How do you picture other members?


New member
Hall of Fame
I have spent a good amount of time the last several years talking to people here that I have never actually met or seen in real life. I picture people here certain ways. I figured you all do the same?

I picture most people like their avatars - but for your thread, I thought about what i think you might look like based on things ive seen you say and this is what i think it might be:



New member
I picture most people like their avatars - but for your thread, I thought about what i think you might look like based on things ive seen you say and this is what i think it might be:


Nope. I'm a farm boy blue collar dock worker surrounded by oil fields.


New member
I picture most people like their avatars - but for your thread, I thought about what i think you might look like based on things ive seen you say and this is what i think it might be:

Keep telling yourself that.

Potheads are never cut. Choosing between paying for gear and weed, it's no contest. Plus, Cheetos.

I'll just show you what I look like (how fat I am). . .

. . . I'll add more later.