What do you mean by props ? Jefferson uses one as a prop in his avatar and on his silly posters. oh I get it you QUOTED all of my post except for the bit where I said...
I selected the two important points for my point out of that sentence and quoted them. So, I did quote it. Just not the whole sentence.
Which meant this
Well done, (SARCASM) a slow had clap (YOU DO THIS FOR LOSERS) just for you guys (THATS YOU TOO LIGHTHOUSE) who support dead baby props (PROPS, USING A PICTURE OF A DEAD BABY TO GET YOUR POINT ACROSS) LOSERS
Seriously, you are stupid. You really thought you needed to explain this?
So you have to quote me out of context to then deliver the line of yours I quoted.
How did I quote you out of context?
I ask because I am assuming your intention is to accuse me of changing the meaning of what you said, which I did not do.
You claimed to be anti-abortion, then referred to the images of real babies that were murdered through the means of abortion as props.
It doesn't matter if you are attempting to accuse others of using them as props, you are clearly apathetic to the truth if you do not believe these images to be valuable truth in the fight against abortion but rather as props we use.
Lighthouse, can you not see how dumb you are.
Men showing love more offensive than dead babies..,
I said it was more disgusting, not more offensive.
And you say I'm dumb.:liberals:
Also about God not getting involved, if he doesn't care ? why do you ?
In ball games? What ever gave you the idea I care about ball games?
And if you have to do something about it rather than an all powerful deity does that make your God somewhat impotent to need a pathetic mortal clown like yourself to wave an offensive plaque at an abortion clinic?
Need v want; two different things.
God doesn't need me to do anything. He wants me to. What good would it be for us if He just stepped in and took care of everything? Is that what you do for your son? Is that how you raise him? Or are you teaching him to do things for himself?
Surely let them die, more innocents for GOD, seems being aborted is the SINGLE 100% chance to go to heaven that anyone has.
Again, you are shown to have lied when you claimed to be anti-abortion.
What's up lighthouse ? does this anti abortion stance come from jealousy. Do you wish that you were aborted so that you didn't have to suffer your miserable existence and abuses only to have to follow an impotent god?
Your weakness is showing.
I feel sorry for you, turn to rationality and then anti abortion makes sense, you see I have my own OWN feelings about abortion. I'm not dumb enough to need to follow an invisible man to know it's wrong.
You're certainly dumb enough to think I needed God to tell me it was wrong. Especially since you can't even find a single verse in the Bible that mentions abortion. And, no, I do not mean a verses that uses that specific word. I mean a verse that mentions the practice of killing unborn children in the womb.
Tell me if God said it was OK would you believe him ?
Only an idiot would ever believe it was even rhetorically possible for God to call evil, "good."
Seriously, if you're going to argue with Christians you might want to educate yourself in the Bible.