I got busy with some work and came back to this....awesome! I was hoping we could get this party started, as it were.
there are a lot of ways to define feminism.
Yes, there sure are..lots of variations out there. That is why it needs to be discussed because one label does not fit all on this subject.
I'd disagree that a healthy feminism is a lust for power, usurping of authority or emasculation of the men.
I never said healthy feminism, I said secular concept of feminism...which to me is one that is ungodly.
According to Jabin, a woman should stay in an abusive marriage rather than divorcing, and he reduces abuse to "a few bruises." Mere collateral damage, in other words.
That kind of thinking shouldn't be part of any home, Christian or not. It destroys the family unit by giving the "head of the house" permission to abuse, it damages the body and spirit of the woman, and that abuse is heaped on the children as well, by likely having to endure their own physical abuse and emotionally by having to view the abuse of their mother at the hands of their father.
I do not think anyone should stay in an abusive relationship. This is not what God intended a marriage should be.
The ideal is of course, a godly man married to a godly woman, who are putting Christ first in their lives. In this God is glorified and the woman is cherished, protected and honoured. If I said that to a secular feminist, I am sure she would have words for me.
Someone who sees "feminist" and immediately says "man-hater" has no idea what intricacies of thought go into holding a feminist view.
This is true, that is often the response, but the reason for it is that is the strongest representation out there...or should I say the loudest and most vocal.
In my case, certainly. I DO pay my mortgage, insurance, utilities, etc. I don't need a man to draw out a picture or give a command to be able to function on a daily basis.
I do not know your personal situation, Rusha. I am thinking that you are single with what this statement says...correct me if I am wrong. If you are not single he should be paying too! lol
I agree that women do not NEED men to be able to do these things, women are very capable, equally capable and in some case more capable then some men. However, the ideal situation, for those who are called to marriage....is for them to function within their roles. Please understand, I am not saying that the woman is not participating in the functioning of the household with regards to bill payments, etc. Often, it is better when the woman has those administrative jobs to deal with, because then they always get done! lol
Nah, only a hypocrite would be against feminism and still reserve the right to vote.
I think this statement has to bring into account my initial comments in this post.......feminism definitions vary hugely. I am not a feminist, but I do vote because I believe it to be my responsibility as a Canadian Citizen, etc. and I am legally able to vote. If I did not have the right to vote, I honestly would not be up in arms over it. I believe God is sovereign in all things, but that is another thread subject.