Hello Everyone

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
It seems appropriate to join this discussion group today. I am 55 years old living right on the left coast. Being a newbie here, I am here trying to better understand and challenge my beliefs, so go easy on me. This place looks like the major leagues when I really should be in 'A' baseball. I will try not to dig in and will be on the look out for any brushback pitches...

Welcome! Like the username, as I once took the tour on my motorcycle. ;)

Active in a church?
Monergistic or synergistic soteriologically?


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
which of these are you?

Monergistic or synergistic soteriologically?
You can't be a synergistic Calvinist, chrys. :nono: The link explains it, though after a horrifically biased fashion. :D

The notion set out that "they believe that grace is not alone (sufficient), but that man’s will is necessary for regeneration to be effective," is a bit skewed, since the effectiveness of grace is not impinged upon in either event. The monergistic fellow is stretching/conflating that with the application of grace. So what he calls the synergistic view doesn't actually believe and cannot be said to believe that grace is more or less effective, but that instead, grace is or isn't applied. A very different thing.

It appears our new friend may have been rerouted. :plain: No post since the 3rd? :idunno: Maybe he's taking the scenic route...