Jesus, Paul and the Law

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Lol, my "bishops/overseers/elders" are PILLARS and they are named in Galatians 2:9. The mistake of your "church" is in thinking that they are dead and needed to be replaced by yourselves and your doctrines. :chuckle:
Daqq, you're so stubborn, of course you're going to go ahead and believe and do whatever you want to. God speed!

'Fact is, however, for Jacob: the bishops/overseers/elders (of which the Apostles were the founders) are actually in the Bible, and Daqq, is not. :chuckle:


I still don't know what you're talking about, but it seems like some sort of analogy, and not actual fire, that you're talking about. :idunno:
As if the traditions the apostles taught were anything of the sort practiced by mainstream Christianity today...

Paul kept Sabbath

Peter kosher

Once given the keys of the kingdom can NOT be altered lest they no longer fit their intended lock...
The Lord Jesus endued His Apostles with power from on high, and they taught, and preached, and administrated His Church from the start. They also ordained bishops/overseers/elders through the imposition of hands (they laid hands upon them), and the Church's bishops today are consecrated in the same way.


Well-known member
Daqq, you're so stubborn, of course you're going to go ahead and believe and do whatever you want to. God speed!

'Fact is, however, for Jacob: the bishops/overseers/elders (of which the Apostles were the founders) are actually in the Bible, and Daqq, is not. :chuckle:

Uhm, that was my point: my PILLARS of the great congregation are named in the Bible.
Your church and the word "Pope" are nowhere to be found. :)

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The rich young ruler asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, Luke 18:18.

Jesus pointed him to the law, "Do not commit adultery" "Do not kill" "Do not steal" "Do not bear false witness" "Honor your father and your Mother" Luke 18:20.

The poor blind fool said, "All of these things I have kept from my youth", Luke 18:21. Really?

When Jesus heard this he knew that he had a hypocrite on his hands, so he said to him,

"Go sell all that you have and give it to the poor and come and follow me" Luke 18:22. Which was more law, only this time he was confronted with his lies and hypocrisy and could not escape. So he went away sorrowfully, Luke 18:23.

Jesus was trying to convince the rich young ruler that he didn't measure up to God's standards because he was a sinner. He, like the Pharisees was to proud to admit that all of his righteousness was like filthy rags in God's sight.


Uhm, that was my point: my PILLARS of the great congregation are named in the Bible.
Your pillars are all dead. The Church has living bishops/overseers/elders. Bishops/overseers/elders are in the Bible, and they have existed ever since the first.
Your church and the word "Pope" are nowhere to be found. :)
The epistle to the Romans was written to the Church diocese in Rome, the pope is the bishop/overseer/elder of this diocese.


The rich young ruler asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, Luke 18:18.

Jesus pointed him to the law, "Do not commit adultery" "Do not kill" "Do not steal" "Do not bear false witness" "Honor your father and your Mother" Luke 18:20.

The poor blind fool said, "All of these things I have kept from my youth", Luke 18:21. Really?

When Jesus heard this he knew that he had a hypocrite on his hands, so he said to him,

"Go sell all that you have and give it to the poor and come and follow me" Luke 18:22. Which was more law, only this time he was confronted with his lies and hypocrisy and could not escape. So he went away sorrowfully, Luke 18:23.

Jesus was trying to convince the rich young ruler that he didn't measure up to God's standards because he was a sinner. He, like the Pharisees was to proud to admit that all of his righteousness was like filthy rags in God's sight.
Galatians 3:21 KJV


Well-known member
Your pillars are all dead. The Church has living bishops/overseers/elders. Bishops/overseers/elders are in the Bible, and they have existed ever since the first.
The epistle to the Romans was written to the Church diocese in Rome, the pope is the bishop/overseer/elder of this diocese.

Exactly why I know the opposite of what you say is the truth. It is your bishops/overseers/elders whom you think to be alive that are dead and the PILLARS mentioned in the scripture who live. This I know because you have blatantly opposed the Testimony of the Messiah whom you and your church claim to speak for:

John 8:51-52 ASV
51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my word, he shall never see death.
52 The Jews said unto him, Now we know that thou hast a demon. Abraham died, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my word, he shall never taste of death.

