Is elohiym an idiot?

Is elohiym an idiot?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Of course!

    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • What else can you call him?

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • :duh:

    Votes: 12 44.4%

  • Total voters

Nathon Detroit

So, Elohiym NEVER, EVER, EVER can sin. For the rest of the time here on earth, Elohiym will not even commit any type of sin, no jealousy, no lie, no greed, no gluttony (can't eat too many potato chips), laziness, etc.:hammer: :dunce:

That is BEYOND absurd, it falls into the state of complete lunacy and utter stupidity. I can't even imagine someone saying that they never ever sin, and do so with a straight face.
POTD :first:


New member
Satan got booted out of heaven for being an idiot, why shouldn't elo get booted out of TOL for being an idiot?

The only reason I can think of to this point is that Knight has been showing him grace. I would vote 100% banishment for this guy simply because he has been proven to be a divisive brother, (maybe not a brother at all only God knows) and Scripturally we should have no dealings with him any longer unless he repents.


Well-known member
Even so, what you believe and what elohiym believes are two different things. Knight pointed that out in a post to 5020.
Stop being a lackey and tool, Lighthouse.

If the truth is that we are free from sin, then you should be supporting that position regardless of what you or Knight erroneously perceive to be differences in E4E and my positions.

[Quoting Knight]"...Remember, elohiym doesn't think like Sozo and e4e that sinful things can be done but they are no longer referred to as sin..."
If you and Knight think that is my difference with them you are both wrong. I have stated repeatedly that we do things that were condemned as sin under the Mosaic law, but they are not sins to those who are not under the law, because the Mosaic covenant was abrogated on the cross (Eph 2:15; Col 2:14).

What you fail to realize is the difference between a converted and an unconverted heart. One is unbridled human nature, which can murder, and the other is bridled human nature, which cannot murder. It is the Holy Spirit that bridles and constrains the human nature, if one is born of God.

I believe that my differences with E4E and Mystery are only semantical, and if they are not semantical then either they will convince me of their position or I will convince them of my position. They both know that I will change my position and admit my error if I am convinced.

Nathon Detroit

No I don't, Knight. I don't believe that salvation can be lost, so obviously I cannot be preaching it must be maintained.
You are wrong.

You DO in fact preach that good works must be maintained (just not in so many words).

When you were asked what happens if a Christian is found slipping up you responded.....
He NEVER knew them, so they were never really Christians.
Therefore, based on that assertion no human could ever be considered a Christian unless.....

- They lived the remainder of their life without slipping up.

That is works and not grace.


New member
Stop being a lackey and tool, Lighthouse.

If the truth is that we are free from sin, then you should be supporting that position regardless of what you or Knight erroneously perceive to be differences in E4E and my positions.

If you and Knight think that is my difference with them you are both wrong. I have stated repeatedly that we do things that were condemned as sin under the Mosaic law, but they are not sins to those who are not under the law, because the Mosaic covenant was abrogated on the cross (Eph 2:15; Col 2:14).

What you fail to realize is the difference between a converted and an unconverted heart. One is unbridled human nature, which can murder, and the other is bridled human nature, which cannot murder. It is the Holy Spirit that bridles and constrains the human nature, if one is born of God.

I believe that my differences with E4E and Mystery are only semantical, and if they are not semantical then either they will convince me of their position or I will convince them of my position. They both know that I will change my position and admit my error if I am convinced.

Ok, let's test your thinking then. If a Christian gets desparate for cash, and robs a bank have they sinned?
Or if a Christian commits a homosexual act, have they sinned?


New member
Yay! Mrs. PK is here!:bannana:

It was neat and caught me by surprise actually. I had left this minimized while I was doing some things. She says people like Elohiym are why she doesn't really post on here very often. I'm sure he will wear that as a badge of honor but it's really to his shame.


Well-known member
Satan got booted out of heaven for being an idiot, why shouldn't elo get booted out of TOL for being an idiot?
If Knight booted people off TOL for being idiots there wouldn't be many people left to post and build content on his website. Further, this site thrives on contention, and most honest people here will admit it livens the place up.

I subscribed to TOL because I want to support this forum. It was understood that a fringe benefit for people who subscribed would be their ability to mock regular members. Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to be true, as I have received two infractions for doing what I have seen you and PK do infraction-free.

Personally, I like a passionate debate, with appropriate name calling, mocking and all the bells and whistles. Knight and I differ on what constitutes appropriate name calling. I think it is appropriate on this forum if one calls another moron if that person has called him a moron or equivalent. Knight apparently thinks it is only appropriate if agrees with you that the person you called a moron is moron.

Anyway, thanks again for conceding that Satan is an idiot. :)


New member
Excelent elyah. No gentile ever went to hell for violating the Mosaic Law. That is why it cannot be an act of sin that the gentiles committed. Jesus came to bring us life from the dead. What death was that you ask? Why the sin Adam committed that brought forth his death of course. We are all born into that death. Salvation is life from the dead. Jew and gentile alike.

Aaah ha ha, ... don't run with the ball yet! One mistake, ... Why was the law given?
To identify the cancer when its overtly present and to identify the disorder and propensity to make those nasty little melanocytes in the organism itself.

