Deceptions Christians Believe


Well-known member

You do not know what I am talking about. I share about God's grace, and you say that I can't because I don't know what you are talking about... but that is completely untrue. I can. But not because I do or do not know what you are talking about.



You don't even know what you're talking about.
You're just tootin' your own horn, and marching to your own band.


New member
It isn't just preached from the pulpit. It's preached right here on TOL, and it shows a complete lack of faith on the part of those preachers of man's obedience. MAN....forever hoping to steal glory from God. :nono:

Romans 5:19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.​

I agree with you. And I used to preach it and live it. I wanted to be able to take part in my own salvation and many times that is hard for people to let go. But it is when we do let it go and totally trust Christ we finally are free.


Well-known member

Justification is by faith and not the works of the Law. Was Abraham justified by faith or by works? We see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone.

Thank you for proving I'm right. You are boasting in your own works of obedience. You are a worker bee hiding behind the Law. Usually, you worker bees try to distance yourselves from the law, but you are a bold little bee, and you right up front boast in law keeping.....just for the fun of it, of course. At least until you add that you "NEED to obey". That's when you call God a LIAR, implying, if not outright stating, that salvation is NOT a GIFT from God.

Man, always trying to steal the glory from God. :bang:


No, I wasn't asking a question.....I as making a statement, and my statement stands. You are boasting in your obedience and the commands you obey. You can deny it til the cows come home, it won't change a thing.

Boasting is excluded by the law of Faith. That means, you are not to do so. You are not to list out or point out what YOU DO, but only what Christ does. He gets all the glory. Period.


You are not to teach or exercise authority over a man. Period. You cannot tell someone not to obey God's commandments because of Jesus. I have nothing to boast in. I have known this since I was a child. You demonstrate that you have no understanding about obedience to God. It is only what we ought to have done. But we are the ones who did it (who obeyed God when we did) not someone else.




You don't even know what you're talking about.
You're just tootin' your own horn, and marching to your own band.


What in the world are you talking about? Find someone else to destroy. Or better yet, learn not to destroy anyone. Just leave me alone. You need to obey God, and telling me that I shouldn't is not going to help you.

Telling me to obey God, on the other hand, would be you teaching or exercising authority over me. I do not know if you understand this. But telling me, a man, to not obey and to not teach others will not help you and will only hinder or hurt the cause of Christ.




Thank you for proving I'm right. You are boasting in your own works of obedience. You are a worker bee hiding behind the Law. Usually, you worker bees try to distance yourselves from the law, but you are a bold little bee, and you right up front boast in law keeping.....just for the fun of it, of course. At least until you add that you "NEED to obey". That's when you call God a LIAR, implying, if not outright stating, that salvation is NOT a GIFT from God.

Man, always trying to steal the glory from God. :bang:


No. Justification is a theological concept, but the word justify is a word. You need to read Ephesians 2:8-9 and then read James 2.




Well-known member

You are not to teach or exercise authority over a man. Period.

In the first place, we are not in an assembly.
In the second place, you are not my husband.
In the third place, there is neither male nor female in Christ.
In the fourth place, you are an unsaved "man" who needs to be sitting at the knee of any elder (male or female).

And last of're an enemy of the cross, and I am equipped with the full armour of God.

You cannot tell someone not to obey God's commandments because of Jesus.

I can tell anyone whatever I want. I have the liberty to do so....being under grace as I am.

I have nothing to boast in.

No you need to stop doing so.

I have known this since I was a child.

You're still a child.

You demonstrate that you have no understanding about obedience to God.

I understand the obedience of faith....and you don't.

It is only what we ought to have done. But we are the ones who did it (who obeyed God when we did) not someone else.

Well, the truly saved have believed the Gospel....that's the obedience of faith. After that, we become God's workmanship. He performs His work in us. You're a silly "man" if you're counting on your own obedience to any commands. You foolishly boast in what you do. Not good.


Well-known member

No. Justification is a theological concept, but the word justify is a word. You need to read Ephesians 2:8-9 and then read James 2.



No, justification is not a "theological concept". At least I can understand, now, why you're still under the schoolmaster.

Clearly, you don't have any understanding of either of those texts....your posts make that abundantly clear.

I'm thinking you're just another fence straddlers like God's UnTruth. You like to play on both sides of the cross, but not quite able to do either well.


In the first place, we are not in an assembly.
In the second place, you are not my husband.
In the third place, there is neither male nor female in Christ.
In the fourth place, you are an unsaved "man" who needs to be sitting at the knee of any elder (male or female).

And last of're an enemy of the cross, and I am equipped with the full armour of God.

