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Staff listen as President Barack Obama speaks about the election results, Nov. 9, 2016, in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
According to the paper's White House pool reporter, staff applauded "for a solid minute, at least" as three cried and others had "closed eyes or staring up at the sky." When the reporter spoke to a crying aide, she said "I'm just sad." In regards to the situation being bittersweet, another replied "I don't know about sweet."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

A petition on calling for the Electoral College to elect Hillary Clinton as President has earned over half of the signatures needed for it to be sent to the governing body.

The petition, launched on Wednesday after Donald Trump was elected President, calls for the Electoral College to “ignore their states’ votes and cast their ballots for Secretary Clinton.”

anybody who signs that petition should be barred from ever voting again


Oh but ok doser, the real crying hasn't started yet. When real conservatives (I'm not talking about Libertarians like you who voted in Donald Trump) realize that they've been played the fool by ultra liberal Donald Trump, take to the high ground, because tears of anger will flood throughout this nation.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame


One of the added benefits of a Trump presidency is the sheer amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth displayed by the "cultural liberal elites" now that their God-Queen has been forever banished to the island of "never going to be president, ever."

Case in point, the glory that is Business Insider's report: "Pop stars Lady Gaga and Katie Perry wept backstage on election night at what was supposed to be Hillary Clinton's victory party"

MSNBC political correspondent Kasie Hunt posted on Twitter that a source present at the Clinton party witnessed the hilarity:
The fact remains that the Democrats have received a majority of votes but have been excluded from the White House, and majorities in the Senate, the House and soon the Supreme Court.

"Ok doser" can gloat all he wants, but its a hollow victory for democracy when the party that represents the interests of the majority of voters in the nation has been relegated to the sidelines, while the one representing the minority controls all 3 branches of government!

Why should Democrats have any faith in what Donald Trump would characterize as a "rigged system?"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The fact remains that the Democrats have received a majority of votes but have been excluded from positions of power in the White House, the Senate, the House and soon the Supreme Court.


poor poor widdle democrats :baby:


New member
Hall of Fame
These whiners are called Cry Bullies. They pitch a fit if they don't get their way or if they are 'offended' by what you say. They bully folks through their tantrums into getting their way. They are trying it again, albeit futilely through these riots. Ben Garrison the cartoonist has some very interesting insights on Cry Bullies.

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Wow that graphic says it all, i would be totally embarrassed to be associated with that! Hopefully the people who still have some of their sound minds will wake up to what they created and cry out to the Lord!