So you have two individuals, twins and one is placed under the scrutiny of a physician with some treatments for his cancer if he applies the medicine to his daily affairs, and this should see him through until that miracle cure comes, (the awaited Mashiach), ... Alas he gets sloppy about his medication and takes some of it, or doesn't take the other, forgets a day or two and the medicine which should have made him better and sustained him actually begins to work against him and the disease gets worst.

But then you have the other fellow, ... that twin is not so fortunate, .. doesn't make as much money, and can't get the best medical care. His Cancer is just as active,
he knows it, but would rather not think about it and continues to do his thing, illness and all with little thought to his critical state of being.

Both have the cancer (they sin), both evidenced its presence in their flesh but the one under the physicians care has been given instruction to minimise the condition
until the remedy arrives, but he has a controversy with his doctor, so the doctor can't treat him and discharges him.

The remedy arrives at the hospital, and the doctors tells the nurse, if he had listened to me we could begin this therapy right away, but he is gone, ... the phone rings and apparently he is not home, so set it aside until we get a hold of him.

In the meantime since we have an ample supply of this medication, stock up the medical van and drive out into the community and let his twin brother and everyone else know that though they have no health insurance (not the children of the promise), they can come to the van and be inoculate and be freely treated for their cancer.

He that has health insurance will be treated under his health Insurance plan and they which do not can come and receive the free hand-out treatment for their distress.

No gentile will go to hell for their violation of Mosaic law (unless they were a convert) but they do go to hell for the violation of the intent of G-d's Will which though not encapsulated in a Word of instructions called Torah, (as given to the gentiles) has been made available to the rational minds of everyone except the true idiots, ... and they are exonerated under G-d's grace..

even as through one man the sin did enter into the world, and through the sin the death; and thus to all men the death did pass through, for that all did sin; 13 for till law sin was in the world: and sin is not reckoned when there is not law; 14 but the death did reign from Adam till Moses, even upon those not having sinned in the likeness of Adam's transgression, who is a type of him who is coming.
and now I remind you what is also written that G-d will judge all according to the manner of the "health insurance" they have. get it?


New member
You are wrong.

You DO in fact preach that good works must be maintained (just not in so many words).

When you were asked what happens if a Christian is found slipping up you responded.....Therefore, based on that assertion no human could ever be considered a Christian unless.....

- They lived the remainder of their life without slipping up.

That is works and not grace.

Great points brother! :up:


New member
elohiym said:
If Knight booted people off TOL for being idiots there wouldn't be many people left to post and build content on his website.

Actually from what I've observed, new idiots always come along to replace the old ones who get banned. :)


New member
Actually from what I've observed, new idiots always come along to replace the old ones who get banned. :)

And sometimes the old idiots come back under new names and get banned again for being idiots. :rotfl:

How many installments of "Edge" did we see? :ha:


Well-known member
You are wrong.

You DO in fact preach that good works must be maintained (just not in so many words).
If salvation cannot be lost, by what stretch of the imagination can you claim it must be maintained? That's just goofy, Knight.

To believe good works are apparent in someone with a converted heart is not the same as saying that someone must maintain good works to maintain a converted heart. You are implying that I am saying the latter, which is false.
When you were asked what happens if a Christian is found slipping up you responded.....
You are being unfair, Knight. I have stated numerous times to you that people call themselves Christian but are not, that what is at issue is conversion, which you consistently avoid defining for the debate.

I don't believe that someone who is born of God can slip up, not that must keep from slipping up. This is similar to our disagreement about Jesus. You believe he could sin, that he had the capacity to sin; but I believe Jesus could not sin and lacked the capacity to sin. Jesus could not slip up, and neither can anyone born of God.

Logically, in light of what I just stated, the only possible answer I could give to your hypothetical situation is that the person who slipped up was not converted.


New member
elohiym said:
Knight apparently thinks it is only appropriate if agrees with you that the person you called a moron is moron.

For some it is readily evident to anyone with brain cells that they are a moron.


Well-known member
Rest assured, I save my "moron blasts" for the true morons.
Then you should specify the conditions for name calling and mocking in the membership benefits. Perhaps specify that subscribers can mock and call regular members names only if those regular members are not your friends. Then attach a list of you current friends. That would be reasonable.


Well-known member
Ok, let's test your thinking then. If a Christian gets desparate for cash, and robs a bank have they sinned?
Or if a Christian commits a homosexual act, have they sinned?
Let's test your thinking first.

Do you believe that a Christian has a license to sin? Yes or no.

Nathon Detroit

I have stated numerous times to you that people call themselves Christian but are not, that what is at issue is conversion, which you consistently avoid defining for the debate.
And the only way for you to determine if a person is actually a Christian, or just calling themselves a Christian, is if they don't slip up.

Based on that.... I do not know a single person who is actually a Christian.

Does anyone else know any Christians? Who here on TOL knows any folks who don't slip up? :idunno:

Nathon Detroit

Let's test your thinking first.

Do you believe that a Christian has a license to sin? Yes or no.
Using the term "license to sin" is a typical mocking technique used by atheists to mock the grace we have in Jesus Christ.

You should be ashamed of yourself for continually trying to mock the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Paul explained this rather well in Romans 6. While we have liberty in Christ that doesn't mean we should abuse our liberty in Christ.


New member
Let's test your thinking first.

Do you believe that a Christian has a license to sin? Yes or no.

This was already answered, but no I don't believe a Christian has a license to sin. That is a complete misstatement of the Grace message. Read Romans 6 and you will have your answer from the Word of God.