Have You Been Reconciled to God by Jesus Christ?


Well-known member
You are about as lost as they come. You reject Christ and all that he has done for you.

You reject the Gospel of Christ and His Death's accomplishments.You teach that people He died for shall still wind up in hell unsaved for their sins that He already died for!


Well-known member
If one has been reconciled to God by Christ death while they are enemies, it is a guarantee that they will be saved completely Rom 5:10


Well-known member
No one is reconciled to God that has not received Jesus as their Lord and savior, John 1:12.

You are denying the scripture! It plainly says that those Christ died for are reconciled to God while they are enemies Rom 5:10! Is Jesus Christ God ? Yes

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You have been saying that all are reconciled to God. Have you changed your opinion?

Salvation has been provided for all by the doing and the dying of Jesus. Yes, God has reconciled the whole world unto himself by Jesus Christ, but NOTHING is yours if you don't receive it, John 1:12.

You don't want to humble yourself and receive what God has done for you in Jesus Christ. Instead you want it imposed upon you so that you don't have to receive it, John 5:43.

Not going to happen that way.


New member
The question is NOT have you been predestinated?

The question is... "Have You Been Reconciled to God by Jesus Christ?"

The word "Reconciliation" means that at one time you were alienated in your mind and enemies with God by wicked works. Yet now has God reconciled you to himself by Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:21, 22.

As far as God is concerned you have been reconciled to him by his Son Jesus Christ. However, reconciliation is a two way street. If you refuse to accept God's offer to be reconciled unto him by Jesus Christ then you are still under his wrath.

"He that believes on the Son (and is reconciled) has everlasting life: and he that does not believe on the Son (has not been reconciled) and shall NOT see life; but the wrath of God abides upon him" John 3:36.

No reconciliation means no salvation. When we accept Jesus Christ as our savior we become reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ. When God reconciles us to himself by Jesus Christ he sees us "In Christ". The death of Christ becomes our death. "In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblamable and unreprovable in his sight" Colossians 1:22.

God never sees us who are Christians outside of Jesus Christ. If God saw us outside of Christ he would see us as sinners and he would have to judge us. God must judge sin where ever he finds it. This is why Paul wrote to the Colossians..."For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God" Colossians 3:3. I don't know about you, but that is exactly where I want to be.

I was a hardcore Catholic for 35 years until I realized the story of Jesus is not meant to be taken literally. The story of Jesus is symbolism for the infinite and eternal part of us that the Catholics term the soul. Without the soul we tend to feel worthless and have the need to hold on to beliefs to avoid this feeling. Don't buy the literal interpretation. It is fear-based and it misses the point that we are one with God. Knowing this and feeling it is the true reconciliation.


Well-known member
Salvation has been provided for all by the doing and the dying of Jesus. Yes, God has reconciled the whole world unto himself by Jesus Christ, but NOTHING is yours if you don't receive it, John 1:12.

You don't want to humble yourself and receive what God has done for you in Jesus Christ. Instead you want it imposed upon you so that you don't have to receive it, John 5:43.

Not going to happen that way.

False teaching, promoting Salvation by works by what a person does. Those Christ died for are reconciled to God while they are enemies and unbelievers Rom 5:10

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I was a hardcore Catholic for 35 years until I realized the story of Jesus is not meant to be taken literally. The story of Jesus is symbolism for the infinite and eternal part of us that the Catholics term the soul. Without the soul we tend to feel worthless and have the need to hold on to beliefs to avoid this feeling. Don't buy the literal interpretation. It is fear-based and it misses the point that we are one with God. Knowing this and feeling it is the true reconciliation.

We are one with God only in Jesus Christ, Ephesians 1:10.


New member
I was a hardcore Catholic for 35 years until I realized the story of Jesus is not meant to be taken literally.

Edgar Poe asked, "Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?"

And your answer to Edgar?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
False teaching, promoting Salvation by works by what a person does. Those Christ died for are reconciled to God while they are enemies and unbelievers Rom 5:10

When you hear those words... "Depart from me, I never knew you" don't be surprised.

Right Divider

Body part
I was a hardcore Catholic for 35 years until I realized the story of Jesus is not meant to be taken literally. The story of Jesus is symbolism for the infinite and eternal part of us that the Catholics term the soul. Without the soul we tend to feel worthless and have the need to hold on to beliefs to avoid this feeling. Don't buy the literal interpretation. It is fear-based and it misses the point that we are one with God. Knowing this and feeling it is the true reconciliation.
From one false belief system to another. I feel bad for you.

Brother Ducky

New member
Salvation has been provided for all by the doing and the dying of Jesus. Yes, God has reconciled the whole world unto himself by Jesus Christ, but NOTHING is yours if you don't receive it, John 1:12.

You don't want to humble yourself and receive what God has done for you in Jesus Christ. Instead you want it imposed upon you so that you don't have to receive it, John 5:43.

Not going to happen that way.

So, for you "being reconciled" can mean the same as "not reconciled?" Like I believe all Scripture means the same as I do not believe that Scripture?

So, why do you have a problem with the idea that sometime "world" does not mean every human being? It would seem to be an easy jump for you. Since you believe that the whole world being reconciled does not mean that all are reconciled. Should be easy peasy!!!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
So, for you "being reconciled" can mean the same as "not reconciled?" Like I believe all Scripture means the same as I do not believe that Scripture?

So, why do you have a problem with the idea that sometime "world" does not mean every human being? It would seem to be an easy jump for you. Since you believe that the whole world being reconciled does not mean that all are reconciled. Should be easy peasy!!!

I believe the bible to be the word of God. If the scripture says world, I believe it to mean all of humanity, like in John 3:16.

if Jesus did not defeat sin, death and the devil then Jesus is NOT Lord and should be removed from his position at the right hand of God, Hebrews 1:3.