Feminism Ruined Women



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Often wondered why.

The Horn

He's absolutely right ! We've got to get rid of feminism and its terrible effect on women and society once and for all !
No more abortions for women , and make contraceptives illegal too !
We've got to get all women out of politics and get rid of all the women in congress and political positions everywhere ! WE've got to repeal the terrible amendment which granted women the right to vote ! All female university and college students, law ,medical and graduate students must be thrown out ! No more college education for women !
We need to put women where they belong - at home raising children and doing all t he housework !
No more women doctors, lawyers, business executives , college professors , well maybe some women school teachers but none beyond elementary school . No women doctors, only nurses .
No special rights of for women ! No help to raise children ! Their husbands must provide everything for them. Women must no longer have the right to own property and divorce their husbands. No right to work outside the home ! No right to rase children by themselves ! We must have intact families !
Men must be allowed their sacred right to beat their wives if they are disobedient ! No married woman must ever be allowed to refuse her husband sex ! If so, he must have the right to kill her for disobedience !
The government and husbands must tell women how they should dress ! Nominee revealing clothes ! clothes
Lets take America back ! No more women's rights ! Lets return this country to the good old days !


Women need men. Real men.

What truly beats me is why women's libbers want to look like men; I don't get it. I remember the days when US Tomahawks were in bunkers in Europe and carted about on lorries. The woman's peace movement ( fine with that) trailed the lorries and phoned Gorbachov, or whoever, where the launchers were. The whole situation was totally nuts.

What astounded me is that the peace woman often imitated blokes; same haircut, fags, language, hygiene etc.

I have met many powerful people, The UK Queen, Mother Teresa. Others I have not met: Margaret Thatcher; Angelal Merkal. Both great leaders.

If the libbers want woman power why are they ashamed to look like women? Can someone help me out.

The Horn

P.S. We ought to earn from Saudi Arabia, one of the best places in the world fro women, and make it illegal for women to drive .


Well-known member
He's absolutely right ! We've got to get rid of feminism and its terrible effect on women and society once and for all !
No more abortions for women , and make contraceptives illegal too !
We've got to get all women out of politics and get rid of all the women in congress and political positions everywhere ! WE've got to repeal the terrible amendment which granted women the right to vote ! All female university and college students, law ,medical and graduate students must be thrown out ! No more college education for women !
We need to put women where they belong - at home raising children and doing all t he housework !
No more women doctors, lawyers, business executives , college professors , well maybe some women school teachers but none beyond elementary school . No women doctors, only nurses .
No special rights of for women ! No help to raise children ! Their husbands must provide everything for them. Women must no longer have the right to own property and divorce their husbands. No right to work outside the home ! No right to rase children by themselves ! We must have intact families !
Men must be allowed their sacred right to beat their wives if they are disobedient ! No married woman must ever be allowed to refuse her husband sex ! If so, he must have the right to kill her for disobedience !
The government and husbands must tell women how they should dress ! Nominee revealing clothes ! clothes
Lets take America back ! No more women's rights ! Lets return this country to the good old days !

And you're a perfect example of the dumbing down of America.


And no driving for women anymore! All they do is live for traffic so they can text and drag along.


He that has loved many women has loved no woman but he that has loved one woman has loved all women son


New member
Hall of Fame
The generation of men today is, in my opinion, the most emasculated and feminized group of men to ever walk God's creation. Generations of boys are being raised to be more like girls, and this is a direct result of the momentous success of feminism. This is especially true in most Western cultures.

Women often complain that men are not "manly" enough, and yet they fail to realize that their own sons are raised to be effeminate. They are also being groomed in public schools to this end. Feminism has evolved from a proposed ethical movement to promote equality as well as political and economic freedom. The result of this evolution of thinking is a hate-driven badger that is determined to suppress every aspect of masculinity in the society in which we live. It has grown and festered and become a movement that adheres to the belief that societal ills are caused by men and can only be solved by systematically and deliberately eradicating masculinity.

The reason why feminism has gained so much clout in the realm of politics and in our universities is because of society's view that females are more vulnerable and therefore more valuable than males.

Look at the news of our day. Any attempt by a group of men to halt the wayward and grossly misguided path of this movement would is often immediately met with violent complaints and accusations of hate against women and sexism.


New member
Hall of Fame
He's absolutely right ! We've got to get rid of feminism and its terrible effect on women and society once and for all !
No more abortions for women , and make contraceptives illegal too !
We've got to get all women out of politics and get rid of all the women in congress and political positions everywhere ! WE've got to repeal the terrible amendment which granted women the right to vote ! All female university and college students, law ,medical and graduate students must be thrown out ! No more college education for women !
We need to put women where they belong - at home raising children and doing all t he housework !
No more women doctors, lawyers, business executives , college professors , well maybe some women school teachers but none beyond elementary school . No women doctors, only nurses .
No special rights of for women ! No help to raise children ! Their husbands must provide everything for them. Women must no longer have the right to own property and divorce their husbands. No right to work outside the home ! No right to rase children by themselves ! We must have intact families !
Men must be allowed their sacred right to beat their wives if they are disobedient ! No married woman must ever be allowed to refuse her husband sex ! If so, he must have the right to kill her for disobedience !
The government and husbands must tell women how they should dress ! Nominee revealing clothes ! clothes
Lets take America back ! No more women's rights ! Lets return this country to the good old days !

Are you really that mentally slow? Pure vitriol. You have no understanding of reality.

Life, as it is, is vexing enough. It is infinitely more vexing if you're stupid to boot.

Did you read what Tamb actually wrote?
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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Temp Banned
The generation of men today is, in my opinion, the most emasculated and feminized group of men to ever walk God's creation. Generations of boys are being raised to be more like girls, and this is a direct result of the momentous success of feminism. This is especially true in most Western cultures.

Women often complain that men are not "manly" enough, and yet they fail to realize that their own sons are raised to be effeminate. They are also being groomed in public schools to this end. Feminism has evolved from a proposed ethical movement to promote equality as well as political and economic freedom. The result of this evolution of thinking is a hate-driven badger that is determined to suppress every aspect of masculinity in the society in which we live. It has grown and festered and become a movement that adheres to the belief that societal ills are caused by men and can only be solved by systematically and deliberately eradicating masculinity.

The reason why feminism has gained so much clout in the realm of politics and in our universities is because of society's view that females are more vulnerable and therefore more valuable than males.

Look at the news of our day. Any attempt by a group of men to halt the wayward and grossly misguided path of this movement would is often immediately met with violent complaints and accusations of hate against women and sexism.