How the Gospel Works


New member
No, it says I'm dead to sin and I'm a new creation, your doctrine says we're robots. Everybody is the 500 to 1000 guests that visit TOL everyday.

You spelled received wrong, as usual

You have never been saved and are still in sin. You boast about smoking and drinking alcohol. Messiah saves men from their sins not in their sins.

I left school at 13 years of age with very little education and so my spelling is not very good.

patrick jane

You have never been saved and are still in sin. You boast about smoking and drinking alcohol. Messiah saves men from their sins not in their sins.

I left school at 13 years of age with very little education and so my spelling is not very good.
I haven't had a drink in 2 years. You spell pretty good


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Because you will learn something from it. Think about this some more, you are merely touting your 'authority' over the Lord Jesus Christ otherwise. Do you people even think? You are against my Calvinism, but all it states is 1) God loves you 2) pursued you and 3) saved you
by His choice. You begrudge God His ownership? 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Instead of wrestling with scriptures, you and Pate take the inane opportunity to take stabs instead of discussing the very scriptures themselves. Okay, go for it. Attacking Calvinism is a complete waste of time. You don't see me attacking Open Theism. Scriptures themselves will out truth. Instead of acknowledging scriptures and your adverse brothers in Christ, you two are off attacking windmills. Go for it. My Calvinism is a windmill. Conquer it :plain:
How would I learn something from anything that God had not predestined me to learn from? How can Pate and I do anything other than what Calvin's control freak god predestined us to do? Which windmill could we not attack in opposition to their god's eternal decree? Which scripture could we wrestle with when their god had predestined us to take stabs instead?

How is it possible to be so stupid as to not see the inherent self-contradiction? :bang:
A brain that works so poorly ought not be able to keep your lung function working and yet you can not only breath but you can read and understand what you're reading and can respond with the use of a keyboard of all things. You are without excuse.

Great, at least you are discussing scriptures instead of the inane. Go with it. MUCH more meaningful than drivel and inane attack on something you either don't understand or can't see the scriptures referring.
There are no scriptures that teach one syllable of Calvinism's distinctive doctrines. Sure, they have their proof texts but so did David Koresh.

Shoot. Start a thread on Romans 9, not this veiled attempt by Pate (and yourself) to yet again attack Calvinism.
I've done that. I've debated Romans 9 till I'm blue in the face. It doesn't work. None of these people, including you, are capable of thinking past their own noses. Either that or they are capable and choose not to, which I think is, in fact, the case more often than not. The problem is that they hate God (i.e. the real God) They "love" the pretend god that they believe predestined them to hate me and the rationality that I smack them over the head with but they despise the God of Reason that created them.

Yep, you were ordained in as much, as you aren't giving Him sovereignty. He is Sovereign, but Romans 8:28 Even Open Theology agrees with this.
I recommend that you not speak for Open Theists. You have no idea what you're talking about. Romans 8:28 is true but it is a generalization. The word "all" almost never means "every single thing". God does not set your house on fire so as to provide an occasion to rescue you from the flames. Bad things do happen to good people because we live in an evil world where evil people refuse to live their lives based on sound reason and the principles of righteousness (same thing).

Do you even realize how much you and Calvinists embrace together? :nono:
I share nothing but some common language with the Calvinists and much of that is just phonetic in nature. Their redefinition of common English words and what would otherwise be easy to understand, common sense biblical language, alters the meaning of even the most basic of Christian doctrines. They do not believe that God became a man because they reject the notion that God can become anything. They reject the notion that God the Son died in their place because they reject the idea that God can die. They do not believe that God loves them because they reject the idea of choice which love requires. They say that God became flesh, they say that Jesus died, they say that God loves but it all means something other than what their words would mean in any context outside their religious paradigm. They are hopelessly entangled in a web of lies so thick that it would literally take a miracle for any of them to be rescued from it. Their real problem is that the web is of their own making. They believe it to be their moral duty to be so entangled and to constantly be at the work of entangling themselves further. They blindly believe that contradictions can exist and that lies are the truth and it is sin, in their minds, to even consider the actual truth. I don't know how more hopeless a situation one could ever find themselves in (this side of the grave, of course).

You'll just say "I have NOTHING in common with YOU!" :( You threw the gauntlet. If I can ever bust through your misplaced crusades on TOL, you actually can make for a good discussion.
Except that I don't "just say" anything. It's you and the Calvinists who do that. I make arguments. Arguments that seem to fly right over your heads except that they don't actually do so, you just ignore them.

