Dozer's Fixation on Rape!

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I know.....and sin doesn't deserve punishment, either.

Bad behavior should have no consequences. It wouldn't be fair.

If you wanna play you shouldn't have to pay. Gotcha. :thumb:

There's a difference between inadvisable behaviour and promoting the 'theory' that somebody deserves to be raped because of it. You could have simply said that the 'gal' was bloody stupid or some such without her deserving of being raped. You didn't.


Well-known member
I believe I have spotted your error.
You assume this is about shaming a victim for being a victim.

It is not.
If you look at it as if he is shaming an idiot for being an idiot, it all makes sense.

That's a good point. Before a person becomes a victim, they are either minding their own business or they are engaging in some bad behavior. Then they are victimized. Any shame (fault) that comes into play, comes in prior to the victimization, if it comes in at all. I've even seen the gals admitting bad behavior has consequences. The rest of this garbage is a matter of semantics. To try and claim it's otherwise is just spoiling for a fight that should never have been one to begin with. No wonder Angel bailed when she did. This is just plain dumb.


Well-known member
There's a difference between inadvisable behaviour and promoting the 'theory' that somebody deserves to be raped because of it. You could have simply said that the 'gal' was bloody stupid or some such without her deserving of being raped. You didn't.

I don't give a rip if you like the words I say or not. I've never seen such a bunch of pansies in my life......well, actually, I'm surrounded by them here in LIB LAND. Normally, I just laugh and go on my way. Which is clearly what I should have done the minute I saw I was in the middle of the "War on Women". There's been some serious brain washing going on.

Women have a right to choose. No repercussions.
Women have a right to strip tease. No repercussions.
etc. etc. etc.

Got it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't give a rip if you like the words I say or not. I've never seen such a bunch of pansies in my life......well, actually, I'm surrounded by them here in LIB LAND. Normally, I just laugh and go on my way. Which is clearly what I should have done the minute I saw I was in the middle of the "War on Women". There's been some serious brain washing going on.

Women have a right to choose. No repercussions.
Women have a right to strip tease. No repercussions.
etc. etc. etc.

Got it.

Interesting. For someone who doesn't give a rip you sure do seem a bit worked up GD. With good reason I would hope as well. There's nothing pansy or liberal about balking at the sheer inhumanity of the notion that some people actually deserve to be raped.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's a good point. Before a person becomes a victim, they are either minding their own business or they are engaging in some bad behavior. Then they are victimized. Any shame (fault) that comes into play, comes in prior to the victimization, if it comes in at all. I've even seen the gals admitting bad behavior has consequences. The rest of this garbage is a matter of semantics. To try and claim it's otherwise is just spoiling for a fight that should never have been one to begin with. No wonder Angel bailed when she did. This is just plain dumb.

Hmm, so who out of the following people 'deserve' to be raped then?

A: A woman scantily clad in a night club and enjoying a few drinks.

B: A woman conservatively dressed in a night club and enjoying a few drinks.

C: A woman working behind the bar and waiting until it's time to go home.

D: A poll dancer who's shift is about to finish before returning home.

E: A playboy model who's just been to a party and on the way back home.

F: None of the above.



aCW is given a lot of flack over his obsession with his topic. But, to his credit, he contains his madness within one thread at a time.

In the event that you no longer have me on ignore:

Rape and homosexuality have something in common: There is never a justification for either acts.

And now a few words from TOL's consensual moralists....

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
In the event that you no longer have me on ignore:

Rape and homosexuality have something in common: There is never a justification for either acts.

And now a few words from TOL's consensual moralists....

Now come on aCW, just because your personal soapbox thread isn't exactly receiving much attention these days (there's only so long before blowhard stuffed shirt pomposity becomes tedious etc) there's no need to try and get attention here by proxy. If anyone still reads your borefest they'll get to it soon enough.


Now come on aCW, just because your personal soapbox thread isn't exactly receiving much attention these days (there's only so long before blowhard stuffed shirt pomposity becomes tedious etc) there's no need to try and get attention here by proxy. If anyone still reads your borefest they'll get to it soon enough.

Thoughts on the fact that many homosexuals were sexually molested (i.e. raped) as children Art?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Thoughts on the fact that many homosexuals were sexually molested (i.e. raped) as children Art?

Are not relevant to here. Should I be bored enough to start participating in your own then I'll address there even though I know I already have done through your nigh on four year blog.


New member
Hall of Fame
Hmm, so who out of the following people 'deserve' to be raped then?

A: A woman scantily clad in a night club and enjoying a few drinks.

B: A woman conservatively dressed in a night club and enjoying a few drinks.

C: A woman working behind the bar and waiting until it's time to go home.

D: A poll dancer who's shift is about to finish before returning home.

E: A playboy model who's just been to a party and on the way back home.

F: None of the above.


If rape is a crime that's provoked by the victim the argument seems to be blame's to be assigned to the victim. So any talk of "executing rapists" seems pretty hollow coming from the same crowd who thinks the victim got what she had coming. If anything a penalty should be less severe for a crime provoked by the victim, not more so.
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New member
Hmm, so who out of the following people 'deserve' to be raped then?

A: A woman scantily clad in a night club and enjoying a few drinks.

B: A woman conservatively dressed in a night club and enjoying a few drinks.

C: A woman working behind the bar and waiting until it's time to go home.

D: A poll dancer who's shift is about to finish before returning home.

E: A playboy model who's just been to a party and on the way back home.

F: None of the above.

Ah... man, I am so bad a tests... uhm... *peeks at Granite's paper*


New member
If rape is a crime that's provoked by the victim the argument seems to be blame's to be assigned to the victim. So any talk of "executing rapists" seems pretty hollow coming from the same crowd who thinks the victim got what she had coming. If anything a penalty should be less severe for a crime provoked by the victim, not more so.

I'm so glad someone else sees that, too. It seems like it would be obvious that blaming someone makes them an accomplice. "It's her fault, she wanted it but it doesn't correlate with the rapist's choice." That takes the cake, right there. The cake is not a lie.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thoughts on the fact that many homosexuals were sexually molested (i.e. raped) as children Art?

Are not relevant to here.

I wasn't aware that this thread deals solely with heterosexual rape. You are aware that rape victims, whether they be female or male, often times lead dysfunctional sex lives after the horrific incident(s) occurs? I covered it in the thread that you speak so highly about.

Do any of you secular humanists (you, Quetzal, the former? Satanist, Quincy), care to talk about the rape culture that you promote?


Hall of Fame
I wasn't aware that this thread deals solely with heterosexual rape. You are aware that rape victims, whether they be female or male, often times lead dysfunctional sex lives after the horrific incident(s) occurs? I covered it in the thread that you speak so highly about.

This thread was actually about whether or not rape victims DESERVE to be raped. According to SOD (as per the thread title and his statements), they do.

So you can either agree that VICTIMS deserve to be violated by predators or you can disagree. One or the other. It's a one word answer.

Do ... or ... don't?


This thread was actually about whether or not rape victims DESERVE to be raped. According to SOD (as per the thread title and his statements), they do.

I was responding to a post by a guy who is obsessed with me even though he has me on ignore.

So you can either agree that VICTIMS deserve to be violated by predators or you can disagree. One or the other. It's a one word answer.

Do ... or ... don't?

I've answered that in another thread but will do so again here:

By definition, rape is unwanted sexual intercourse or penetration by another.

So obviously the answer is "No".

That being said, would you care to discuss the rape culture that secular humanists/sexual anarchists such as yourself are responsible for?
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