Cruciform said:
6days said:
I agree, and that is why I put the word science in quote marks. There are people who teach things as if it is science, but instead they are promoting secular ideas about our origins. ( secular 'science')
Again, there IS no "secular science," there is only science. Science works exactly the same whether one is a theist or not.
I agree, and that is why I put the word science in quote marks. There are people who teach things as if it is science, but instead they are promoting secular ideas about our origins. ( secular 'science'). You are welcome to call it evolutionism if that term suits you better.
Cruciform said:
6days said:
If a person teaches from the pulpit that death existed in our world for millions of years before sin - then they are teaching secular 'science'...and preaching a compromised gospel.
Why would a pastor be teaching sciencefrom the pulpit, and what expertise could he possibly have to do so?
If a person teaches from the pulpit that death existed in our world for millions of years before sin - then they are teaching secular 'science'...and preaching a compromised gospel.
Perhaps, you should ask why the Pope has a history of being wrong both on matters of science and theology ( Galileo as example...or more recently, the Vatican astronomer)
Cruciform said:
6days said:
Science helps confirm the truth of God's Word.
Then allow it to do so...
Science continues to do so. Science continues exposing flawed evolutionary reasoning. (Poor design arguments, junk DNA, Neandertals, psuedogenes, peppered moth, etc etc)
And science continues revealing the awe factor of our Creator. Science is a form of worship as we get glimpses of the omniscience and omnipotence of our Creator in the our design features of living organisms etc.
Rom. 1:20
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God
Cruciform said:
In any case, science and theology are two quite distinct approaches to truth.
Perhaps. However there can only be one absolute truth which is God'sWord. If you place your trust in secular opinions / secular science, or even religious reasoning, then you are on shifting sands. We see over and over and over where what secular science teaches today is proven wrong tomorrow.
Cruciform said:
6days said:
Science never contradicts His Word.
And his word never contradicts science.
Same as what I said.

However His Word certainly contradicts many evolutionary beliefs. His Word certainly contradicts many scientists.
Cruciform said:
6days said:
Interesting that you so willingly disregard the Bible.
I disregard the Bible when I'm doing science.
Uh.... but you don't understand what science is, so you certainly don't do science.
Cruciform said:
When I'm doing theology, I pay close attention to the Bible. Which do you want to discuss---theology, or science?
Uh... but you don't seem to understand God'sWord or science. God's Word is inerrant when it touches on history, philosophy, science etc.
Cruciform said:
We are not descendants of monkeys, rocks, or ape like creatures.
That's a matter of science, not theology. [/quote]But... you don't understand science.... nor God's Word. God tells us that He formed man from the dust then woman from mans rib, and on the 6th day. He tells us that death came into our world due to the sin of one man. We understand from that why Christ suffered physical death on our behalf. When you rely on secular opinions that contradict God's Word, you don't really trust your Creator.