Jesus is God !


Well-known member
This is why scripture worship blinds people, the Jews can't think outside of the scripture written by their ancestors. It's a pride thing.

That may be true friend, but do most Christians do the same?
Are they clinging to what they have been taught?
It's a tradition thing that needs to be overcome by all.

God's Truth

New member
You have been taught by Satan GT.

God and his son are two separate beings GT.
One is God and the other is Lord.

You blasphemy.

Jesus teaches me.

Who are you to judge?

You think there are two Sons of God.

You do not even acknowledge that Jesus is God.

God's Truth

New member
Does any one have scriptures to show how God and Jesus are SEPARATE and DIFFERENT?

All I get here are insults. How else is someone such as keypurr going to defend his beliefs? lol


Eclectic Theosophist
Duality within the unity of One Universal Spirit....

Duality within the unity of One Universal Spirit....

Does any one have scriptures to show how God and Jesus are SEPARATE and DIFFERENT?

The entire NT shows the obvious difference between Jesus and God his Father, as do the very words of Jesus himself in conversation with his Father. The relational difference and distinction of personhood, two persons being "in relationship" with the other is clearly definitive.

A vague modalism of sorts (which you appear to espouse) blurring Jesus with 'God' as one Being convolutes the duality of Jesus relationship with 'God', the same 'God' who is also our 'God' and 'Father'. (remember that passage in John's gospel?) To deny the humanity, sonship and anointing of Jesus the Man by God the Father, is to deny the mission of Jesus for an obscure 'modalism' of sorts, con-fusing Jesus with the Father.

From a non-dualistic POV, we can say we are all individual expressions of 'God', all part and parcel of the Infinite Spirit, all living, moving and having our being in 'God',...since 'God' is Spirit, and we all live in the consciousness of 'God'. God is All That IS. We are individual sons of 'God', actual and potential.

But going back to a basic sound Unitarian view of Jesus relationship with 'God', such is sound, reasonable and of true recognize that Jesus is NOT 'God', but only the 'Son' of 'God', no matter how human or divine we assume him to be (make up an ratio or synthesis of 'human' or 'divine' elements that you like). I see no reason to reject a basic Unitarian Christology, unless your flair is for a more mystical Trinitarian concept or some ethereal spiritualist view (knock yourself out). The only ones who deny this are those who insist (claim) that Jesus is God, which brings in Trinitarian-metaphysics (traditional, modalist or otherwise), which holds according to its own conception and premise for being 'reasonable',....which of course is subject to debate. Again,....I see no reason to make Jesus God-Almighty. Unncessary.

Only 'God' is 'God'...who is Pure Spirit, Consciousness, Energy, Light, Love, Power, Truth, Reality.



Eclectic Theosophist
We recognize difference within the Undifferentiated ONE

We recognize difference within the Undifferentiated ONE

GT, even freelight sees the folly of your thinking.

Its just illogical, again beyond some rationale of 'modalism' however that fits into the equation, ....but even on that score,...even traditional trinitariasm might be a better 'bet', outside of a more traditional Unitarian view. But thats all these are, just differing views, perspectives, ways of relating two persons within some greater universal 'God-Presence'. That's where the con-fusions begin, and various differentiating of this or that person begins,...because even though 'God' is is obvious that 'God' is operating thru a proceeding distribution of 'personalities', either in his own unique 'Godhead' and in the greater creation of all us evolving mortals...who have immortality potential, from this same 'God-presence'. 'God' is the source of all personality....and all personalities. This draws us back to The Universal Father as the First Source and Center.

You see,....a lot here is circular.......because all begins and ends in 'God' anyways.


Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Its just illogical, again beyond some rationale of 'modalism' however that fits into the equation, ....but even on that score,...even traditional trinitariasm might be a better 'bet', outside of a more traditional Unitarian view. But thats all these are, just differing views, perspectives, ways of relating two persons within some greater universal 'God-Presence'. That's where the con-fusions begin, and various differentiating of this or that person begins,...because even though 'God' is is obvious that 'God' is operating thru a proceeding distribution of 'personalities', either in his own unique 'Godhead' and in the greater creation of all us evolving mortals...who have immortality potential, from this same 'God-presence'. 'God' is the source of all personality....and all personalities. This draws us back to The Universal Father as the First Source and Center.

