Free Will


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Let me know when you want to discuss the scriptures.
"Come let us reason together."

Isn't that what the Lord says?

So, Nanja, let's reason together. I'm trying to find where our realities diverge so that we can understand why we believe what we believe, so that we can iron out any differences. Is that not something you're willing to do?

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"Come let us reason together."

Isn't that what the Lord says?

So, Nanja, let's reason together. I'm trying to find where our realities diverge so that we can understand why we believe what we believe, so that we can iron out any differences. Is that not something you're willing to do?

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In Is. 1:18 The Lord is speaking about Christ, and what His His Death accomplished for His Sheep.


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So your answer is "no" then? You don't want to discuss reason?

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Let's discuss God's reasoning as revealed in His Word of Truth.

But not your own reasoning.

1 Cor. 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.


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Let's discuss God's reasoning as revealed in His Word of Truth.

But not your own reasoning.

1 Cor. 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Again, we get back to the question, can logic and reason be established without the Bible?

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In Is. 1:18 The Lord is speaking about Christ, and what His His Death accomplished for His Sheep.
The Christ of GOD cannot be, nor was ever killed. As if spirit, the spirit wholly of GOD at that, can be destroyed by mere men.

It is very puzzling to me why so many Christian's regard the physical death of Jesus as the last word on any subject. What causes us to focus on the death of a thing as opposed to the example left by said thing? What causes us to focus on the seeming end of a thing instead of the rebirth and newness of spirit brought about by the selfless example and faithful work of he Christ?

Off topic? Not really



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You're wrong however, and prove my point that you're so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good. A man who's lived on an island his whole life, who's never come into contact with the Bible, can indeed establish that 1+1=2. He just takes 1 coconut, places it next to another coconut, and now he has 2 coconuts. Tell me, Nanja, what scripture did He use to establish that fact?

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I gave you a straight answer way back in post 1130.
Now address the rest of my post.

You're wrong however, and prove my point that you're so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good. A man who's lived on an island his whole life, who's never come into contact with the Bible, can indeed establish that 1+1=2. He just takes 1 coconut, places it next to another coconut, and now he has 2 coconuts. Tell me, Nanja, what scripture did He use to establish that fact?

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Anti-Calvinists don't really understand Calvinism, because they don't understand anything you tell them- right here, Calvin is basically stating that your free will is depraved, and shows the evidence for why this is the case, but you won't hear an Anti-Calvinist even begin to discuss it for what it is.

They sit there and sing in church how they are rags in relevance to God, but then when it's time to talk theology, they make their free will a benevolent working of the cosmos. When they are on their knees praying for wisdom and strength, they are Calvinists- when they are spouting it to others, Calvin is Satan.

This is why Calvinists just get tired of dealing with them, because in reality they are just in rebellion against their own sacred belief. It's all about that ticket into the Afterlife once they've spoiled all good insight for their convenience down here :rolleyes:


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The Christ of GOD cannot be, nor was ever killed. As if spirit, the spirit wholly of GOD at that, can be destroyed by mere men.

It is very puzzling to me why so many Christian's regard the physical death of Jesus as the last word on any subject. What causes us to focus on the death of a thing as opposed to the example left by said thing? What causes us to focus on the seeming end of a thing instead of the rebirth and newness of spirit brought about by the selfless example and faithful work of he Christ?

Off topic? Not really



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John 10:11, 15
10 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
15 As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.

2 Cor. 5:21
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.


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The word coconut is not found in the scriptures.

Well at least you're good for one thing, making me laugh.

You know what I think? I think you're scared to death of truth because if you accept that there is truth outside the Bible, you might be wrong about your beliefs.

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Hypocrite calling another a hypocrite while the hypocrite claims Innocent. Yeah right. That's called babble mouth. Provide nanja scriptures or move on
Sounds like you're still judging me, hypocrite.

"Hypocrite, first remove the beam out of your own eye, so that you may see clearly to remove the mote from your brother's eye."

What I'm talking about with Nanja has literally nothing to do with scripture. What scripture tells us that lightbulbs work because of electricity? Or that 1 coconut plus 1 coconut equals 2 coconuts? Or that color is determined by the wavelength of light emitted from or reflected off of an object?

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