If you sincerely follow the Holy Spirit, He will lead you to the Catholic Church


New member
Terse, overbearing Catholic converts are Evangelical hybrids with little to offer except accusation and condemnation. I've never once met a loving Catholic in my life. Not once. They're all ignorant carnalites with a false agenda of self-righteousness... to a person.

I think that is a little unfair. I have known some Catholics I really liked. They even went out of their way to be friendly, etc. I still have fond memories of several.


TOL Subscriber
I think that is a little unfair. I have known some Catholics I really liked. They even went out of their way to be friendly, etc. I still have fond memories of several.

I truly wish I could say that. Literally 100% of Catholics I've ever known have been as I say. It's disappointing.



TOL Subscriber
I believe this is a severe and mostly laity, mistake and heterodox. The Catholic church 'recognized' the canon, not created it. There are a lot of reasons this has to be true and why many Catholic authorities say the same thing. You have to 'write' the books to be the author.

Collating the OT and the Apostles is/was a no-brainer chore. You simply take books that are written in the OT bible and add anything written by an Apostle or included by an Apostle, and that's the end of it for us. You Orthodox/Catholics can get lost in confusion after the clarity is all over (and that is precisely what happens).

WORD!!!! Preach.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
If you sincerely follow the Holy Spirit, He will lead you to God. God does not live in a church. Any church.


If you sincerely follow the Holy Spirit, He will lead you to God. God does not live in a church. Any church.
What does "sincerely follow the Holy Spirit" actually mean?

Can we evaluate such a question simply by asserting that it is going on in ourselves or in others--or not going on?

How do you tell?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Can't wait for my new brown scapulars to arrive from Amazon.
Everyone in my family is getting one for Christmas.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
As a kid I used to throw the bathtowel over my shoulders and holding the broom brush end up used to march with six neighbourhood kids following behind....we were playing church


New member
LOL.Good ol' Cruciform.Y'know...I tell people about you, and have them read your stuff sporadically.They ALL insist your tact is the greatest anti-Catholic pro-Protestant approach they've ever seen.You drive others FROM Catholicism with your sterile and loveless logical fallacy tactics.It's some weird leftover Evangelical impulse in you to nominally argue and convert others.You really are the kind of representative for Catholicism that does much more harm than good; whereas a humble, gracious, and knowledgable Orthodox like Arsenios is utterly compelling.Why continue with such a pattern?You've almost single-handedly caused me to spurn the very mention of Catholicism, when I was preciously much more neutral.Add nominal idiotic indoctrinates like rebulicanchick, and you guys are the greatest deterrent to Catholicism extant.Just...Why? Why be so...You? Why not be Christ instead?Be beyond non-Catholics in every aspect of your comportment and example.Only then might others listen, and even that's a long-shot.Terse, overbearing Catholic converts are Evangelical hybrids with little to offer except accusation and condemnation.I've never once met a loving Catholic in my life.Not once.They're all ignorant carnalites with a false agenda of self-righteousness...to a person.Maybe prayfully consider the weight of these words.
I certainly would---if there were any weight to your words. What you've delivered here is one long ad hominem rant, and nothing more. You've yet to actually disprove a single Catholic claim or argument, nor can you. Your position essentially amounts to "I don't LIKE what Catholics are saying!" Your personal preference is noted, though it actually proves nothing whatsoever.

Back to Post #71.

Gaudium de veritate,

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New member
IfI'm on TOL, conversing with you. Why should I access information elsewhere that you won't provide here? true.

Y shouldn't you?

If you were interested in what the Catholic Church TRULY teaches, you would investigate, read books on saints... the popes throughout history and etc.. But you are not interested enough to do your own research

If you knew what practicing Catholics know, you wouldn't be so...

uh... slothful yourself



New member
LOL. Good ol' Cruciform.

Y'know... I tell people about you, and have them read your stuff sporadically. They ALL insist your tact is the greatest anti-Catholic pro-Protestant approach they've ever seen.

You drive others FROM Catholicism with your sterile and loveless logical fallacy tactics. .

that is nothing but a malicious (sounding)

uh... prevarication

aka: untruth

why don't u tell the truth?

You WISH he drove people away from the Church with his "tactics"

you wish you could validly discredit aLL catholics... but you can't. You know there is truth to Catholicism... and that scares you...



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
What does "sincerely follow the Holy Spirit" actually mean?

Can we evaluate such a question simply by asserting that it is going on in ourselves or in others--or not going on?

How do you tell?
That is a very hard question to answer. I don't know that I have a good answer. I think we need to be very careful when we put our fate in the hands of a church and just accept everything that church has to say without question. I think that we need to open our bibles, say prayer and then read a book. Not a passage or a few versus, we need to read the whole book. Does what the pastor/preacher/priest says about what you just read square with what the book says as a hole? I think we need to pray more each day. Pray the Lord's Prayer and focus on those words. That is at least a place to start.

God's Truth

New member
I think that is a little unfair. I have known some Catholics I really liked. They even went out of their way to be friendly, etc. I still have fond memories of several.

Any and all outside of God's Truth are not to be highly valued. Is that why you are a Mormon? Did you succumb to the "What can I do for you?" farce?

I was a Catholic before, and a Mormon.

God's Truth is not in either of those denominations, no matter how nice someone is.

God's Truth

New member
That is a very hard question to answer. I don't know that I have a good answer. I think we need to be very careful when we put our fate in the hands of a church and just accept everything that church has to say without question. I think that we need to open our bibles, say prayer and then read a book. Not a passage or a few versus, we need to read the whole book. Does what the pastor/preacher/priest says about what you just read square with what the book says as a hole? I think we need to pray more each day. Pray the Lord's Prayer and focus on those words. That is at least a place to start.

No. NONE OF THAT. How about obey what Jesus says!