I can tell anyone whatever I want. I have the liberty to do so....being under grace as I am.

No you need to stop doing so.

You're still a child.

I understand the obedience of faith....and you don't.

Well, the truly saved have believed the Gospel....that's the obedience of faith. After that, we become God's workmanship. He performs His work in us. You're a silly "man" if you're counting on your own obedience to any commands. You foolishly boast in what you do. Not good.


I do not boast at all. I teach God's Commandments as God instructed me to do in Jesus Christ.

I am not your husband, but I am a man. You are not to teach me. You are not to exercise authority over me.

I sit under a Rabbi and I am training to be a Rabbi. I grew up Christian and I have been in church since I was a child. It does not matter where you are you are not to teach a man. I am 36 years old and I am not to let anyone despise me because of my youth however old I was or however old I am. I am also not to be teaching someone else's wife. If you come to me online I will tell you the truth. But now you have rejected it. I would wish that women would not come to me for answers. If you receive the instruction in the synagogue or the assembly if you happen to be there or with your husband you are to ask him about it privately at home.




Well-known member

What in the world are you talking about? Find someone else to destroy. Or better yet, learn not to destroy anyone. Just leave me alone. You need to obey God, and telling me that I shouldn't is not going to help you.

Telling me to obey God, on the other hand, would be you teaching or exercising authority over me. I do not know if you understand this. But telling me, a man, to not obey and to not teach others will not help you and will only hinder or hurt the cause of Christ.



You? A Man? :chuckle:

No, you're a child who never grew up, and you're destroying yourself with these crazy ideas of yours. You're playing a game of make believe, and you're pitching a fit because I'm not buying your act. This isn't our first go round, Untell. Don't think you can suddenly become Jacob and no one will dare comment.

Now, being justified by faith is the only way you will ever be saved. Until you understand that, you'll keep wondering around in the wilderness. You're a lost soul, and your only hope is to address your lack of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to save and keep you. He is the END OF THE LAW for righteousness for those who believe. You don't seem to understand much less believe that.


No, justification is not a "theological concept". At least I can understand, now, why you're still under the schoolmaster.

Clearly, you don't have any understanding of either of those texts....your posts make that abundantly clear.

I'm thinking you're just another fence straddlers like God's UnTruth. You like to play on both sides of the cross, but not quite able to do either well.


Not at all. I have been to Bible School and I grew up in church. I know what I am talking about. It is not familiar to me in my Jewish way of life or living.

As a Christian I studied the Bible and not Theology.




You? A Man? :chuckle:

No, you're a child who never grew up, and you're destroying yourself with these crazy ideas of yours. You're playing a game of make believe, and you're pitching a fit because I'm not buying your act. This isn't our first go round, Untell. Don't think you can suddenly become Jacob and no one will dare comment.

Now, being justified by faith is the only way you will ever be saved. Until you understand that, you'll keep wondering around in the wilderness. You're a lost soul, and your only hope is to address your lack of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to save and keep you. He is the END OF THE LAW for righteousness for those who believe. You don't seem to understand much less believe that.


My name is Jacob.




Well-known member

I do not boast at all. I teach God's Commandments as God instructed me to do in Jesus Christ.

I am not your husband, but I am a man. You are not to teach me. You are not to exercise authority over me.

I sit under a Rabbi and I am training to be a Rabbi. I grew up Christian and I have been in church since I was a child. It does not matter where you are you are not to teach a man. I am 36 years old and I am not to let anyone despise me because of my youth however old I was or however old I am. I am also not to be teaching someone else's wife. If you come to me online I will tell you the truth. But now you have rejected it. I would wish that women would not come to me for answers. If you receive the instruction in the synagogue or the assembly if you happen to be there or with your husband you are to ask him about it privately at home.



Don't dictate to me, little brat boy. :baby:

I am not under your authority....or the authority of any Rabbi.

In fact, I can see that you need my help more than ever. It's truly amazing how the Lord works in such mysterious ways. I feel I have a real calling here with you, Jacob, me lad. :)


Don't dictate to me, little brat boy. :baby:

I am not under your authority....or the authority of any Rabbi.

In fact, I can see that you need my help more than ever. It's truly amazing how the Lord works in such mysterious ways. I feel I have a real calling here with you, Jacob, me lad. :)


It was nice knowing you. I was not in authority over you.




Well-known member

This post is coming to me from glorydaz, complete with the picture of a woman.



Guess what? That isn't even a picture of me. You are so easy to fool.

I've been a man my entire life....and I was an Arab before I became a Jew. :idunno: