Don't Tithe: Give more or less, but not 10%!

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Originally posted by lighthouse

godrulz has exposed himself for what he is countless times, rocky.

I really do think it is futile to continue to point out what godrulz is. As I said to granite, he has exposed himself for what he is, already. And he continues to do so. There is no need to do it for him.

Why do the other mature Christians not share your views on my salvation? Perhaps they have better wisdom and discernment? The only one you are making look bad is yourselves and the few who share your immaturity. Your desire to start a church because you cannot find one that teaches 'perfectionism' (which brand out of the many possible?), Open Theism (which type...there are differences in some areas), and Mid-Acts shows your immaturity and shallowness.


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Originally posted by granite1010

I'm officially in the land of Oz when people think it's Rulz who has issues, not Sozo.:kookoo:

He has a bee in his bonnet and has made things personal. He has erected a straw man and can no longer see the forest for the trees.


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Sozo does this all the time (as I'm sure you know). It's easy to talk tough on the Net. Guy's probably a marshmallow in person.


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Originally posted by granite1010

Sozo does this all the time (as I'm sure you know). It's easy to talk tough on the Net. Guy's probably a marshmallow in person.

It sounds like he is a jerk in person also. I think he blasted his inlaws for the way they were saying grace with his kids (too charismatic...this is from a post a long time ago, so I am sure he will defend or clarify).


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

You can point people to trees.
"For there is no good tree which produces bad fruit; nor, on the other hand, a bad tree which produces good fruit.

YOU are a bad tree. The fruit YOU produce is death and condemnation.

I repeatedly affirm that salvation is NOT a matter of moral uprightness.


Our nature is formed as we habitually make wrong moral choices.
Moral depravity occurs when the individual actually sins.
We have free moral agency, and this is why we are exhorted to righteousness and culpable/accountable/responsible if we do not live up to our high calling.
It makes salvation an unalterable metaphysical change rather than a relational moral change involving the will and love for God vs Self.
There are reasonable conditions for forgiveness, if we are to be free from sin and His truth upheld.
His moral and personal attributes are reflected in man, who is made in the image of God.
"There is NONE who does good, there is not even ONE"
He does not know it as a certainty/actuality until the possibility becomes actual through the wrong moral choice. He would see our thoughts and motives heading the wrong way and would 'know' before we would that we are heading for sin.
The moral law of God is still valid
The will is the seat of moral responsibility/accountability. To claim righteousness in Christ while having wrong thoughts, motives, and actions is inconsistent
Romans 1-5 deals with condemnation and justification by faith 6-8; 12-14 deals with sanctification or practical living of our faith. This often involves obedient choices that are consistent with the moral law of God.
We are moral agents.
My church does practice tithing and upholds the moral law of God
Because we are saved and love Him, we will keep His moral vs ceremonial commandments.
Sin and righteousness involve moral choices.
YOU just admitted that righteousness comes from "moral choices".
Our nature and character is formed through a series of wrong choices.
agree that we are in Christ and our past sins are forgiven. I question the blanket forgiveness of sins not yet committed.
"By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins; but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for ALL time, sat down at the right hand of God"
It is not a physical change, but a moral transformation
There is also a process of fleshing out the reality.

I'll add more proof later.


New member
I didn't hear this show, but I am sure I would probably agree with Mr. Enyart. I have grown to believe that Tithing is legalistic. I believe in giving money to my church but not because "it's something I'm supposed to do". I tithe because what I have has been given to me by God and I choose to give back to my church in order to be of service. This is something that comes from my heart.


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Try putting everything in its original contexts including the verses that talk about righteous actions. My responses to your previous attempts to slam me would also be instructive. Instead of always dealing with the issues, you revert to name calling (argumentum ad hominem). Merely stating your views over and over does not constitute a refutation or proof (any more than when I do the same thing). Quote the original post #s and my entire arguments over 4000 posts. This still would be a fraction of what needs to be fleshed out to fairly represent all that I believe.

Saying we are in the image of God (free moral agency, spirit, will, intellect, emotions, etc.) is not the same thing as saying we are not sinners (so why try to make your out of context quote imply that)? You also might want to start putting the verse numbers for your ideas so we can examine your ideas in CONTEXT.

Who made you a fruit inspector?

Obedience is a NT concept. This does not negate other truths.

