Does this say it all about Congress these days?


New member
nancy and all those who voted for obama gave us health care

don't forget that

what? NO they didn't!

they gave us LACK of healthcare... I htink u meant to say Obamacare

which I call obamaDoesn'tCare

it's almost comical (if it weren't so scary).. a plan that was supposed to insure the uninsured and now that its implemented, we have the same % of people uninsured

that's the Gumit for ya


New member
You might be surprised how often it happens, if you give it a chance.

well, they disagree on BIG things:

human life should be protected, being one of the biggest. When one side says its OK to butcher/torture children... uh... yeh... We should automatically know which side to take...



New member


New member
When the heck did George Hamilton enter politics?

Is Boehner an organ donor? Scientists would love to get those scales for cancer research.


New member
That's really not true. The normal, natural outcome of winner-take all elections is a two-party system. This ensures that politics will be dominated by broad parties that are fairly inclusive. Chrys is just acknowledging the problem.

The largest voice is the growing third party voice, namely libertarianism.

View it this way. . .

Presidential elections are typically won by 2-5 percentage points. Let's say, for example, a democrat wins the election with 49% of the vote and the Republican loses with 47% of the vote. Another 3% goes to libertarian and the remaining 1% goes to all others. In this scenario the libertarian vote now holds a lot of power. If Republicans would have worked harder to earn that vote, they could have won the election. The option now would be to either try to incorporate more libertarian views next time, or risk losing again.

Where on the flip side, all of you who automatically vote republican regardless give republican candidates little reason to listen to what you want or care about, being that they will get your vote regardless.


New member
The largest voice is the growing third party voice, namely libertarianism.

I used to be a card-carrying (literally) Libertarian. I drank the cool-aid too. It is the party of the future, and it always will be.

View it this way. . .

Presidential elections are typically won by 2-5 percentage points. Let's say, for example, a democrat wins the election with 49% of the vote and the Republican loses with 47% of the vote. Another 3% goes to libertarian and the remaining 1% goes to all others. In this scenario the libertarian vote now holds a lot of power. If Republicans would have worked harder to earn that vote, they could have won the election. The option now would be to either try to incorporate more libertarian views next time, or risk losing again.

I'll give you a real example. In 2000, there was a close Presidential race between one George Walker Bush of the Grand Old Party, and one Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. of the Democratic Party, and a less close race between these gentlemen and one Harry Edson Browne of the Libertarian Party, Ralph Nader of the Green Party, Pat Buchanan of the Reform Party, and some other gentlemen who no one knows. Because of the peculiarities of American Presidential elections, the race came down to the outcome of the race in Florida.

And the final vote came down to 2,912,790 for Bush, 2,912,253 for Gore, 97,488 for Nader, 17,484 for Buchanan, 16,415 for Browne, and several thousand more for each of several small parties that had no chance of winning.

Since the difference between Bush and Gore's vote totals was around 500, the voters for each of the five next parties in the final result, most notably for Nader, whose participation ensured a Bush presidency, had to ask themselves if the outcome was worth voting on principle. Sure, Gore lacked charisma, and he wasn't as ideologically pure as Nader, but I would bet that there aren't many who think the future Mr. Inconvenient Truth wouldn't have been worlds better than an oil tycoon. And the rational people who voted on principle for a third party have to admit that they could have used their votes in a much more useful way.

Third parties lose because they function as spoilers. They always will. In times of exceptional political disruption, they can very infrequently rise to power. But this is exceptionally rare, and most of the time, they just provide the chance for their larger enemies to win elections. The only way that they can actually wield the power that you speak of is to integrate themselves into the power structures of the main parties, and get their hands dirty trying to change those institutions from within. Which, to the purists, makes them appear compromised, but anyone who wields real political power will be.

Where on the flip side, all of you who automatically vote republican regardless give republican candidates little reason to listen to what you want or care about, being that they will get your vote regardless.

No dispute here. Though, Big Data has made this much more challenging. The main parties know how we vote, down to the block or the house, so they are very good at figuring out who they can sway and who they can't. The people who are really powerful politically are either in politics themselves, or they are independents.


John Boehner is still Speaker of the House!

gee... don't get it...

and yet maybe i do... because Congress is always so accomodating to the liberal (redundancy alert) morons therein


He is the only one that realizes that he doesn't always have to be a pain in the to the President of the United stated who won with the most votes of the Americans.


New member
I can feel the power coursing through my veins. :plain:

Don't let that go to your head, now. :noway:

Actually, what I should have said is independents in areas (districts or states) that are not firmly in one party's control or the other, of which there are fewer each cycle.
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New member
kind of interesting someone threatened to kill Boehner


why is it the nut cases always go after the conservatives? not that B is a flaming conservative or anything... but closer to it than others in Congress, the Ds... so why don't the wackos go after the libs??

I guess b/c that would be like going after themselves
