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Last week, Canada’s Edmonton Sun ran a story headlined, “Former Golden Bears basketball coach Greg Francis dead at age 48.”
Without exactly saying so, the article explained Greg’s death was sudden and unexpected: “The news has taken many of his former players, teammates and friends by surprise this week.” So they didn’t even know he was sick.
No cause of death has been released, of course. Why would anyone care about that? Without citing any source, the Sun suggested that Greg was “struggling with some debilitating effects of Multiple Sclerosis.”
Multiple sclerosis, you say? Hmm, sounds familiar.
Coincidentally, from the February edition of the journal Neuroimmunology:
And another from January 2022:
And another from February 2022:
Doctors are perfectly baffled about what could have killed Greg. There’s no evidence it was the jabs, depending of course on how you define “evidence.”