Jesus is God.


Active member
I didn't say they were equal, I said the God of Abraham got into a tit for tat with the Egyptian Gods (you had wrongly asserted that the characters in the Bible of that time did not believe in other Gods). They surely believed in the powers of Pharaohs Gods as evidenced in there scripture:

Aaron’s Rod Becomes a Serpent

8 Now the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,

9 “When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, ‘1aWork a miracle,’ then you shall say to Aaron, Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent.’ ”

10 So Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and thus they did just as the Lord had commanded; and Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and 1his servants, and it became a serpent.

11 Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they also, the 1bmagicians of Egypt, did 2 the same with their secret arts.

12 For each one threw down his staff and they turned into serpents. But Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs.

So your point is lost, Pharaohs Gods did have powers.....according to the scripture.

Lets run with your very suspect line of reasoning for a minute... Who was responsible for the 'Star' in the East that guided the so called 'Three' Wise men to Jesus as a child so they could do obeisance? Its obvious from the scriptures that the star was not of divine origin (EG God), as Herod was responsible for sending the wise men or Magi to Jesus as he wanted Jesus dead. He was aware of the prophecy that Jesus would be King and mistakenly thought Jesus was going to usurp his king ship hence why he wanted Jesus killed. The Magi/wisemen were supposed to report back to Herod on Jesus whereabouts but they were divinely warned in a dream not to do that and they made their way back to the East via another route. So which god was responsible for that.... ?

Based on this which god do you think was behind the ability of the magic practising priests and conjurers to change their staff into snakes? Snakes which were ultimately devoured by Aarons staff anyway. Regardless their power was shown to be of zero consequence. As their impotents gods were not capable of preventing the 10 plagues when the priests and pharoahs prayed to them. They were not capable of preventing the Jews from leaving Egypt. They weren't even capable of defeating millions of defenseless Jews who were UNARMED against a force of Pharoahs army who numbered into 10's of thousands with advanced weaponry. Ultimately Pharaoh along with his ENTIRE army died in the Red Sea. So using your reasoning, lets pretend these gods had powers why was their power rendered less than insufficient against Jehovah God? Which God was clearly more powerful?


New member
Only a wicked and perverse generation would ask for a sign. The reason we disbelieve in our divinity is because we see the world through the eyes of the enemy. We are identified with an identity that diminishes, divides, disbelieves. The devil devalues. We were once children who were very close to our divinity. Then we became adults and something happened. We believe we lost our innocence. We believe we lost our connection with our divinity. We can recover this connection and experience the Kingdom while we are adults and alive. God gave us the soul for good reason.

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That's pretty convenient that you don't require any proof for your divinity.

Can you at least show us where you have been worshiped as divine? this not convenient, either?


New member
The authors of the bible were identified with the personality like almost everyone else. All it knows is lack, deficiency and sin because that is what is was born from. Surely a newborn baby has not sinned. We have not learned our lesson from the Garden. We don't know when to quit biting the fruit of judgment which is the downfall of man. The authors of the bible succumbed to the same temptation and we inherited their error. We did not know any better. It is when we reverse engineer the personality and realize its falsehood that we begin to see the miraculousness of the true identity of the soul. The level of purity guarantees there is no sin. It is unblemished, untarnished, spotless and we are one with this whether we realize it or not.

Philosophy is not worth the time , and it is the mind of men NOT of God

1Jo 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1Jo 1:10

If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.


New member
Philosophy is not worth the time , and it is the mind of men NOT of God

1Jo 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1Jo 1:10

If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Okay, then why not say we sinned and leave it at that? Watch the unconscious tendency to judge the sin as bad and wrong. We don't even realize we are doing it. It's seamless and that's the way the enemy likes it. It's virtually undetectable. We don't even know where we went wrong. We lose the game before we start to play. We slide down the slippery slope of trying to compensate for our sinfulness and prove that we can overcome it. The unconscious belief is that we are worthless and the fear of feeling worthless dictates much of our behaviors. We pray, believe, go to church, do good works, trying to make ourselves feel better. The enemy has a field day with this and convinces us we can measure up by getting good grades, getting a promotion, driving a fancy car, exploiting animals for profit, drinking beer, gambling, having multiple affairs, acquiring real estate, owning property, conquering foreign lands, dominating others with military power, disenfranchising the economically weak, bullying people, neglecting basic human rights, murdering for money, wiping out other races, converting the heathens, proclaiming a religious message, going into a night club and shooting 49 people.

