Confirming that prophecies will be fulfilled is not equal to "re-prophesying".
When NT writers quoted OT prophecies verbatim, it was to show that the OT prophecies were fulfilled and/or being fulfilled.
Confirming that an OT prophecy would be fulfilled is not the same thing as quoting it because it was fulfilled.
For example: Jesus said the following:
(Matt 24:15) “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand
Jesus told His audience that Daniel's prophecy would be fulfilled in the future when they saw standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation.
Notice Jesus didn't re-quote Daniel's prophecy verbatim. Jesus made it clear the prophecy still had a future fulfillment.
This language is nothing like what is found in Hebrews when the writer of Hebrews quotes Jer 31.