Happy Birthday, godrulz

john w

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Why do you insist on being such a simple simpleton? Equally capable godly scholars through the years have agreed that wishing one a happy birthday is of great importance and signifies that your fellow man is valued.

What does your screen name mean?Wrong assumptions lead to wrong conclusions.Your views are held by some, but not the historic, orthodox church.. You are making our views diametrically opposed, when they are actually close (apart from difficult believism, and geasy law-ism,which is a different issue than salvific paradigms). The problem is your inability to think and lack of theological sophistication, not my view itself. You are clearly confused about our position because you are importing your wrong, shallow understanding and superimposing it on our views, which is not what you are claiming it is. Be balanced, and think biblical hermeneutics, in context.

Who is your pastor?

john w

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And 33,000 posts.

Your exegesis does not make you consistent or defensible, and you give diametrically opposing conclusions based on our preconceptions/assumptions. It is insufficient to claim biblical support if we all do so with different conclusions. Birthdayism, etc., is based on deductive ideas and requires proof texting and rationalizations leading to weakness and problems. Like any view, there are a variety of nuances held by different people, so we have to be careful to stereotype which leads to a lack of theological sophistication and critical thinking skills, and does not allow you/us to make reasoned judgments. It is a personal thing, not an unbiased evaluation. You have forced your hobby horse ideas into the text, w/o proof texting, and have made the issue more narrow than the Bible does, in context.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
It is a conspiracy. You, you, rat....:shocked:

I once accepted uncritically traditional views, but have found them unbiblical or problematic, and based upon theological wooden literalism. Your conspiracy exegesis is based on a few proof texts without more credible interpretations ,in context. And we cannot dialogue with ad hominem attacks and false accusationsis outside of biblical, historical, orthodox Christianity on the essentials, in light of church history. I deny your flawed interpretation of the text, to support your cultural bias, as you are stereotyping out of ignorance. False accusations of heresy are not the same thing as proven heresy, which is a logical fallacy, divorced from reality,and superficial understandings, contextually, etc. You lack credibility to make simplistic judgments, as my objection is with ad hominem attacks that are unjust, not wooden liertalisms, isms, that throw the baby out with the bath water.. One who clings to preconceived notions, logical, systematic, inconsistencies, presuppositions/assumptions, etc., such as yourself, and sloppy exegets a text, w/o the context, and proof texting, is not the ideal person to arbitrate doctrinal disputes. Your proof texts, using your interpretation, would lead to contradiction, so they must be interpreted somewhat figuratively., in light of metaphors.

What is your shoe size? Who is your guru?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Your exegesis does not make you consistent or defensible, and you give diametrically opposing conclusions based on our preconceptions/assumptions. It is insufficient to claim biblical support if we all do so with different conclusions.

I quote the Bible when necessary. So there.