The two phrases are not even the same, "seeing death" is not the same as "tasting of death", and because they did not HEAR what he said they blasphemed and falsely accused him of having a demon. You do the same not hearing the Testimony of the Master because you prefer to allow your own church teachers to lead you in their own ways of thinking and doctrine: the above is a commandment, we do not "see death" in any of our doctrine, and your doctrine is therefore false, just the same as your fathers in the above text. Elohim is not the Elohim of the dead but of the living, (Matthew 22:31,32, Mark 12:26,27, Luke 20:37,38). You have essentially admitted that your God is the God of the dead because you do not hear the Testimony of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts: and why do you not hear what the Master teaches? Perhaps you should ask your bishops/overseers/elders that question if indeed they live.


Exactly why I know the opposite of what you say is the truth. It is your bishops/overseers/elders whom you think to be alive that are dead and the PILLARS mentioned in the scripture who live. This I know because you have blatantly opposed the Testimony of the Messiah whom you and your church claim to speak for:

John 8:51-52 ASV
51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my word, he shall never see death.
52 The Jews said unto him, Now we know that thou hast a demon. Abraham died, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my word, he shall never taste of death.

The two phrases are not even the same, "seeing death" is not the same as "tasting of death", and because they did not HEAR what he said they blasphemed and falsely accused him of having a demon. You do the same not hearing the Testimony of the Master because you prefer to allow your own church teachers to lead you in their own ways of thinking and doctrine: the above is a commandment, we do not "see death" in any of our doctrine, and your doctrine is therefore false, just the same as your fathers in the above text. Elohim is not the Elohim of the dead but of the living, (Matthew 22:31,32, Mark 12:26,27, Luke 20:37,38). You have essentially admitted that your God is the God of the dead because you do not hear the Testimony of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts: and why do you not hear what the Master teaches? Perhaps you should ask your bishops/overseers/elders that question if indeed they live.
You're the one who sets themselves up as the authority on the Christian faith Daqq, and you're not in the Bible, and the Church's bishops, and overseers, and pastors, and elders, are. Nobody should listen to someone like you pontificate on what you think you understand about the one faith (Eph4:5KJV), before listening to what the guys who are actually featured in the Bible say. :idunno:


Well-known member
You're the one who sets themselves up as the authority on the Christian faith Daqq, and you're not in the Bible, and the Church's bishops, and overseers, and pastors, and elders, are. Nobody should listen to someone like you pontificate on what you think you understand about the one faith (Eph4:5KJV), before listening to what the guys who are actually featured in the Bible say. :idunno:

Lol, you said the Pillars of Galatians 2:9 are dead, (which are not three but five).
Tisk, tisk . . . :chuckle:


Well-known member
The Church is the PILLAR and ground of the truth, and you don't care. :idunno:

Now you have gone out of context: there are five Pillars which stand at the Door of the Tabernacle, and we know the One whose name is the Door, and those five Pillars which stand at the Door. Those are likened to five Pillars in Paradise whose leaves never fall, summer or winter, and the one who becomes acquainted with them shall not see death. But you have already said they are dead, and now you wish to change the context from holy ones to "The Church", but unfortunately for you: you have already admitted that your God is the God of the dead because your church teaches false doctrines from the writings of the same holy ones of Elohim whom you claim to be dead. Moreover the passage from which you quote refutes you by the context:

1 Timothy 3:14-15
14 I write these things to you, hoping to come to you shortly:
15 But if I delay, so that you may know how to behave in the house of Elohim, which is the Congregation of the Living Elohim, the pillar and foundation of the truth.

Your "church" is not the House of Elohim: and you have proven that it is not the congregation of the Living Elohim because you have admitted that it is instead the congregation of the God of the dead. You can make all the claims that you wish but you and your church have no clue what the Testimony of the Messiah and his apostles and shepherds and elders and bishops and overseers actually teach. And the more you say: the more you reveal how blind you and your church teachers truly are.


