Well, whether you realize it or not Turbo, you have just joined the retard, moron, idiot club. That’s right! For arguing that something is wrong when humans are seen as second to lower animals, you will be branded as such by the animal lovers and their associates. MOM has been arguing for the past year that there is a pervasive sickness which has crept through the whole country. And this sickness has many of US caring more about lower animals than humans.
Just continue to look around. At this point in time, the lives of lower animals have more worth than the lives of human beings. Humans have now taken a back seat to lower animals. Our children have taken a back seat to lower animals. We have animals who have better health care than our children.>>>
Readers willing to pay up to keep pets healthy. We have animals who live in better homes than our veterans. >>>
Homeless Vets 0 Homeless Pets 1 While we run deficits, we spend billions to dress our pets for Halloween. >>>
More pets dressed to chill for Halloween. MOM could go on and on. >>>
Man With Beast >>>
The Chimp N Dales >>>
Human Vicktims
So, you shouldn’t be surprised when the death of a tiger is regarded to be more important that the death of a human. You see, in the eyes of many, for you to see and say that there is something terribly wrong with that scenario, means that you are no longer intelligent. Instead, you are now seen as a retard, moron, idiot, and any of the other invectives that some of the people around here like to call people who actually have the guts to speak up when they see that something is amiss.