Free Will


New member
Look, I don't care about that. See you at the judgment!

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Yes, I've noticed you don't care about helping others, or the truth. You only care to sow the seeds of misdirection and contention.

You will not see me. Repent, and seek GOD with thankfulness, fear, and sincerity lest you die eternally.

What's that? Don't care? I know; that's what I'm getting at.


Well crap....I said I was done didn't I?


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Well-known member
Again; why assume that it is God's will for us to not have freedom of choice? What scripture says that God didn't give us freedom to choose?

Please show the scripture that says it is the will of God for man to act like plant in terms of freedom.

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Please , what is with the dumb stuff ? Show us the scripture that says man has been given a freewill. Man can't please God Rom 8:8, so is his will free to please God when scripture says that man can't?

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Well-known member
Yes, I've noticed you don't care about helping others, or the truth. You only care to sow the seeds of misdirection and contention.

You will not see me. Repent, and seek GOD with thankfulness, fear, and sincerity lest you die eternally.

What's that? Don't care? I know; that's what I'm getting at.


Well crap....I said I was done didn't I?


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See you at the Judgment!

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Well-known member
What scripture says that God didn't give us freedom to choose?

Dan. 4:35
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

How could an inhabitant of the earth reputed as nothing have been given a free will?

Their will is nothing compared to God's.

James 4:14-15
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.


I've responded to a good number of your "show me the scripture" responses, and I think many of the points there, many particulars deserve consideration, if not a more expanded discussion :) I will let my last post here (The 'God' who passes you over) speak for itself, and my previous ones here and elsewhere also speak for themselves. Posts serve as their own testimonies. Heed the logos of the Spirit. You're free to engage the content of my previous posts to foster a discussion, instead of ask for 'scriptures', many which have been given which you have not responded to. These clearly show that 'God' gives man the freedom to CHOOSE. - And consider the very character of 'God' to actually gives us such freedom, showing the valued potential of our being, and all that we can become, by its rightful use. (and that's the key).

We've also already been over the 'response-ability' of man, that is God-given,...wherein a soul may respond in any given number of ways to a particular situation, choosing among various options. That man has any genuine measure of freedom, is that which actually makes him responsible! - and able to engage in a 'covenantal relationship' (partnership) with 'God' or any other personality, is predicated upon our very freedom to do so, and enter into community, covenant,...a co-operation. This freedom to choose, is essential to one's very existence, and the very co-creative venture of power that enables the God-Man partnership in Creation, to continue, evolve, progress, unfold, become perfected/expanded,...and this goes on forever, into the ages, into eternity. In 'God', there is no end. This potentialized response-ability and creativity in the Spirit, is infinite in scope and possibilities. This is because Love itself is INFINITE.....and therefore the co-creatve potentials and possibilities with-in LOVE have no end....only endless cycles and dispensations, being the generations of 'God'. The Spirit is LIFE, this is what is engaged in 'co-creation'. The very operation of will, engaging the freedom to choose, ENABLES all the potentials and possibilities of Creation TO BE. Once you 'assume' man's has no freedom, you quench the very prospect of life and shut down the protocols of ventured creation. You essentially annul and disavow the very will of God!

All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad! You need to focus on getting rid of dark celestial infestations from TOL rather than falsely complaining about the Scripture results.
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New member

Dan. 4:35
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

How could an inhabitant of the earth reputed as nothing have been given a free will?

Their will is nothing compared to God's.

James 4:14-15
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.
Are you not aware that our Lord and GOD are of a giving benevolent nature?

It is a gift like life, opportunity, potential, and all else.

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Well-known member
Are you not aware that our Lord and GOD are of a giving benevolent nature?

It is a gift like life, opportunity, potential, and all else.

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Salvation has to do with God's Will.

He has predestined His Elect In Christ to Salvation 2 Tim. 1:9, but the non-elect to eternal damnation Rev. 21:8.

God's Will is immutable.

No will of man can change that.


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All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad! You need to focus on getting rid of dark celestial infestations from TOL rather than falsely complaining about the Scripture results.

Salvation has to do with God's Will.

He has predestined His Elect In Christ to Salvation 2 Tim. 1:9, but the non-elect to eternal damnation Rev. 21:8.

God's Will is immutable.

No will of man can change that.

We don't believe in your false god!

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Question for you all, when Jesus said that Peter would deny Christ three times before the rooster crowed, do you think Peter could have realized what he was doing and stopped denying Christ and repented?

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New member
We don't believe in your false god!

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There is but one GOD. Either you worship it or Baal.

If not the benevolent then you must worship the opposer to the One Creator GOD.

GOD is merciful, just, longsuffering and ever-giving. If the god you worship isn't those things then you really should consider some opened minded inquiry on the motives and origins of your beliefs.


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New member
Salvation has to do with God's Will.

He has predestined His Elect In Christ to Salvation 2 Tim. 1:9, but the non-elect to eternal damnation Rev. 21:8.

God's Will is immutable.

No will of man can change that.
I'm not denying that and you know it.

You never answered my question.

What makes you think it isn't the will of GOD for man to have freedom of choice?

Please use scripture within contexts to support your claims or stop making them.

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Well-known member
There is but one GOD. Either you worship it or Baal.

If not the benevolent then you must worship the opposer to the One Creator GOD.

GOD is merciful, just, longsuffering and ever-giving. If the god you worship isn't those things then you really should consider some opened minded inquiry on the motives and origins of your beliefs.


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We don't worship or believe in your god.

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Well-known member
I'm not denying that and you know it.

You never answered my question.

What makes you think it isn't the will of GOD for man to have freedom of choice?

Please use scripture within contexts to support your claims or stop making them.

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Dumb question. Show me a scripture that says man has a freewill!

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New member
Dumb question. Show me a scripture that says man has a freewill!

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I said freedom of choice.

Now tell me choice and choose isn't in there...Oh you can't?

We'll just explain how the freedom to choose a thing isn't free will. Can't do that either can you.

Well you better just go back to that tired failsafe and utter dishonesty.

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Well-known member
I said freedom of choice.

Now tell me choice and choose isn't in there...Oh you can't?

We'll just explain how the freedom to choose a thing isn't free will. Can't do that either can you.

Well you better just go back to that tired failsafe and utter dishonesty.

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Our argument has nothing to do with men having the ability to choose men can choose, so you are evading the issue, where does the scripture say that man has a freewill?

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