Now you have gone out of context: there are five Pillars which stand at the Door of the Tabernacle, and we know the One whose name is the Door, and those five Pillars which stand at the Door. Those are likened to five Pillars in Paradise whose leaves never fall, summer or winter, and the one who becomes acquainted with them shall not see death. But you have already said they are dead, and now you wish to change the context from holy ones to "The Church", but unfortunately for you: you have already admitted that your God is the God of the dead because your church teaches false doctrines from the writings of the same holy ones of Elohim whom you claim to be dead. Moreover the passage from which you quote refutes you by the context:

1 Timothy 3:14-15
14 I write these things to you, hoping to come to you shortly:
15 But if I delay, so that you may know how to behave in the house of Elohim, which is the Congregation of the Living Elohim, the pillar and foundation of the truth.

Your "church" is not the House of Elohim: and you have proven that it is not the congregation of the Living Elohim because you have admitted that it is instead the congregation of the God of the dead. You can make all the claims that you wish but you and your church have no clue what the Testimony of the Messiah and his apostles and shepherds and elders and bishops and overseers actually teach. And the more you say: the more you reveal how blind you and your church teachers truly are.
You just keep doubling and tripling and quadrupling down on the same thing.

You try to make yourself an authority to teach the Christian faith, and any part of it. You're not. You're not a bishop, or an overseer, or a pastor, or an elder, as featured in the Bible. None of your Greek uncials (i.e., made up, post hoc) and blue text is ever going to change that.

BTW, according to the actual bishops, the Church is all those who believe in the Gospel. There is also considerably more detail of course, and there are no schools of theology deeper than are the Church's magisterium/college of bishops, but that's the truth in a nutshell.


Well-known member
You just keep doubling and tripling and quadrupling down on the same thing.

You try to make yourself an authority to teach the Christian faith, and any part of it. You're not. You're not a bishop, or an overseer, or a pastor, or an elder, as featured in the Bible. None of your Greek uncials and blue text is ever going to change that.

BTW, according to the actual bishops, the Church is all those who believe in the Gospel. There is also considerably more detail of course, and there are no schools of theology deeper than are the Church's magisterium/college of bishops, but that's the truth in a nutshell.

This was never about me. You only need to make it about me so as to make yourself feel good about rejecting the scripture and the Testimony of the Messiah and his apostles in favor of your traditions of men. This is precisely why we do not speak often. You reveal way too much of your animalistic nature way too often and way too soon, dear wolfie. Have a nice life. :)


This was never about me. You only need to make it about me so as to make yourself feel good about rejecting the scripture and the Testimony of the Messiah and his apostles in favor of your traditions of men.
It's always about you, and particularly about your reading of the scriptures, and what you then try to persuade others to believe. And it's always in contrast to what the Church's authorized teachers have always taught about our one faith (Eph4:5KJV).
This is precisely why we do not speak often. You reveal way too much of your animalistic nature way too often and way too soon, dear wolfie. Have a nice life. :)
I'm flattered. :eek:


New member
I still don't know what you're talking about, but it seems like some sort of analogy, and not actual fire, that you're talking about. :idunno:
you aren't really trying then are you?

The verse about real literal false fire not of Him is in the link

as is the analogy/teaching that those who bring into His that which is not of Him is removed of authority...

The Lord Jesus endued His Apostles with power from on high, and they taught, and preached, and administrated His Church from the start. They also ordained bishops/overseers/elders through the imposition of hands (they laid hands upon them), and the Church's bishops today are consecrated in the same way.

And if and when any of these strayed from the True gospel and taught another they lost validity...

Kinda like the current pope is considered anti pope and thus Peter's seat is empty as present pope is considered heretical...of the church's tradition...and thus invalid


you aren't really trying then are you?
I'm in the process of losing all interest in trying any further.
The verse about real literal false fire not of Him is in the link
I know, I saw it.
as is the analogy/teaching that those who bring into His that which is not of Him is removed of authority...
Analogy. So, you're talking about types. Strange fire is a type. I'm guessing.
And if and when any of these strayed from the True gospel and taught another they lost validity...
I've never heard of a single Church bishop/overseer/elder deny the Lord's resurrection (Easter). So, no worries.
Kinda like the current pope is considered anti pope and thus Peter's seat is empty as present pope is considered heretical...of the church's tradition...and thus invalid
Protestants come in all flavors.


You need to accept the fact that you cannot keep the law. Stop trying to be Jewish and be a Christian. "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17 and not by rules, laws and religion.

The commandments of God are to be kept, observed, not disregarded or ignored.
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