The problem is you fall back too often to this inane nonsense and trash talk AND that is what it is. Ordained? Yeah, else I'd not respond. Everything is in His Hands. Proverbs 16:9 It is both Calvinist and Open Theist in the same verse that we'd both use it, but, instead, it becomes an 'attack on Calvinism' instead of a cogent discussion on Scripture. That too is ordained. It's TOL.
It's blasphemy, Lon! God did not predestine everything and the Bible does not teach that He did. The word sovereign only means "complete and absolute control of everything that happens" in the Calvinist convoluted lexicon of redefined common English words.
There is no authority higher than God. All authority that anyone has, whether it be over their own lives or anything else, was delegated to them by God, which would be the prerogative of any sovereign king even here on Earth. But the Calvinist don't even give their god that much power. Their broken minds tell them that if the god they worship delegated anything then he'd no longer be a god. Why? It's not because the scriptures, which you seem so fond of, tell them that. Quite the opposite in fact! The scripture explicitly say the opposite of what they claim! The direct, absolute, total opposite! The real God, in His divine soverignty, set before you good and evil and says "choose". But the Calvinist and you along with them, say "NO WAY, JOSE! I can't choose good! I'm totally depraved! Don't you know anything?!"

Yeah, instead of recognizing your brothers in Christ, who genuinely disagrees with you, you and Pate relegate these outside the kingdom.
Their every breath is blasphemy. If they are saved in the end then praise God but I will be giving the blasphemer the benefit of the doubt and will assume that they are the enemy of God that their blasphemy implies.

It is frankly, intellectually lazy.

I give you marks for thinking of that as a potential correct button to push with me but it literally made me laugh out loud.

You, who cannot detect blatant self-contradiction in your own sentences or who actually does detect it and says it anyway, want to try to shame me into thinking that I'm the intellectually lazy one? That's funny.

I don't really care about knee-jerk and misinformed and yep, you are. You don't really pay attention so have a thin veneer of Calvinist understanding.
Don't tell me what I do and do not know. I've spent my entire adult life studying, debating and refuting Calvinism.
There isn't one single argument - not one single argument - that any Calvinist can make in support of their religion that I haven't read or heard in one form or another and I've refuted them all with both scripture and sound reason.

If you turn it around, sure, I have the same regarding Open Theism.
As if you'd care?! Again, you must believe that everything you do and everything I do in response is all just you and I having our marionette strings pulled around by your "sovereign" god!

Every sentence you utter refutes your own doctrine! How does someone maintain a belief in something so unavoidably self-contradictory?

Despite that, I know, per fact, there is no good that can come from lambasting you or your theology.
You have no choice, Lon. If you don't lambast me, it's because god forced you not to - right?. It has nothing to do with whether good can come from it.

Besides, weren't you just quoting Romans 8 and telling me that God works everything for the good? Why is lambasting me immune from this all encompassing principle?

Rather, I'd rather discuss scriptures, as they come up. You will stand or fall upon them, and them alone.
This sentence could have come right out of the mouth of David Koresh or Jim Jones or Yahweh Ben Yahweh a hundred other cult leaders. They all made the same mistake you've made. You've taken leave of your mind by rejecting sound reason in favor of blind belief in some pet doctrine. Every word you read or hear, especially if contained within the Bible, is tinted by those religious concepts that you dare not touch with your rational mind.

There is nothing but trying to show scriptures in context for any of us.
Even the context is informed by the prejudices that your untouchable religious presupposions create.

If you think that the Bible is the irreducible primary in matters of doctrine, you need to realize that you cannot read without your mind.

We all have presuppositions, you say? Yes indeed, we do. But not all of us have untouchable ones that are accepted outside the purview of reason.

This thread 'started' well, but the undercurrent of 'take this Calvinists!' is posturing. I'll take scriptures or nothing.
No, Lon, you won't! That's just the whole problem! Your mind is broken. No! It isn't broken, it's far worse than that. It's not that your mind doesn't work, it's that you've just turned it off! It isn't that you are blind, it's that you (and the Calvinists) refuse to see.

And what's more is that it isn't what you're rejecting but Who! It is Jesus Who was the Logos of God in the beginning. It is He who gives epistemological light!

John 1:1 In the beginning was Reason, and Reason was with God, and Resaon was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.​

The life of a Rational Being (i.e. the existence of the Logos) is what makes it possible for you to know anything.

Because you and I sometimes have a meaningful dialogue, I took you off ignore, and at your request. The problem is you keep lowering yourself to basal interests. Even Knight and Delmar have told you the same thing. Take it for what it is worth. I'll let you and Pate continue with the last word. This thread became meaningless as soon as complaint against Calvinism overshadowed the gospel and the scriptures by your own hands ruining what could have been you two discussing the truth and importance of scriptures. God ordained that too, that you could do it. There are things to be learned by the example of it. -Lon

If God ordained it, how is it okay for you to dislike or object to it?

How would it have been even conceptually possible for anyone on this thread to have typed one word differently?

I asked it before, I ask it again...

How is it possible to be so stupid as to not see the flagrantly obvious self-contradiction inherent in nearly everything you've said in this whole post? I'd expect any slobbering imbecile to detect it before it ever left his lips!

Seriously! If God ordained this thread, did he ordain your frustration with it? Did he ordain your inability to see the contradictory nature of your every sentence?

Why oh why does anyone believe such completely stupid nonsense?! It is literally insane. On what grounds does anyone take a syllable of it seriously?

