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I was making the point on my own.

Pops, question:

Are any who are judged in 2 Corinthians 5 ever separated from God? Or are they with God for the rest of eternity?
2 Corinthians 5: 10. For we must all of us appear before Christ's judgement-seat in our true characters, in order that each may then receive an award for his actions in this life, in accordance with what he has done, whether it be good or whether it be worthless.

(All will be judged.)

(It is an exhortation to believers, and not unbelievers. Even so; it says all will be awarded for their word and deed. The word award means paid for in this context)

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2 Corinthians 5: 10. For we must all of us appear before Christ's judgement-seat in our true characters, in order that each may then receive an award for his actions in this life, in accordance with what he has done, whether it be good or whether it be worthless.

(All will be judged.)

(It is an exhortation to believers, and not unbelievers. Even so; it says all will be awarded for their word and deed. The word award means paid for in this context)

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So could you answer my question then?

Are any who are judged in 2 Corinthians 5 ever separated from God? Or are they with God for the rest of eternity?


New member
So could you answer my question then?

Are any who are judged in 2 Corinthians 5 ever separated from God? Or are they with God for the rest of eternity?
Indeed not. It speaks only of those who believe; and the reconciliation of be clearer; it doesn't speak of, or mention separation from GOD/ destruction for any actual believer/ member of the temple of GOD/ body of Christ.

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Indeed not.

I take it that you meant to say by this that those in 2 Corinthians 5 are never separated from God and are with Him for eternity. And that would be correct.

It speaks only of those who believe; and the reconciliation of all...

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So now my question is this:

You said earlier that 2 Corinthians 5 and Revelation 20 are speaking of the same judgment. How then do you reconcile the fact, which you just admitted, that none of the "judged" in 2Cor5 are separated from God with the fact that most (Matthew 7:13-14) (if not all) in Rev20 will be cast into the Lake of Fire for all eternity (which means they are separated from God)?

Those two Judgments CANNOT be speaking of the same event, or else 2Cor5 and Rev20 would contradict.


New member
I take it that you meant to say by this that those in 2 Corinthians 5 are never separated from God and are with Him for eternity. And that would be correct.

So now my question is this:

You said earlier that 2 Corinthians 5 and Revelation 20 are speaking of the same judgment. How then do you reconcile the fact, which you just admitted, that none of the "judged" in 2Cor5 are separated from God with the fact that most (Matthew 7:13-14) (if not all) in Rev20 will be cast into the Lake of Fire for all eternity (which means they are separated from God)?

Those two Judgments CANNOT be speaking of the same event, or else 2Cor5 and Rev20 would contradict.
Very simply friend.

In the one judgement all the wheat and tares will be gathered.

The wheat will in no way be burned as chaff and fuel for the fire.

But of what use are the tares but the very fuel of the wrath of GOD against the knowing hypocrite; the unbeliever?

This is a good exercise.


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Very simply friend.

In the one judgement all the wheat and tares will be gathered.

The wheat will in no way be burned as chaff and fuel for the fire.

But of what use are the tares but the very fuel of the wrath of GOD against the knowing hypocrite; the unbeliever?

This is a good exercise.


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Jesus gave a way to know which are wheat and which are weeds.

If we are not seeking to produce fruit of spirit, we are sure to be weeds.

That's why Christians who disregard or light of Jesus' teachings are in dangerous place to be.

It is sure way to be weeds.


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Very simply friend.

In the one judgement all the wheat and tares will be gathered.

The wheat will in no way be burned as chaff and fuel for the fire.

But of what use are the tares but the very fuel of the wrath of GOD against the knowing hypocrite; the unbeliever?

This is a good exercise.


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Um... Wha...?

That has nothing to do with what I asked. These passages are focusing on what happens to people, not works or deeds. Please pay attention.

I asked:

How do you reconcile your belief (that 2Cor5 and Rev20 speak of the same event) with the facts that A) 2Cor5 says that all of those who are judged (speaking of people here) will not be separated from God, but will be with Him for all eternity and B) Rev20 says that most (if not all) of those who are judged will be cast into the Lake of Fire (because their names are not found in the Book of Life), which means separation from God for all of eternity?

In other words, how do you reconcile your belief with both A and B?


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Jesus gave a way to know which are wheat and which are weeds.

If we are not seeking to produce fruit of spirit, we are sure to be weeds.

That's why Christians who disregard or light of Jesus' teachings are in dangerous place to be.

