Israel (the modern country)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

The moral equation in Gaza is not complicated. One side wants to free noncombatants from their nightmarish imprisonment to live again at home with their families as they please; the other side grabbed innocent people in a bloodthirsty pogrom, has hideously abused them, and refuses to release them.
The sensible and very easy way to avoid exposing your civilian population to potential harm during hostage rescues is to not take hostages in the first place and, failing that, to not conceal hostages among civilians. The final fail-safe is to not violently resist hostage rescues, creating a massive battle in a heavily populated area.
Needless to say, Hamas hasn’t honored these rules, or any other norm of civilized society.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
All those who are opposed to the operation are welcome to go in on their own and free the hostages and see if they can do a better job.

But of course they won't. Because they don't really care about the hostages. They don't really even care about the "innocent" civilians killed. All they care about is scoring political points against Israel.


Been thinking about this a lot lately. I think it's the same reason that the protests have sprung up. I think it's the same reason that we're funding the war in Ukraine. I think it's the same reason that the chaos at our Southern border is being enabled by those in charge. Follow the money. Who benefits from this chaos? The multi-billionaires that control the media. Without controversy the media would die.

See William Randolph Hearst and the Spanish-American War.

"You furnish the pictures. I'll furnish the war"