holy, spiritual law, not the law itself.

Pate says the opposite, asserting that the problem is with the law, as it is not prefect/good/holy/spiritual,as he asserts that it causes us to sin, as it is sin, and the problem is not with man/him, and he asserts that the solution is to assert that Christ came to destroy/abolish/blot out the law, not to die for man's breaking the good, holy, spiritual, law of God.

The "secular" example of Pate's "reasoning::

Pate gets a speeding ticket. He goes to court, and, in front of the judge...

Pate:Judge, I demand that you abolish/destroy the law against speeding. It is not a good law, because I/others cannot keep it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This law is not for my benefit, or society's-it is contrary to/against me/society!!!!!!!!!! Abolish it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And, if you do not abolish it, it automatically condemns me, judges me, as guilty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The judge: No, the laws are good, and are for everyone's benefit, including yours. They are not against you, are not contrary to you, they are not against society, they are not contrary to society, -they stand. The problem is with you/others breaking these good laws, and the debt you/others must pay for these offenses(sins) you committed. That is what is contrary to/against you/others. Pay the fine. The law cannot condemn you, just because it is in place.

Pate: No!!!!! Abolish the law!!!!!!!

The judge: Either pay the fine, or go to jail-the law stands.

Pate: No!!!!The laws are not good-they are the problem, not me!!!!

Benevolent, gracious judge: Tell you what, Pate. Someone just paid your fine/debt/IOU(sin, offense, transgression) on your behalf. Justice is served. You are free to go(Christ died for our sins....paying the sin debt, IOU)

Pate: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That person need not have paid my fine/debt!!!!!(Christ need not die to pay the sin debt/IOU). The solution is to abolish, destroy, make void, the laws against speeding(fill in the blank), so that we will not have to "do" these laws, obey them, and the solution is not the fine being satisfied(Christ-propitiation)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Benevolent, gracious judge: Lock up this man for dementia, contempt of court, lunacy-put him in a straight jacket.

And now, in wickedness, attempt to delete Genesis-John. You will lose, demon:

Matthew 24:35 KJV Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

1 Peter KJV
25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Here we have a Gospel denying Calvinist, trying to defend a non scripture quoting law loving Pharisee.

Jesus said, "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch" Matthew 15:14.

Vs. you Pate, A Christ hating, Bible hating devil child, hating the book so badly, that you satanically attempt to delete 3/4 of it, so as to prevent the world from it testifying to the Lord Jesus Christ, and the righteousness of God, as you love being justified by a law, that no longer exists, according to your demonic intoxication.

The mod's, members of the boc reject your satanic ploys, demon.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The good Holy Law of God is going to damn you to hell, Galatians 3:10.

Confirmed-he hates the perfect, good, holy, just, not void, spiritual law of God, as he flips the bird at God the Father, and His Christ, attempting to prevent the world from knowing God's character, from knowing of the Saviour, as the law testifies of Him, and preventing others from knowing the righteousness of God, apart from the law, as the law testifies to this.

You are going to hell, you wicked scripture deleter/corrupter, and hater of the Lord Jesus Christ, spitting on Him, shouting, "To he--- with you, 'Jesus,' as I do not need you, or your death, on the cross, to pay for my future sin debt/IOU/wage, as the solution is to abolish your wicked laws, as they are against us, not the sin debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Abolish the law, so that there is no future offense/transgression/offense, for which you need to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need none of your dying for my sins!!!!!!If the law is abolished, there is no sins for which you need to die!!!!!!You died in vain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meet Pate, from the loins of his father, the devil.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The good Holy Law of God is going to damn you to hell, Galatians 3:10.

You are trying to use Old Testament scripture to make your point. There is a problem with that. The Old Testament along with the Old Covenant have been abolished.

The above will send you packing to hell demon....

John 5:39 KJV Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Pate: To h with you, God-I will attempt to delete 3/4 of scriptures, to prevent this "Jesus" from being known!!

Romans 3:21 KJV
21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

Pate: To h with you, God-I will attempt to delete 3/4 of scriptures, including the law, since it testifies to the righteousness of God without the law, and I need to prevent this teaching, on orders from my daddy the devil.

