homosexual thread


I don't get it.

If ACW's threads bother you so much, why do you read it and get annoyed by it?



New member
The gay lobby is powerful in the UK unfortunately. They were allowed to preach homosexuality all over London by putting posters on the London buses which reads: "Some people are gay, get over it".


But when a Christian group began putting up their own posters on London buses which read: "Not Gay! Ex-Gay, post-Gay and Proud, get over it" it was banned by the high court. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-21894518


One law for the homosexuality lobby another law for everybody else.

Yea, some people's logic. Fight hate with hate. If you don't care for anti-homosexual rhetoric just ignore it and preach your own message twice as hard. Make sure no one can hear the haters. It hurts their feelings :chuckle: .

John Mortimer

New member
I have never understood what all this homophobia is about. I used to identify myself as a fundamentalist evangelical Christian - and when I did I felt obliged to condemn homosexuality. Why? What IS the big deal?! Who cares? According to conservative Christians, God cares. That was one of the things that convinced me that there was something fundamentally flawed with the whole conservative Christian theology....if you care about such things then you are not serious about the ultimate questions.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
The best way for the church to promote homosexuality is for the church to pronounce against it, forbid it, frown upon it. The more vehemently she does so the more rampant it will become....now you know why homosexuality is rampant.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I have never understood what all this homophobia is about. I used to identify myself as a fundamentalist evangelical Christian - and when I did I felt obliged to condemn homosexuality. Why? What IS the big deal?! Who cares? According to conservative Christians, God cares. That was one of the things that convinced me that there was something fundamentally flawed with the whole conservative Christian theology....if you care about such things then you are not serious about the ultimate questions.

God's greatest revelation to mankind [through Abraham] is family and the rearing of godly children. Homosexuality is inspired by Satan and it cries to heaven to be punished.....and it will be.


Hall of Fame
That is an extremely narrow-minded and bigoted thing to say.

Of course it is ... because we all know that I am the person who wishes to stick my nose in the middle of the relationships of a bunch of anonymous strangers.

Bored much? :plain:

Brother Vinny

Active member
Of course it is ... because we all know that I am the person who wishes to stick my nose in the middle of the relationships of a bunch of anonymous strangers.

Bored much? :plain:

You know, I bet this controversy would dry up and blow away like so much chaff if it wasn't for a bunch of anonymous strangers wanting to rub other people's noses in their relationships.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
They seem to want to rub our noses in their uncleaness...this is perhaps my fourth post on homosexuality, three of them in this thread.


New member
NO ONE is required to get married. Nor should they be required to.
That is an extremely narrow-minded and bigoted thing to say.
Of course it is ... because we all know that I am the person who wishes to stick my nose in the middle of the relationships of a bunch of anonymous strangers.
Yes, we do know that.
Arranged marriage is a type of marital union where the bride and groom are selected by a third party rather than by each other. It was the norm worldwide until the 18th century.​
The relationships of the vast majority of people that have lived throughout history were arranged marriages, but you want to hatemonger against this tradition.

Your narrow-minded refusal to tolerate traditional relationships makes you a bigot that wants to impose your ideologies on a bunch of anonymous strangers.

You fail to realize that the institution of marriage is imposed upon the individuals of society by the society itself as a means of restricting the people those individuals will breed with.


Hall of Fame
You know, I bet this controversy would dry up and blow away like so much chaff if it wasn't for a bunch of anonymous strangers wanting to rub other people's noses in their relationships.

That depends on what one considers *rubbing noses in it* ...

As you know, ACW would LOVE to have homosexuals persecuted AND prosecuted. Many would love to see them receive the DP. IMO, I don't see any good reason for those big old mean homos to turn the other cheek to those types.

Now, if, OTOH, you are speaking about *hate crime legislation*, I don't support that because, IMO, it is about censorship and persecuting others for their thoughts and opinions.

Be specific.


