ECT D'ism says sin and death are fairy tales

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john w

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Hall of Fame
Tuesday night is date night. I dress up in my salt and pepper suit, have cashew fudge with Thelma Lou, and we either watch TV or go to the picture show.

It's pretty tough, Seymour, to "watch" TV, with the lights off, don't you think? Smooth, Mayor....Smooth....


Well-known member
We have scripture.

That guy said 99% of what you say about Israel! What is your problem. You're on here all day to what? What difference does your opinion make unless you know how to say where you are in relation to a docu-drama like that? Should we ""complete" the Reformation? That was his contention.

I know what you think you know about Scripture and it is pretty chaotic with all those NOTs in it. So you DON'T have Scripture.


Well-known member
Fraud, poser, magic "man," as you delete/revise, with your wand, most of prophecy.

You, to the LORD God: You are obsessed with land for Israel!!!!! Stop it!!!!! Why are the land promises, to this Israel junk, the most prevalent promise in all of scripture!!!!! I've deleted them, made them disappear, with my "spiritual" raping of the scripture, as you are done with the nation Israel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The LORD God: Depart from me, you child of the devil. I never knew you....

Now-Explain all of the verses I showed you, re. prophecy, approximately 50 of them. When did they happen?

Go ahead, punk. It won't do you any good, cry baby, as you've conceded that your are a sodomite, coming on to me with your "cute" "JohnnyW" spam, even though my name is" John." When asked why you do that, we hear not a peep, which means you dig men so stuff your offended scam, scammer.

I told you to knock it off, as I dig women, but you persist, effeminate one.

THe mark of a Christian leader is to be teachable and subject to sound leaders, not to be online because no one can discipline you. It's your mistake.


Well-known member
We have scripture.

So if the scripture said Simon the Archadian, would you also avoid finding out what an Archadian was?

See! You're ridiculous.

You prob know lots of background, but if it conflicts with
D'ism and a future restored Israel, you 've already decided to block it.

Thus you have a caricature of Scripture.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
But when it comes to Messianic issues, it is not that so much as whether there are two skew programs running in the Bible. Skew = not coherent, not meeting. Dallas prof. Ryrie says yes. Messianic issues, not those before vs after the Noah deluge, are still being debated today.

It is this view of the Bible that started in the 1800s (I say that because yes, there are teachers in the church's history that would agree with you that different rules have applied at different times.) The teachers of D'ism initially said the Bible makes no sense as is. It 'needed' their belief system to make sense. That belief system is D'ist futurism, which claims there is unfinished business God needs to do with Israel in (the/our) future.

Oddly enough, D'ism as put together then, missed many, many of the NT passages on the topic. They also missed or blocked NT history which should have included a sensible treatment of the destruction of Jerusalem in the 1st century.
You'll believe anything the wind blows in.


Well-known member
Those are historic facts, silly. You need to have background.

Hey Scripture-claimer: who thought Jn 2:21 when it was actually happening? It's SCRIPTURE!!! How come Johnny and STP can't see that it is Scripture? Because they also have no background you have an insidious cult that claims to know Scripture but is busy blocking it, like STP on Mt 10:23.


Well-known member
I do.
No it doesn't.
I do not block scripture.

So you have lots of background but you can't talk about the Zealots. Got it.

How about the first 15 of episode 3 when they decide finally what to do with Jesus (to co-opt him)? Pour out your back ground, come on. Don't be a liar.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
That guy said 99% of what you say about Israel!
Then I hope he gets the other 1% correct also.

What is your problem. You're on here all day to what? What difference does your opinion make unless you know how to say where you are in relation to a docu-drama like that? Should we ""complete" the Reformation? That was his contention.
Didn't watch it.
Ain't gonna watch it.
Don't care what his contention is.
I have scripture for my answers,

I know what you think you know about Scripture and it is pretty chaotic with all those NOTs in it. So you DON'T have Scripture.
You don't know squat but how to make up stuff.


Well-known member
Then I hope he gets the other 1% correct also.

Didn't watch it.
Ain't gonna watch it.
Don't care what his contention is.
I have scripture for my answers,

You don't know squat but how to make up stuff.

So if he's 99% your stuff but only knows church history in bits and pieces, what's your problem? Scripture doesn't answer 'is the reformation complete?'


Well-known member
The lamb was never the sin offering,stooge, and the John the B's reference to it was not about 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, despite your spam/assertions-which is your MO on TOL, with even posting the scriptures, "connecting the dots." Your a fraud, posing as a "scholar," who would not know the difference between the book of Ruth, and Ruth Buzzy.

Wow, Simon! You through all of us Hillbillies into a tailspin, with that debate ender/stumper.

Watch this: I will stick with Genesis- Revelation, re. all the promises made to the believing remnant of the nation Israel.

So there. I just "went over the top," calling your "deuce/seven unsuited."

Teach us, Simon....Please?

I'll stick with what Hebrews said it meant. You are officially not a Christian teacher. The lamb takes aways the sins of the world--so it's not only for Israel either, get it?

re your fav Lk 18. "They were afraid to ask him about it." How could they not have known and then been afraid? They wouldnot have had an anxiety building up but would have said 'Dying? Great! What else will you do?"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
THe mark of a Christian leader is to be teachable and subject to sound leaders, not to be online because no one can discipline you. It's your mistake.

Another stumper.

You lie, over and over, re. this made up the 12 were in denial" dung. No scripture asserts that. The 12 had no idea that the Master would be crucified, much less be raised from the dead. It was hid from them; you cannot deny what you do not know.

Tell all of TOL why you are lying on this, as I've asked you 15 times. Go ahead, habitual liar.
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