Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?


Well-known member
Perhaps I was being slightly hyperbolic, but if you were playing the odds, you'd go with the vaccine. But clearly you aren't playing the odds here--no, instead you have a pseudoscientific bias against coronavirus vaccination. Like doser, you would rather take your chances with the virus itself.

And here I thought you were a Trump fan. Well, clearly, you are not. Trump considers coronavirus vaccination to be one of the crowning achievements of his administration, and here you are, taking a dump on it. Why do you hate Trump so much?
Don't be silly. Recognizing the dangers to young people from the covid vaccines does not mean anyone hates either Biden or Trump. That is a ridiculous stretch of attempted logic and should be rejected as such.


Well-known member
One peer-reviewed article is one more than you have to back up your nonsense!!!!!

But according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over the summer, in the United States, people under age 30 accounted for more than 20% of COVID-19 cases and were seen as more likely to transmit the virus than others. This trend has continued into the fall.

Coronavirus infections requiring hospitalization are not only possible in younger adults, but the rate of these cases is increasing as the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus continues to spread.

Young people should have a greater fear of the vaccine which has killed or seriously damaged young people than they should fear the virus that has rarely killed or permanently damaged young people. And those older adults who fear the virus worse than death should get vaccinated so they can stop worrying about catching it and dying. If young people refuse to get the virus they will hurt none of those who get the vaccine, so let people get the vaccine or not get the vaccine as their free choice.

way 2 go

Well-known member
I don't think you missed anything. If you trust the vaccine then great. I don't, not because I have the hard numbers (although Way2go does have some great information), but because I've been lied to SO much by Fauci and the media that I can't trust the numbers they endorse. And the fear mongering, sheesh! Why, as liars, are they so insane about trying to have me get the jab? Don't they know it only hardens my heart against their command that I get it? Even so, I know I'm not at risk so it doesn't matter much in my case anyway. And when I look for specific numbers, they aren't available. For instance, they reported the number of delta variant cases were up - by percentage. Percentage ratio of what numbers? can't find them. What are the charts showing vaccination heavy areas and those that hardly vaccinated at all and their cases/deaths (and how are the cases determined?)? can't find those charts or numbers to make a chart with.

So, yeah, I'm just going to wait.
2 days ago ... So far, more than 44.5 million people have had a first vaccine dose - about 85% of the adult population - and almost 33 million have had a second

last 3 days over 20,000 cases of wuflu per day , most are delta scariant

less than 25 deaths per day

btw : avg deaths per day in the uk is 1,643 or 600,000ish per year

Screenshot_2021-07-01 United Kingdom COVID 4,828,463 Cases and 128,162 Deaths - Worldometer.png

way 2 go

Well-known member
Is the risk of dying from covid greater than the risk of dying from the covid vaccine?

The number of cases experiencing adverse reactions has been reported to be 700 per 100,000 vaccinations. Currently, we see 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations, and the number of fatal side effects is at 4.11/100,000 vaccinations.

5. Conclusions

The present assessment raises the question whether it would be necessary to rethink policies and use COVID-19 vaccines more sparingly and with some discretion only in those that are willing to accept the risk because they feel more at risk from the true infection than the mock infection. Perhaps it might be necessary to dampen the enthusiasm by sober facts? In our view, the EMA and national authorities should instigate a safety review into the safety database of COVID-19 vaccines and governments should carefully consider their policies in light of these data. Ideally, independent scientists should carry out thorough case reviews of the very severe cases, so that there can be evidence-based recommendations on who is likely to benefit from a SARS-CoV2 vaccination and who is in danger of suffering from side effects. Currently, our estimates show that we have to accept four fatal and 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations in order to save the lives of 2–11 individuals per 100,000 vaccinations, placing risks and benefits on the same order of magnitude.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Currently, our estimates show that we have to accept four fatal and 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations in order to save the lives of 2–11 individuals per 100,000 vaccinations, placing risks and benefits on the same order of magnitude.
See here:

Also, a little background on your source is in order: "MDPI, a publisher of open-access scientific primarily based in China..." --

Since when did China become an authoritative source for information about Covid-19 to you?
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Gary K

New member
See here:

Also, a little background on your source is in order: "MDPI, a publisher of open-access scientific primarily based in China..." --

Since when did China become an authoritative source for information about Covid-19 to you?
Retraction watch is not free from undue influence from the pharma and vaccine industries.
From the article you posted:
Two of the paper’s authors were among those who posted a call to retract a January 2020 study of PCR testing for COVID-19 by virologist Christian Drosten. That call was rejected by the journal.
Christian Drosten's proposal/study to the German government for PCR tests was accepted overnight without any comments, pro or negative. That is against German law. The PCR test is NEVER to be used as a diagnostic disease test according to Cary Mullis the inventor of the test. Also, according to Mullis, it is not to be used above a cycle threshold of 20. It is commonly used at cycle thresholds above 30 to test for the coronavirus. And at cycles above 30 false positives are the norm, not the exception.

That is exactly the opposite of which retractionwatch endorses. And they cite Eurosurveillance's rejection of the Corman-Drosten report as a good thing.

So, retractionwatch adds it's influence to stop the truth of the testing fraud from becoming common knowledge. They are putting their oars into the water in favor of falsehood and against truth. Also, when "fact checkers" come out in favor of some other "fact checking" site it's self-promoting bias. Especially when virtually every "fact checker" has a massive leftist bias. In fact, they all get together at least once a year to discuss what they are going to "fact check" and how. They are anything but unbiased and truthful. So when "fact checkers" endorse retractionwatch, I get suspicious as that group is very left wing oriented.

As to MDPI and open-access publishing the more decentralization the less control over content. You also "forget" to mention their offices in Basel, Switzerland. The very concept of open source publishing removes a lot of government and corporate control over what gets published. So of course, as those two entities have a lot of control over what is not published in open-access journals and the press they are going to be highly critical of open-access publishing. They want to keep their control over what gets published and destroy all open-access publishing which gives much greater access to those who desire to be published.

way 2 go

Well-known member
you didn't refute the conclusion

they don't like the conclusion
Also, a little background on your source is in order: "MDPI, a publisher of open-access scientific primarily based in China..." --
Status Active
Founded 1996
Country of origin


Headquarters location Basel, Switzerland

User Name

Greatest poster ever
"Israel’s Ministry of Health is now evaluating a possible link between the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine and reports of heart inflammation, a condition called myocarditis. So far, most cases have been mild and have occurred in men aged between 16 and 19."

User Name

Greatest poster ever
But under the direct control the headquarters based in Switzerland. Your deceptions are once again very transparent. So what if papers are published in China when the criteria for publishing is under the control of those outside of China? Your arguments are deceptive.
Your arguments are primarily based in China. So there.

Gary K

New member
"Israel’s Ministry of Health is now evaluating a possible link between the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine and reports of heart inflammation, a condition called myocarditis. So far, most cases have been mild and have occurred in men aged between 16 and 19."
And that has taken place in a half a year. Most serious problems with vaccines really begin to show up a year or more after vaccination. So, you're pointing to very incomplete information and claiming it's absolute truth. Another deception. Doesn't truth matter to you at all?

The link between mrna vaccines and myocarditis isn't "suspected". It's proven. Since the vaccinations started the rate of myocarditis showing up in teenage males has increased 250% after decades of maintaining the same numbers year after year. And the spike proteins have been conclusively proven to accumulate in the heart, lungs, and reproductive organs. None of that is speculation. What you're posting is nothing but speculation.