Facebook Muslims react to London terror with joy


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Hall of Fame
Must be why they are being blown up and butchered in large numbers by the radical ones in their own countries.

You Trumpers are heartless bigots.

"Christians" my foot - you're a bunch of extremist hypocrites.

Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

I didnt vote for Trump. So woe to you, false witness.

Its sad to see such hate from you for a man, while you claim Christ. I didnt like obama, but i didnt spend each day seething hatred for him, like you do trump.

Examine yourself, you shameful man.


New member
Two people. There are millions of Muslims in the US. Are you saying that if any Christians commit acts of terrorism, it means that Christians don't get along peacefully in this country.
There have been much more than two. The number who have plotted acts or who refused to denounce acts of terrorism or who wish the US be subject to Islam is very high.

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New member
I can go sit in my garage, does that make me a car?

I dunno. How many cars could you describe as sitting?

You know good and well the scriptures teach no christian to go murder others, however the koran teaches exactly that.

That wasn't the discussion, that was you moving the goalposts. You do consider Deuteronomy 13 and 17 to be scripture, right? And isn't that already more extensive exegesis then you have ever performed on Muslim scriptures?

Keep lying to yourself while you post an odd wolf (strain at a knat, and swallow a camel) to compare to entire cultures, one only need look at countries where islam is predominant to know what it actually teaches.

I'm not comparing entire cultures. I've just saying, it's wrong that there's no such thing as a Christian terrorist. Not without an enormous amount of special pleading.


New member
I didnt vote for Trump. So woe to you, false witness.

Its sad to see such hate from you for a man, while you claim Christ. I didnt like obama, but i didnt spend each day seething hatred for him, like you do trump.

Examine yourself, you shameful man.

I've read his book, The Art of the Deal, twice.

I do not hate him.

He needs Christ just like everbody else.

But you know you - ever seeing things through a narrow lens.

Fact is, you and yours are the ones hating people as a "one size fits all" - out your religious bigotry.



The population of Muslims that support terrorism is supposed to be low as we are told by liberals and the globalist leaders of Europe and America.

It is certainly high among Facebook users who were online at the time of the attacks.

Can anybody see why we are reluctant to let these monsters into our country?

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Infowars.com :doh: commenting on a Al Jazeera bit. :doh: i.e. propaganda feeding off propaganda..:plain:

Nuff said.

patrick jane

Must be why they are being blown up and butchered in large numbers by the radical ones in their own countries.

You Trumpers are heartless bigots.

"Christians" my foot - you're a bunch of extremist hypocrites.

Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
Shut up, loser