Glenn Beck reveals how he grew to support Trump


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Clete to aCW:

i'd pay good money to see that :)
My first thought was of this guy...


[Hades from Disney's Hercules]


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Hall of Fame
Do you think that there is anything that can be done about it?

Would my Generation, in any way, change the younger (future) generation, I do not believe so. Would some future generation change their attitude on homosexuality, perhaps, as there is room to presume. I think in God's unchanging generations, the sin of lose sexuality without procreation, will always be the same as fornication.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Would my Generation, in any way, change the younger (future) generation, I do not believe so. Would some future generation change their attitude on homosexuality, perhaps, as there is room to presume. I think in God's unchanging generations, the sin of lose sexuality without procreation, will always be the same as fornication.

I'm not sure what you mean but I doubt that any large scale alteration in a society's course is realistically possible to effect. That is, without direct divine intervention, which is atypical and rarely if ever pleasant.

The best we can do as individuals is to pray for our nation every day, to raise our families to fear God, to be good examples to our neighbors, to watch for opportunities to reach others with the truth and to be prepared to give an answer when asked.

Politically, there's very little that anyone can do aside from trying to pump the brakes on our decent into total depravity by trying to keep the most rabidly leftist wackos out of power and not helping them to gain power by divorcing ourselves completely from the political process and refusing to participate at all because our guy didn't win the primary.


Glenn Beck reveals how he grew to support Trump

Perhaps Beck is just positioning humself to join the "motley crew" of Trump supporters on FOXNEWS!

As for homosexuals, they weren't the ones who demanded that the Romans crucify Christ on the cross - that dubious honor belongs to those self-righteous, pious religious leaders who were more preoccupied concerning passing judgement on others, rather than examining their own shortcomings!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm not sure what you mean but I doubt that any large scale alteration in a society's course is realistically possible to effect.

the degradation of our society's accepted morality - societally acceptable divorce, abortion, homosexuality, pedophilia, pornography, etc - was a deliberate attempt by the marxist/leftist/liberal/radical progressives to tear down our society

and it has been successful

and it all started in the universities and spread to the public schools

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
.... the ones who demanded that the Romans crucify Christ on the cross - that dubious honor belongs to those self-righteous, pious religious leaders who were more preoccupied concerning passing judgement on others, rather than examining their own shortcomings!

blame the jews, eh?

you still writing for stormfront?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
the degradation of our society's accepted morality - societally acceptable divorce, abortion, homosexuality, pedophilia, pornography, etc - was a deliberate attempt by the marxist/leftist/liberal/radical progressives to tear down our society

and it has been successful

and it all started in the universities and spread to the public schools

The very idea of public schools is a socialist notion to begin with. I think it started long before you suggest, although I don't deny the strong foothold that the left has had for decades in the universities.

They have had other footholds for a very long time, not the least of which is Hollywood and the rest of the popular entertainment industries including the music and television industries.

It is not conspiratorial though. There is no centralized nexus of leaders that are orchestrating an intentional degradation of our society. There is no need for such a thing. There is a reason why God does not endorse nor seem to even like representative democracies in the Bible. It's because people are evil by nature. They are lazy in almost every regard aside from selfishness. This is why capitalism and the rule of law works and socialism and representative democracies do not (long term). Our form of government is liberal by nature because humans are liberal by nature and thus the left has an enormous advantage that, frankly, can only be resisted and beaten back but never truly defeated. The left won this country before the ink was dry on the constitution, they just didn't know it yet.

However! The majority of people in this country are not anywhere near in agreement with people like Bernie Sanders. The American people are not interested in becoming Europe (yet) and so the likelihood is, in my estimation, that they will continue to lose national elections. This, however, is not as good as one might think. Not because the left's agenda will be advance by the so called right. That isn't it at all. Quite the contrary, in fact. The left's agenda will continue to be rolled back in important ways that undermine their ability to gain and hold onto power, which is their only concern. They will react to this like the spoiled rotten children that they are. You can see this already with their incomprehensible hatred of Donald Trump and this two year long deep state attempt to undo the 2016 election, which they have not given up on, nor will they ever.

The left simply does not take 'no' for an answer. They do not accept defeat and move on. They fight tooth and nail until their opponent is either destroyed or gives up. If they lose an election, they question the veracity of the results and they fight to change the rules so that no such "injustice" can ever happen again. They don't care what the law says because they've packed the courts with judges who don't care what the law says. In fact, the road they are on is a road of lawless anarchy and that's where they will take us if they must. They will only ever get more and more radical and insane until someone pushes too far and starts something where the left is reminded which side of the isle owns all the guns in this country. But even that will not stop them. In fact, I'm convinced that before your kids are your age, there will almost certainly be a civil war in the United States and I mean a real deal, bullets flying, cities on fire civil war. The left will very simply will not ever give up - period. They will have to be defeated.



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The very idea of public schools is a socialist notion to begin with. I think it started long before you suggest, although I don't deny the strong foothold that the left has had for decades in the universities.