Luke 24:44 KJV And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

Pate: To h with you, God-I will attempt to delete 3/4 of scriptures, to prevent this "Jesus" from being known!!

Psalm 40:7 KJV Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me,

Hebrews 10:7 Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.

Pate: To h with you, God-I will attempt to delete 3/4 of scriptures, to prevent this "Jesus" from being known!!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I stand on my opening post and retract nothing. Read it again.

We know, devil child...

You are trying to use Old Testament scripture to make your point. There is a problem with that. The Old Testament along with the Old Covenant have been abolished.

The above will send you packing to hell demon....

John 5:39 KJV Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

Pate: To h with you, God-I will attempt to delete 3/4 of scriptures, to prevent this "Jesus" from being known!!

Romans 3:21 KJV
21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

Pate: To h with you, God-I will attempt to delete 3/4 of scriptures, including the law, since it testifies to the righteousness of God without the law, and I need to prevent this teaching, on orders from my daddy the devil.

Luke 24:44 KJV And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

Pate: To h with you, God-I will attempt to delete 3/4 of scriptures, to prevent this "Jesus" from being known!!

Psalm 40:7 KJV Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me,

Hebrews 10:7 Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.

Pate: To h with you, God-I will attempt to delete 3/4 of scriptures, to prevent this "Jesus" from being known!!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
While Jesus was dying on the cross God tore the veil that covered the "Holy of Holies" from the top to the bottom, Matthew 27:51. This signified the end of the Old Covenant, the law and the Jewish religion. The Jewish people were no longer required to live according to rules, laws or religion. This is why Paul wrote, "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17.

Living by faith means to live by faith in Christ and his Gospel and not according to rules, laws or religion. In the Gospel Jesus victoriously defeats sin, death, the devil and in doing so fulfills the law and abolishes it. As far as God is concerned Jesus is the savior and reconciler of the whole world. 2 Corinthians 5:19.

All things have been reconciled unto God by his Son Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:20. Jesus is the end and the fulfillment of the Old Testament. We now have a New Testament. Jesus is the New Testament. We no longer have earthly priest, our priest is now in heaven at the right hand of God where he is interceding his righteousness on our behalf, Hebrews 7:25-28.

Jesus is our substitute representative. All that Jesus is and all that Jesus did was for our justification and our salvation. We are complete in him, Colossians 2:10. This means that in him the law has been fulfilled and abolished. In him sin and death have been abolished. In him we can now stand before God's holy court as perfect and complete in him. We are now new creations in Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:17. The old has passed away and now all things are new.

In the Gospel Jesus puts to death the old sinful Adamic race, Romans 6:6 and in his resurrection he brings forth a new humanity. Jesus is God's new perfected humanity. We are new creations in Jesus Christ.

Living by rules, laws and religion is a denial of the Gospel. We who are believers live by faith, simply because all of the work of salvation has already been done. There is nothing that we can do to make ourselves any better than what God has made us in Jesus Christ. Can we keep the law? Can we atone for our sins? Of course not. Holiness religion will only lead you into yourself who is a sinner. The Gospel leads us outside of ourselves to Christ who is our savior.


New member

“Holiness religion will only lead you into yourself who is a sinner.” If there is no more Law...there are no more sinners...

“The Gospel leads us outside of ourselves to Christ who is our savior.” If there is no more Law...there is no need for a Savior...

“We who are believers live by faith, simply because all of the work of salvation has already been done. “ indeed...and now we demonstrate that Work done to save us by living as He be more like Him His way...less like the world and our former selves...

“There is nothing that we can do to make ourselves any better than what God has made us in Jesus Christ.” So true...and out of gratitude and desire we pick up our cross and follow Him His as He did and taught and exemplifies for order that we might abide in His Love...

Our good works are not rewarded for saving us...but for bringing glory to Him...and for His saving us

Here are they that Keep the Law and the faith OF Yahushua...

Not just claiming LORD! LORD! But those that DO the Will of His Father...just as He did...
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