This is the system we unconsciously buy into every time we choose to go along with the popular interpretation of the bible. We think all this is normal after a while. We are proud to force others to the status quo. We hold their feet to the fire because we want others to suffer because we are suffering too. Misery loves company. Everyone else is doing it so what's the big deal, huh? We think the bible has all the answers but hiding behind it is causing more problems than it is solving. We hold it to be the end-all, the final and binding ending. It's just the beginning. If we do not outgrow our dependency on the personality and its mind, intellect, scriptures, interpretations, etc. we will never discover the our true identity of the soul. No one is saying the bible is not good. It simply doesn't compare to the omniscient intelligence found in the soul. We need to learn to put the bible down so that we see the tool is using us instead of us using it. It's the same principle as when Jesus said the sabbath is made for man and not man for the sabbath. The enemy's tactics are vast and deep but it can't outwit the soul because it is one with God.
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Ben Masada

New member
Jesus told the TRUTH ;therefore, no transgression was made.

Do you think Jesus was a charismatic man? If yes, why didn't he use his charisma to teach the Jewish authorities a different way to act among the people without having to offend them? Oh but he was telling the Truth! Yes, but the Truth could be told in a more mild manner without causing any angry feedback. It doesn't help Dodge to use Christian preconceived notions to cover for Jesus' human slips.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Do you think Jesus was a charismatic man? If yes, why didn't he use his charisma to teach the Jewish authorities a different way to act among the people without having to offend them? Oh but he was telling the Truth! Yes, but the Truth could be told in a more mild manner without causing any angry feedback. It doesn't help Dodge to use Christian preconceived notions to cover for Jesus' human slips.

The religious people of His time were not ready for His message.


New member
Still waiting for scripture that states that you are divine.

Do you suppose the Bible is the only scripture inspired by God in the whole history of the earth? Besides, even when the scripture is there it won't satisfy us because the personality is going to trash it through interpretation. We won't be convinced of the truth until we actually feel and touch our own true value. "Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'? (John 10:34). Also see Psalm 82:6. Now if we are waiting and depending on someone or something to tell us or give us permission to know and feel and become one with our infinite eternal divinity then we will be waiting until we are skeletons. The enemy wants us to wait until we're dead but God is a God of the living so please don't fall for it.
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New member
prizebeatz1 said:
6days said:
You are talking silly nonsense, and talking in circles.
You said the entire Bible can be used to show you are like God. The Bible from beginning to end speaks of a chasm between us and a Holy God. In the verses above, Satan is thrown into Hell for the same sinful arguments you are making.
The interpretation of the bible comes from man and it is not infallible. Enough said.
Your arguments are foolish. Words have meaning. God's Word condemns the same sinful claims you make. Satan is thrown into Hell, in the Isiah verses for his foolish attempt at elevating himself as an equal of the Creator.

BTW... proper english requires book titles to be capitilized. Are you classy enough to capitilize 'Bible', even though you disagree with it?


New member
Your arguments are foolish. Words have meaning. God's Word condemns the same sinful claims you make. Satan is thrown into Hell, in the Isiah verses for his foolish attempt at elevating himself as an equal of the Creator.

BTW... proper english requires book titles to be capitilized. Are you classy enough to capitilize 'Bible', even though you disagree with it?

It's the arguments that discourage us away from our divinity that are foolish. Do we not notice how badly the personality avoids what is infinite and eternal at all costs? When it runs out of reasons it just makes up some more because it is the father of lies. The meaning of words is what we assign to them. Man has also been cast out for his foolish attempts at judging and playing the role of God. Isn't it a coincidence Satan suffers the same fate? Perhaps there is a lesson for us there. I don't need proper english to tell me I'm classy.
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New member
Do you think Jesus was a charismatic man? If yes, why didn't he use his charisma to teach the Jewish authorities a different way to act among the people without having to offend them? Oh but he was telling the Truth! Yes, but the Truth could be told in a more mild manner without causing any angry feedback. It doesn't help Dodge to use Christian preconceived notions to cover for Jesus' human slips.

Easy ! The Jewish religious leaders were corrupt and greedy as Jesus pointed out.

If you never come to the truth and rely on Jesus' sacrifice as payment for your sin YOU will die and go to an eternal hell.