It is sure way to be weeds.
Meshak, question for you, who clearly has no idea of what is being said in my question:

What happens to those who die rejecting God?


Meshak, question for you, who clearly has no idea of what is being said in my question:

I know what you believe. I don't care what you say becaseu you don't seek to produce fruit. We know them by the friends they keep too.

Your questions meaningless who don't appreciate Jesus' word.

I gave you the benefit of the doubts tons in the past.


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I know what you believe. I don't care what you say becaseu you don't seek to produce fruit. We know them by the friends they keep too.

Your questions meaningless who don't appreciate Jesus' word.

I gave you the benefit of the doubts tons in the past.
I'm only asking a single question to you:

What happens to someone who dies rejecting God?

I assert that you can't answer that question, because you pick and choose what you believe out of the Bible.


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I dont waste time answering your question. I did that tons in the past.

You are not seeking to know the truth.

I know the truth. The truth is, you can't answer. It's not that you won't answer me, it's that you cannot answer, because what little scripture you hold to doesn't speak of what happens to those who die rejecting God, because you've cut the rest out of your Bible.

I'm asking to see if you know what happens to them. By your dodging and evading, I can safely deduce that YOU DON'T KNOW.

PROVE. ME. WRONG. I dare you.


New member
Um... Wha...?

That has nothing to do with what I asked. These passages are focusing on what happens to people, not works or deeds. Please pay attention.

I asked:

How do you reconcile your belief (that 2Cor5 and Rev20 speak of the same event) with the facts that A) 2Cor5 says that all of those who are judged (speaking of people here) will not be separated from God, but will be with Him for all eternity and B) Rev20 says that most (if not all) of those who are judged will be cast into the Lake of Fire (because their names are not found in the Book of Life), which means separation from God for all of eternity?

In other words, how do you reconcile your belief with both A and B?

I just told you.... twice..... How do you not get that believers will be judged and found without fault in Christ where as; at the same gathering of all and judgement of all; those knowing hypocrites, reprobates, infidels, blasphemers of the Holy Spirit will be cast into the fire?

I will not take part in your will full ignorance. You are sharper than that. I cannot communicate with one who separates and compartmentalizes the word of GOD.


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I dont waste time answering your question.

Next time, before you insert yourself into a conversation I'm having with someone else, remember this, because when you insert yourself into a conversation where I'm a participant, I WILL ask you a question related to the topic at hand. If you truly don't want to waste your time, then don't join the conversation.

God's Truth

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Pops and Meshak don't believe anyone lives on in their spirit after the death of their bodies, but Jesus says the saved go to heaven. Pops and Meshak will always have a hard time reconciling scripture without having belief in the truth about heaven, and those who believe in faith alone will always have a hard time rectifying being saved or not if they do not preach we have to obey.

Obeying is how we get to heaven, and obeying is what pops and Meshack preach, but they preach no one has a spirit that lives on in heaven.

JR and all faith aloners believe we live in either heaven or hell, but they preach against the way to heaven by obedience to Christ.

Both these kind of believers are in falseness.

We do live on in consciousness after the death of our bodies, and, we can have heaven now and after we die, and it happens by obeying Jesus.


Well-known member
Next time, before you insert yourself into a conversation I'm having with someone else, remember this, because when you insert yourself into a conversation where I'm a participant, I WILL ask you a question related to the topic at hand. If you truly don't want to waste your time, then don't join the conversation.

Butting into a conversation and then refusing to respond is nothing but disruptive. Report the Meshak people for being disruptive. It's the only thing that gets their attention.

God's Truth

New member
One need not make the Gospel Message difficult, it ought to be delivered so a child could understand it.

The message you preach, no child would understand it.

You say what Jesus said while he walked the earth is for the Jews only to obey.

What craziness is that? You prove it nowhere that Paul was given another gospel.


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Pops and Meshak don't believe anyone lives on in their spirit after the death of their bodies, but Jesus says the saved go to heaven. Pops and Meshak will always have a hard time reconciling scripture without having belief in the truth about heaven, and those who believe in faith alone will always have a hard time rectifying being saved or not if they do not preach we have to obey.

Obeying is how we get to heaven, and obeying is what pops and Meshack preach, but they preach no one has a spirit that lives on in heaven.

JR and all faith aloners believe we live in either heaven or hell, but they preach against the way to heaven by obedience to Christ.

Both these kind of believers are in falseness.

We do live on in consciousness after the death of our bodies, and, we can have heaven now and after we die, and it happens by obeying Jesus.
GT, what happens to people who die rejecting God?
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