I will not vote for trump

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Moreover it is obvious at this point that godless secular humanist liberals are also lawless individuals given that they are willing to vote for a lawless felon like Hillary. Trump is not a great candidate but, in comparison to the felon...he is choirboy.

we'll always be choosing between flawed candidates, until He returns


New member
honestly at this stage I don't know whats worse, voting for a conman in Trump or a felon in Hillary

I think that Clinton poses a danger to Christian values. She is not a proven felon and the only thing that could stop Clinton is an FBI report on the alleged Top Secret, Special access emails. If the FBI clears Clinton, I expect her to be elected.
In my opinion the election of Clinton will be a disaster for Christina values in the USA.


New member
Moreover it is obvious at this point that godless secular humanist liberals are also lawless individuals given that they are willing to vote for a lawless felon like Hillary. Trump is not a great candidate but, in comparison to the felon...he is choirboy.

In my view , this is a religious war with Secular Humnanism


New member
we don't want hillary in the white house but she is not as dangerous as trump
-many republicans will secretly vote for her because they want trump to loose by a lot
-I will not be one of them
-I will vote for all the republicans on the ballot
-trump is not one of them

Clinton is much more dangerous to Christian values.I am an independent who is fed up with both parties, but one of the two major party candidates will be the next president.


New member
Is there a chance of Trump being replaced? I would love to see an actual Republican as the Republican candidate instead of Trump. Trump is worse than Hillary, and that is saying A LOT.

Trump is much better than Clinton for those who care about Christian values in the USA.