They have had other footholds for a very long time, not the least of which is Hollywood and the rest of the popular entertainment industries including the music and television industries.

It is not conspiratorial though. There is no centralized nexus of leaders that are orchestrating an intentional degradation of our society. There is no need for such a thing. There is a reason why God does not endorse nor seem to even like representative democracies in the Bible. It's because people are evil by nature. They are lazy in almost every regard aside from selfishness. This is why capitalism and the rule of law works and socialism and representative democracies do not (long term). Our form of government is liberal by nature because humans are liberal by nature and thus the left has an enormous advantage that, frankly, can only be resisted and beaten back but never truly defeated. The left won this country before the ink was dry on the constitution, they just didn't know it yet.

However! The majority of people in this country are not anywhere near in agreement with people like Bernie Sanders. The American people are not interested in becoming Europe (yet) and so the likelihood is, in my estimation, that they will continue to lose national elections. This, however, is not as good as one might think. Not because the left's agenda will be advance by the so called right. That isn't it at all. Quite the contrary, in fact. The left's agenda will continue to be rolled back in important ways that undermine their ability to gain and hold onto power, which is their only concern. They will react to this like the spoiled rotten children that they are. You can see this already with their incomprehensible hatred of Donald Trump and this two year long deep state attempt to undo the 2016 election, which they have not given up on, nor will they ever.

The left simply does not take 'no' for an answer. They do not accept defeat and move on. They fight tooth and nail until their opponent is either destroyed or gives up. If they lose an election, they question the veracity of the results and they fight to change the rules so that no such "injustice" can ever happen again. They don't care what the law says because they've packed the courts with judges who don't care what the law says. In fact, the road they are on is a road of lawless anarchy and that's where they will take us if they must. They will only ever get more and more radical and insane until someone pushes too far and starts something where the left is reminded which side of the isle owns all the guns in this country. But even that will not stop them. In fact, I'm convinced that before your kids are your age, there will almost certainly be a civil war in the United States and I mean a real deal, bullets flying, cities on fire civil war. The left will very simply will not ever give up - period. They will have to be defeated.

Those who reject God would, given the chance, destroy Him to vindicate themselves, and most definitely would have been in the same crowd chanting "Crucify Him, crucify Him!"


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'm not sure what you mean but I doubt that any large scale alteration in a society's course is realistically possible to effect. That is, without direct divine intervention, which is atypical and rarely if ever pleasant.

The best we can do as individuals is to pray for our nation every day, to raise our families to fear God, to be good examples to our neighbors, to watch for opportunities to reach others with the truth and to be prepared to give an answer when asked.

Politically, there's very little that anyone can do aside from trying to pump the brakes on our decent into total depravity by trying to keep the most rabidly leftist wackos out of power and not helping them to gain power by divorcing ourselves completely from the political process and refusing to participate at all because our guy didn't win the primary.

I agree. What I was attempting to get across is 'you can't teach young dogs new tricks', meaning that older folks are not able to convince anyone much younger because the younger generation grew up hearing how the old generation was all wrong about everything, which is very silly.

You know all about this; it began with what some call the GI Generation, they were accused of being bigoted and narrow-minded, which might be partly true, but they weren't all wrong.

It began with the baby-boomers and each generation after had the idea that it had a better understanding to secular morality.

The best one can do it pray for the world and do ones best to live righteously in Christ.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Would my Generation, in any way, change the younger (future) generation, I do not believe so.
You people don't know how to teach. You all know how to do, very well, obviously, but you can't teach it, you're just good at it, and since you can't teach, you either holler a lot when we get it wrong, or, far worse, you passive aggressively refuse to try.

So you can't teach, so what are we supposed to do? We're supposed to teach you how to teach us what it is that you need to teach us before you all die off. 'Clock's ticking.
Would some future generation change their attitude on homosexuality, perhaps, as there is room to presume. I think in God's unchanging generations, the sin of lose sexuality without procreation, will always be the same as fornication.
That's correct.


the degradation of our society's accepted morality - societally acceptable divorce, abortion, homosexuality, pedophilia, pornography, etc - was a deliberate attempt by the marxist/leftist/liberal/radical progressives to tear down our society

and it has been successful

and it all started in the universities and spread to the public schools
Which explains as to why conservatives like "ok doser" are supporting this President - who personifies "accepted morality!"

A President who has chosen to surrounded himself with only the "best people" who can also serve as role models for the rest of American society - Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Michael Cohen ...


Which explains as to why conservatives like "ok doser" are supporting this President - who personifies "accepted morality!"

LOL. Democrats are officially the party of infanticide and sexual deviants.

Trump was voted Person of the Year by Operation Rescue.

I will put the pro-life morality of Trump against your Infanticide morality any day of the week.

Oh, and I can start tossing in socialism, homosexuality, transgenders, democrat antisemitism, and lots of other evils practiced by your side into the mix too.