Resting in Him,


New member
One out of three ain't good. I love to mock you, that's all you got right

Only since I pointed out that you are not converted. Before that you said you were going to purchase a TOL membership for me. Every day you thanked me for my posts and to be honest you were making me sick. I gave you some rope but as soon as you started advocating sin I needed to tell you the truth. You are a spiteful man and that is yet another sign of Satan.

patrick jane

Only since I pointed out that you are not converted. Before that you said you were going to purchase a TOL membership for me. Every day you thanked me for my posts and to be honest you were making me sick. I gave you some rope but as soon as you started advocating sin I needed to tell you the truth. You are a spiteful man and that is yet another sign of Satan.
I saw that you returned after leaving us alone for a long time. I thank most people. I will still buy you a membership. But then you started making me sick with your versions of scripture, judging others, especially women, and your constant hate and bitterness. You will be judged harshly, be prepared to go to hell, where you can judge your father, the devil


New member
I saw that you returned after leaving us alone for a long time. I thank most people. I will still buy you a membership. But then you started making me sick with your versions of scripture, judging others, especially women, and your constant hate and bitterness. You will be judged harshly, be prepared to go to hell, where you can judge your father, the devil

I know whom I have trusted and I'm convinced He is able to complete that which He has begun in me.


TOL Subscriber
I know whom I have trusted and I'm convinced He is able to complete that which He has begun in me.
The passage says this:

2 Timothy 1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

If what you said above were true, you would not oppose those who preach the cross as the power of God.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
How many other writings of men do you follow? Who are all of those guys at the bottom of your page? Do you follow them also?

Just Google Verdict Publications by Robert D. Brinsmead.


One day the hypocrisy of your charges to me will dawn on you. I will continue to point them out from time to time lest you become too puffed up in your unrighteous indignation.

Apparently it is just fine for you to direct others to your favorite man, but when someone else does the same, all manner of nonsense ensues.



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
If God ordained it, how is it okay for you to dislike or object to it?
This is a good point, Clete.

If it was GOD's will to make it impossible for some to believe, then any Calvinists attempt to covert them is actually opposing GOD's will.
Or to put another way, according to Calvinism everyone is believing exactly what GOD wants them to believe this very moment.
And yet, the Calvinists here are trying to get you to have a different view this moment.
Why would they attempt to do that if everyone is believing what GOD wants them to believe at this moment????

In truth, the Calvinist cannot even know if he himself is an elect one, because GOD has ordained that some believe a lie that they believe is actually truth.
How can any Calvinist know if they are one of the ones that GOD ordained to BELIEVE a lie?

Even if they claim "know them by their fruits" does not help them because GOD could ordain them to misunderstand the fruit they believe is good.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You try to demean me for posting here, look at what you do, you are a record keeper. lol
Persons have a tendency to speak before they think. I am not one of those persons. Hence, I generally take great care in what I say and how I say it. That includes taking the time to understand the person to whom I respond. If you are going to attempt to walk in another person's shoes and tell him what he believes, you would do well to try those shoes on beforehand.

Those that continually wander about making drive-by posts in all manner of threads amply demonstrate their lack of stewardship of the time they have been given. Your life is not this board or any other. Yet, it seems you are unable to tear yourself away from its often subtle temptations that tickle your desire to be seen everywhere. Be seen and be heard. Being seen and not heard comes from the contempt that arises in others when you makes oneself an annoyance because there is no word or thought in your head that does not escape being placed on the screen.

You are not a voice crying in the wilderness. You are not an anointed one. You are just a lonely and confused lady seeking validation from others and who obviously cannot manage her time very well. I continue to pray for you about these things.


Robert Pate

Well-known member

One day the hypocrisy of your charges to me will dawn on you. I will continue to point them out from time to time lest you become too puffed up in your unrighteous indignation.

Apparently it is just fine for you to direct others to your favorite man, but when someone else does the same, all manner of nonsense ensues.


My man, Robert D. Brinsmead taught the Gospel and justification by faith, a very biblical doctrine that was taught by the apostle Paul. Every thing that Brinsmead taught was according to the Bible and honored God and brought glory to Jesus Christ. Can't say the same for your Calvinist doctrine.
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Well-known member

Can you or Clete believe anything other than what GOD has willed you both to believe?

No. Our world and universe is finite and made by God. There is nothing outside of Him (sin is a nothing, a privation of what is good).
If God is truly infinite Creator as we Christians believe and state and as Scripture He stated asserts, then there is nothing that we 'could' experience outside of what He has already made, logically and also by the scriptures John 15:5 Colossians 1:17 Proverbs 16:9 Proverbs 19:21 Jeremiah 10:23 For me, while I can see how others would read these differently; God is always Sovereign over all, the final word and authority on everything Romans 8:28 I think we all agree on these scriptures, but we come away either thinking 'we' matter, or God matters. 1 Corinthians 3:15 And even in this, I think we have some agreements but ultimately we come away either thinking 'we' are important and that's okay, it is someone who feels loved by God, or that "He" is important and unless the Lord builds the house, we labor in vain. Psalm 127:1

I'm not sure if I answered your question satisfactorily, but I endeavored and tried to be thorough while addressing it.