There is a difference between physical and moral depravity. Before you can slam me, you have to know the technical definitions of concepts or you are reading your preconceived ideas into my words and making a straw man.

Your shoddy arguments are like the JWs who quote Trinitarian scholars out of context to try to refute the Trinity!?

2 Cor. 7:1 "Since we have these promises, dear friends, let US purify OURSELVES from everything that contaminates body and (SPIRIT= contrary to lighthouse's 'pefectionism' and spirit/flesh ideas), perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."

You conveniently ignored the post with these verses. They are Pauline and cannot be dispensationalized away. Repentant faith is a condition of salvation. This does not mean we save ourselves. It means God is not a divine rapist, reconciliation is not unilateral or coerced, etc. Likewise, when the NT talks about obedience, it does not mean that we save ourselves in our own strength.

2 Peter 1:3-11 concurs with the balance I suggest between God's provision and our response/responsibility.

I Peter 1:13-17 obedience, holiness...we are to live our lives, not be sock puppets.
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Originally posted by SOTK

I didn't hear this show, but I am sure I would probably agree with Mr. Enyart. I have grown to believe that Tithing is legalistic. I believe in giving money to my church but not because "it's something I'm supposed to do". I tithe because what I have has been given to me by God and I choose to give back to my church in order to be of service. This is something that comes from my heart.

This is the key. One can also 'tithe' ('tenth' vs OT laws) from their heart with the right motive. It does not have to be legalistic. What principle or guideline do you use for giving? If I gave what I could afford when I could afford it, I would never give.


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by granite1010

Sozo does this all the time (as I'm sure you know). It's easy to talk tough on the Net. Guy's probably a marshmallow in person.
Well, He is nice to me.:think:



Well-known member
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GR, I say that your posts are on the whole Godly and I'd like to get a chance to discuss things face to face when we get to heaven. Maybe sooner, but that isn't something I can count on.


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Originally posted by Yorzhik

GR, I say that your posts are on the whole Godly and I'd like to get a chance to discuss things face to face when we get to heaven. Maybe sooner, but that isn't something I can count on.

I commend you for your backbone of public support. I look forward to seeing the look on sozo's face when I hug him in heaven. He will realize we are saved by Christ, not theological perfection on the doctrine of 'perfectionism' by Bob George (one version of many versions all claiming to be biblical). We see through a glass darkly, but there we will see and know Him as He is. Our divisive doctrinal disputes will be cleared up in an instant so we can focus on Him and each other in love relationship for eternity.

I do not know Yorzhik, so I do not condone or condemn his beliefs or relationship with God or lack thereof (caveat in case sozo gets his shirt in a knot over his opinion).


Originally posted by lighthouse

Firstly, because Christ has come, and died, and risen, we are no longer under the law, and you should give from your heart, instead of by calculation. If you can, listen to the show linked to in the first post.

As for adultery, no you should not commit adultery, but you already have, haven't you? But, for the same reasons we are not under the law, we are free from sin. Dead to it. If you are in Christ, then you will not want to commit adultery, and you will want to give from the heart, instead of calculation.

I listened to the show. I demonstrated that in my first post by commenting that our Fellowship tithes in the manner Bob suggested a Church should handle tithes, if it teaches the people to tithe. For example, the Church pays for the feasts out of the tithes received; the church supports widows and orphans out of the tithes; the people can use some of their own tithe to support people that they come across, who are in need! At least one man sends part of his tithe, to a real Levite in Israel. None of us think that our salvation is dependent upon our tithe. We simply think that just as the law against adultery has not been done away with, neither has the command to tithe been done away with. The Father wants us to tithe cheerfully, especially now that our sin debt has been paid for us by the Son.
I only disagree with Bob, that the tithe is still for us today, but I do agree with him that almost no Church teaches the proper use and handling of the tithe.
If you are in Christ, then you will want to give a tenth. It is impossible for you to give any amount, without calculation. If you truly want to give without calculation, either drop a blank check in the offering plate next time it comes by, or cash out your next paycheck in different denominations, starting with hundreds. Close your eyes, reach in to your wallet and grab some bills and toss them into the plate, and smile cheerfully.
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Anti-tithe people can be just as legalistic as pro-tithe people. A motive of love and worship in any giving is the key.
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