entertaining debate


I must admit there are many comics here.

I just log in to look for one for the laugh.:rotfl::chuckle::crackup::BRAVO::first::jolly:

thanks everyone.:)


I got these today:

"Glorydaz did not know the scriptures, I showed her and she is unappreciative". GT

"You haven't taken your medication again have you. Oh, oh, here come the men in white coats, I will try to visit you later. What ward did you say that you are in? "

"It's better than your nuclear reactor theory!" Epoissis

"Most atheists are very moral and don't lie, cheat or steal! They keep the commandments better than Jamie!" Epoissis

"Robert Pate and Calvinists are in a contest of who obeys God the least"

I think GT's comment is the best so far.:)
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Well-known member
I thought this one was so desperate it actually was a little funny:

Originally Posted by daqq
Here is another one, 2 Peter 1:1, concerning another hotly debated passage; but this time make sure you read the entire article, which is really the whole reason for posting this, and because at the bottom of this short article is yet another very critical link to an article of a similar topic, from Titus 2:13, which was the very passage you were discussing on the previous page. You absolutely must read these two articles to understand what is now being done by modern mainstream Trinitarianism, (which was not always the case even a mere hundred years ago).



Again, please read the full article for your own benefit as it will greatly increase your understanding of these things, (and it really is not that long), and then at the bottom is another link to the Titus 2:13 article from the same author. Enjoy, friend. :)

I have taken Daqqs post and run it through google translate...

Originally Posted by daqq
這是另一個,彼得前書1:1,關於另一個熱烈討論的段落;但這一次確保你閱讀整篇文章,這是真正的發布這個 的全部原因,因為在這篇短文的底部是另一個非常關鍵的鏈接到一個類似的主題的文章,從提多書2:13,這是 你在上一頁討論的那個段落。你絕對必須閱讀這兩篇文章,了解現代主流三位一體主義現在正在做什麼(即使只是 百年前也不總是這樣)。

[URL="http://www.angelfire.com/space/thegospeltruth/images/Codex_Sinaiticus_04.jpg"]http://www.angelfire.com/space/thego...aiticus_04.jpg[/URL] [/ IMG]
[URL] http://www.angelfire.com/space/thegospeltruth/TTD/verses/2peter1_1.html [/ URL]

再次,請閱讀全文,為您自己的利益,因為它將大大增加你對這些事情的理解,(而且它真的不是那麼長),然後 在底部是另一個鏈接到[URL="http://biblia.com/bible/nkjv/Titus%202.13"]Titus 2:13[/URL]文章從同一作者。享受,[COLOR=#FF0000]朋友[/COLOR]。 :)[/引用]


[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=6]We can now see in this Asian script that Daqq is actually a Chin-wa Asian dog and not an actual human being.[/SIZE][/FONT][/B] Further controversial passages in this scholarly study show that [B][U]Daqq (the tech savvy Chin-wa dog) may like Almond Joy candy bars more than mounds.[/U][/B]

More to come.

The characters in red are disputed in markings. They are insinuating that Daqq is either brown with blue spots or Grey with brown spots.

[B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#0000ff]A scholarly survivor from the "Heavens Gate... ahem... Cult" is working diligently to work this issue out.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE]

So I took this response, posted by Heavens Gate cult member Dr. "Evil.Eye.<(I)>" In.The.Sky, and ran it back through the reverso-world back-translator and this is what I found hidden in the Evil words spoken by Dr. Evildrool in the above Mini-me-me statement:

[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=6]"Everyone can now see in my Comic Sans script that I hate Daqq almost as much as I hate knowledge and truth, and that I wish he was actually a Chin-wa Asian dog, and not an actual human being. I better go find a replacement Guru for Jim Jones and Marshall Applewhite to sort this all out for me: why have all the really smart people left me all alone in this crazy mixed up world?"[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]


I think this thread is one of the best threads. It should be the thread of the year. It deserves 6 star rating, if I say so myself:)