New member
Okay, then why not say we sinned and leave it at that? Watch the unconscious tendency to judge the sin as bad and wrong. We don't even realize we are doing it. It's seamless and that's the way the enemy likes it. It's virtually undetectable. We don't even know where we went wrong. We lose the game before we start to play. We slide down the slippery slope of trying to compensate for our sinfulness and prove that we can overcome it. The unconscious belief is that we are worthless and the fear of feeling worthless dictates much of our behaviors. We pray, believe, go to church, do good works, trying to make ourselves feel better. The enemy has a field day with this and convinces us we can measure up by getting good grades, getting a promotion, driving a fancy car, exploiting animals for profit, drinking beer, gambling, having multiple affairs, acquiring real estate, owning property, conquering foreign lands, dominating others with military power, disenfranchising the economically weak, bullying people, neglecting basic human rights, murdering for money, wiping out other races, converting the heathens, proclaiming a religious message, going into a night club and shooting 49 people.

This is the system we unconsciously buy into every time we choose to go along with the popular interpretation of the bible. We think all this is normal after a while. We are proud to force others to the status quo. We hold their feet to the fire because we want others to suffer because we are suffering too. Misery loves company. Everyone else is doing it so what's the big deal, huh? We think the bible has all the answers but hiding behind it is causing more problems than it is solving. We hold it to be the end-all, the final and binding ending. It's just the beginning. If we do not outgrow our dependency on the personality and its mind, intellect, scriptures, interpretations, etc. we will never discover the our true identity of the soul. No one is saying the bible is not good. It simply doesn't compare to the omniscient intelligence found in the soul. We need to learn to put the bible down so that we see the tool is using us instead of us using it. It's the same principle as when Jesus said the sabbath is made for man and not man for the sabbath. The enemy's tactics are vast and deep but it can't outwit the soul because it is one with God.

Do YOU know of a "good" sin ?

You speak as an UN-wise man ! Put God's word down and replace it with what ?


New member
Prizebeatz1 said:
It's the arguments that discourage us away from our divinity that are foolish.
Why do you accept foolish arguments and use circular reasoning? Why do you try move the goalposts when you are shown how illogical your arguments are?

The Bible says you are guilty of the sin of creating an idol / graven image. Ex. 20:3,4

Some make cars their idols ....others have boats, or liquor, or sex. Your idol seems to be yourself, a created being. The Bible says "They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen." Rom. 1:25


New member
Do you suppose the Bible is the only scripture inspired by God in the whole history of the earth?


Besides, even when the scripture is there it won't satisfy us because the personality is going to trash it through interpretation. We won't be convinced of the truth until we actually feel and touch our own true value. "Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'? (John 10:34). Also see Psalm 82:6. Now if we are waiting and depending on someone or something to tell us or give us permission to know and feel and become one with our infinite eternal divinity then we will be waiting until we are skeletons. The enemy wants us to wait until we're dead but God is a God of the living so please don't fall for it.

When will you cult-followers ever get some new material?

When will you cult-followers ever quote in context?

I have said, You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High. But you shall die as men, and fall like one of the rulers. Psalm 82.6 - 7

Here we have the context coming to the rescue of the ignorant-minded, and informing the reader that the 'elohim' mentioned in verse six are actually the 'rulers' described in verse seven.

'Elohim' is a flexible Hebrew term that is routinely applied to the rulers of the day.

Fact are NEVER referred to as Yahweh.....thus, people are NOT divine, brother.

You represent scriptural ignorance at its most dangerous...


New member

When will you cult-followers ever get some new material?

When will you cult-followers ever quote in context?

I have said, You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High. But you shall die as men, and fall like one of the rulers. Psalm 82.6 - 7

Here we have the context coming to the rescue of the ignorant-minded, and informing the reader that the 'elohim' mentioned in verse six are actually the 'rulers' described in verse seven.

'Elohim' is a flexible Hebrew term that is routinely applied to the rulers of the day.

Fact are NEVER referred to as Yahweh.....thus, people are NOT divine, brother.

You represent scriptural ignorance at its most dangerous...
The Bible is not only inspired book. How do I know? I read it in the Bible.

Jeremiah 36:32 KJV
Then took Jeremiah another roll, and gave it to Baruch the scribe, the son of Neriah; who wrote therein from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned in the fire: and there were added besides unto them many like words.

If God told him what words to write it counts as inspired, no? I don't have that scroll but it is possible that there might be a case like that. But if so it wouldn't contradict our existing scripture I should think.

Not disagreeing with your other words Apple... But seems the thread is getting heated.