You see,....a lot here is circular.......because all begins and ends in 'God' anyways.




Well-known member
Does any one have scriptures to show how God and Jesus are SEPARATE and DIFFERENT?

All I get here are insults. How else is someone such as keypurr going to defend his beliefs? lol

In addition to what Freelight has said a great portion of Psalm 22 was already quoted to you, from nearly the start of our conversation, and you completely ignored what is written therein. In fact you deny all of it when you say to me that you have not been proven wrong. You thus essentially deny that Yeshua cried out to the Father on the cross and that when Yeshua cried out, as the Psalm states, the Father heard him. You are in your own world where your mind blocks out anything that refutes your paradigm mindset even to the point of not believing that Yeshua prayed to anyone else but himself. It is truly a concocted mystical belief system that has no basis in reality. The things that you believe absolutely no one believed to be the case in first century Judea. There was absolutely no one who thought Yeshua was the Father YHWH, not one, and there was no one who ever even thought that Yeshua ever claimed to be the Father YHWH, not one. But to each his or her own I suppose. :)



Eclectic Theosophist
The 'God' beyond theology...........

The 'God' beyond theology...........

Hi BR,

You know I don't necessarily hold to a traditional-orthodox Trinitarian view, and the Urantia Book takes the Trinity to another higher level. On a practical level,...and considering Jesus humanity, I'm more a traditional Unitarian on some levels, but as a mystic, love to explore and can accept other views and aspects of 'Christology' beyond just a simple Unitarianism.

My more liberal metaphysical commentaries on only 'God' being 'God', point to 'God' as pure Spirit, that original reality that is before any conception whatsoever, since everything the mind conceives or imagines is but an 'after-thought'.....a symbol of language attempting to describe 'God'.

Even though we intuit 'God' as a Universal Spirit-Presence,...we are all different personalities inter-acting in that original matrix of Spirit, so the difference between Jesus and 'God' is important to recognize relationally speaking, no matter how 'unified' or spiritually synergized the two are.



Well-known member
Does any one have scriptures to show how God and Jesus are SEPARATE and DIFFERENT?

All I get here are insults. How else is someone such as keypurr going to defend his beliefs? lol

Did not Jesus say if you believe in God believe in me also?

That pretty much says it all GT.

God's Truth

New member
The entire NT shows the obvious difference between Jesus and God his Father, as do the very words of Jesus himself in conversation with his Father. The relational difference and distinction of personhood, two persons being "in relationship" with the other is clearly definitive.

A vague modalism of sorts (which you appear to espouse) blurring Jesus with 'God' as one Being convolutes the duality of Jesus relationship with 'God', the same 'God' who is also our 'God' and 'Father'. (remember that passage in John's gospel?) To deny the humanity, sonship and anointing of Jesus the Man by God the Father, is to deny the mission of Jesus for an obscure 'modalism' of sorts, con-fusing Jesus with the Father.

From a non-dualistic POV, we can say we are all individual expressions of 'God', all part and parcel of the Infinite Spirit, all living, moving and having our being in 'God',...since 'God' is Spirit, and we all live in the consciousness of 'God'. God is All That IS. We are individual sons of 'God', actual and potential.

But going back to a basic sound Unitarian view of Jesus relationship with 'God', such is sound, reasonable and of true recognize that Jesus is NOT 'God', but only the 'Son' of 'God', no matter how human or divine we assume him to be (make up an ratio or synthesis of 'human' or 'divine' elements that you like). I see no reason to reject a basic Unitarian Christology, unless your flair is for a more mystical Trinitarian concept or some ethereal spiritualist view (knock yourself out). The only ones who deny this are those who insist (claim) that Jesus is God, which brings in Trinitarian-metaphysics (traditional, modalist or otherwise), which holds according to its own conception and premise for being 'reasonable',....which of course is subject to debate. Again,....I see no reason to make Jesus God-Almighty. Unncessary.

Only 'God' is 'God'...who is Pure Spirit, Consciousness, Energy, Light, Love, Power, Truth, Reality.


You gave not one scripture.

You have not shown one way in which God and Jesus are separate and different, none.