Hall of Fame
The relationships of the vast majority of people that have lived throughout history were arranged marriages, but you want to hatemonger against this tradition.

Only when one of the participants is NOT a consenting adult. It's not okay for adult men to prey on little girls OR for adult women to prey on little boys.

IF the woman is an adult and wishes to be bullied into such a relationship, she does have the right, and I wouldn't wish to have that right *legally* taken a way from her.


New member
The relationships of the vast majority of people that have lived throughout history were arranged marriages, but you want to hatemonger against this tradition.

Only when one of the participants is NOT a consenting adult. It's not okay for adult men to prey on little girls OR for adult women to prey on little boys.

IF the woman is an adult and wishes to be bullied into such a relationship, she does have the right, and I wouldn't wish to have that right *legally* taken a way from her.

See, your narrow-minded bigotry is rearing up its ugly head again and attempting to force your ill-formed opinions upon whole societies of anonymous strangers.

Why do you hate people so much you want to destroy the very institutions of societies that keep people civilized? Is it just because you want to act like an animal and breed with whoever you want to? That way leads to anarchy.


New member
Yes, we do know that.
Arranged marriage is a type of marital union where the bride and groom are selected by a third party rather than by each other. It was the norm worldwide until the 18th century.​
The relationships of the vast majority of people that have lived throughout history were arranged marriages, but you want to hatemonger against this tradition.

Your narrow-minded refusal to tolerate traditional relationships makes you a bigot that wants to impose your ideologies on a bunch of anonymous strangers.

You fail to realize that the institution of marriage is imposed upon the individuals of society by the society itself as a means of restricting the people those individuals will breed with.
Absolutely correct. Those who oppose marriages are generally immoral people themselves who don't have a problem with sticking their private parts in any moving organism. There is also sometimes confusion between arranged marriages and forced marriages. One which is acceptable and in some cases preferable, the other isn't.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.......It will inevitably be an argument over freedom and rights for all VS imposed rights based on religion.

No, it will inevitably be an argument between those who have morals and support normalcy (me) and those who support sexual perversion (you)

Brother Vinny

Active member
That depends on what one considers *rubbing noses in it* ...

As you know, ACW would LOVE to have homosexuals persecuted AND prosecuted. Many would love to see them receive the DP. IMO, I don't see any good reason for those big old mean homos to turn the other cheek to those types.

Now, if, OTOH, you are speaking about *hate crime legislation*, I don't support that because, IMO, it is about censorship and persecuting others for their thoughts and opinions.

Be specific.

I won't go into theocratic territory. The fact is, if homosexuals maintained an under-the-radar existence, reactionaries like aCW wouldn't exist.

I am in agreement about the hate crime legislation.

The original justification for the decriminalization of homosexuality was the right to privacy. Indeed, a common argument from supporters is (or maybe was, by now), "What happens between consenting adults in the privacy of their bedroom is their business." We've come a long way past that now, haven't we? Homosexuals no longer want to keep it a matter of privacy; they want it announced, celebrated, protected, and embraced. And they're largely getting what they want.

The downside of it is, you force an unwilling segment of the public to accept something they recognise is morally vile, and you're going to get backlash. If you don't like the backlash, you have the right to complain (free country and all), but not really the moral or rational justification to do so.


Hall of Fame
See, your narrow-minded bigotry is rearing up its ugly head again and attempting to force your ill-formed opinions upon whole societies of anonymous strangers.

:chuckle: An opinion of not agreeing with something is a far cry from hating the participants so much that I would wish to see them harmed. While I do not approve that arranged marriages are a good thing, I would never support making it illegal as long as the participants were adults.

Why do you hate people so much you want to destroy the very institutions of societies that keep people civilized? Is it just because you want to act like an animal and breed with whoever you want to? That way leads to anarchy.

Hmmm ... after such a brilliant, well thought out accusation, I may need a moment to come up with an response that will mirror your allegation. Or perhaps not.
