Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?


New member
Why should I waste my time with you?

You're impervious to reason, logic and evidence.

Have fun in your make-believe theology that you've constructed out of whole cloth :wave2:


How would you know? You haven't presented any reason, logic or evidence.

According to the Bible, the wages of sin is death, not eternal conscious torment. Whole cloth? Try reading the Bible rather than ignoring it in favor of your false tradition.

Why should I waste MY time with YOU? You are hopeless.


I posted twice on Feb 12th, four times on Feb 13th, once on Feb 14 and once on May 2nd, before today

It's not my fault if you haven't been paying attention.

btw, my third post was a thread closer

you've been trashing about ever since February 13th.


New member
I posted twice on Feb 12th, four times on Feb 13th, once on Feb 14 and once on May 2nd, before today

It's not my fault if you haven't been paying attention.

btw, my third post was a thread closer

you've been trashing about ever since February 13th.

Today is June 6th. I really not that interested in you. You don't seem to have much intelligence. I didn't bother to memorize your posts. They just seemed like empty insults, with no depth at all. I'm sure you think that your "thread closer" was profound, but I'm sure that it isn't.


New member
I checked your "thread closer". It wasn't profound.

You must not have seen my reply that day. I suggest you go back and re-read it.

Throughout the Bible, the penalty for sin is described as death, destruction, being consumed by fire, perishing, and being no more. Your ONE out of context prooftext does not trump the rest of the Bible. It doesn't even say what you need it to say anyway.

Read Romans 6:23, the wages of sin is death. This means that the penalty for sin is death, not eternal conscious torment in hell.

Read John 3:16, those who who do not believe in him will perish. This means they will be dead forever, they will not live forever in hell being tormented.

Read Ezekiel 18:4, The soul who sins shall die. Obviously the soul who sins will not live forever in hell being tormented. The Bible specifically and directly says "the soul who sins shall die".

You don't know what you are talking about, and you are very unpleasant. Why don't you take your ignorance and go away?


New member
Yes, rez this was profound.
You are a complete moron.

meh :idunno:

it seems to make him happy

I had a special ed kid yesterday who spent half a period playing with a three-hole punch

It didn't do her any harm and we would have lost ground if we'd tried to take it away from her.

Let Timmy believe what he wants to believe


New member
:think: enough intelligence to use the search function

You didn't show any evidence supporting your position or showing how my position was wrong. Your post comparing me to a special education child didn't really refute the scriptures I posted which directly and specifically back my theology. You really aren't doing any good at all here. You haven't got a case for your false tradition. You are just embarrassing yourself.


New member
you asked if ECT was scriptural

I gave you a scripture


And the scripture you gave did not say that there is eternal conscious torment. You read your belief into that scripture. "the smoke of their torment rises forever" is not the same thing as "they are tormented forever". Read other scriptures that say "its smoke shall rise forever". Isaiah 34:10. This describes the complete destruction of Edom.

For my sword has drunk its fill in the heavens;
behold, it descends for judgment upon Edom,
upon the people I have devoted to destruction.
6 The Lord has a sword; it is sated with blood;
it is gorged with fat,
with the blood of lambs and goats,
with the fat of the kidneys of rams.
For the Lord has a sacrifice in Bozrah,
a great slaughter in the land of Edom.
7 Wild oxen shall fall with them,
and young steers with the mighty bulls.
Their land shall drink its fill of blood,
and their soil shall be gorged with fat.

8 For the Lord has a day of vengeance,
a year of recompense for the cause of Zion.
9 And the streams of Edom shall be turned into pitch,
and her soil into sulfur;
her land shall become burning pitch.
10 Night and day it shall not be quenched;
its smoke shall go up forever.

Isaiah uses the same language to describe complete destruction. So when you see the phrase "the smoke rises forever", it means complete destruction. John of Patmos was familiar with Isaiah and used Isaiah's wording to describe complete destruction.

The Bible doesn't say one thing in the first 65 books and then completely reverse itself in the last book. Death and destruction is always said to be fate of those who will not repent. The Book of Revelation doesn't reverse that.

I understand your frustration. You just can't get the Bible to say what you want it to say. You firmly believe that the wicked will go to hell when they die where they will be tormented alive forever. But you can't find the passages in the Bible that actually say this. So you strike out at me instead.


New member
and Timmy?

that was not my third post

I never said that it was.

Have you been eating paste again?

And you still haven't given one verse that says the wicked go to hell when they die where they will be tormented or tortured alive forever.
You excel at insulting me, but you fail at defending your position biblically. Just go away.
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New member
Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment (ECT) biblical or not?

Which verses in the Bible support ECT and which verses in the bible support the doctrine that the wicked perish instead?

A friendly reminder of what this thread is about. The thread is not about me, the thread is about what the Bible has to say about ECT versus perishing.


New member
A friendly reminder of what this thread is about. The thread is not about me, the thread is about what the Bible has to say about ECT versus perishing.

Many christians cling tenaciously to the idea of eternal conscious torment because it makes their salvation more meaningful for them. To be saved from a non ending roast in painful fire that does not kill your body, is something to be quite grateful for. However, such a punishment should never be inflicted upon any person by a loving God no matter how awful they lived their life upon this earth. Such a god, does not deserve our love or praise.


New member
Resurrected, I already know that you are unable to post even one verse that agrees with your sadism. You don't need to post another verse that doesn't say that the wicked will go to hell when they die where they will be tormented alive forever.

Jude 1:7
just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. They were not tormented alive forever in hell.

Death is the penalty for sin, not eternal torture.
Matthew 10:28