Criticizing Lawyers, Teachers & Dating


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Please stop talking to me. Nothing you say is of any value. :up:
As much as I agree with you that the government has no God-given right to pardon someone for a crime, nor do we as individuals have the God-given right [nor are we commanded] to pardon or forgive those who offend outside of insofar as the offense is toward us if and when the offender is repentant and even then the offender should suffer the due punishment for their offense, at least insofar as the here and now I also concur that you misconstrued TH's words. I also trust you enough to believe this was due to a misunderstanding on your part of his words.

The only government entities who are legally allowed [though they have no God-given right to do so] to pardon criminal offenders are state governors and the president. The court cannot, by any means, pardon anyone.


He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

and He's not just my God, He's your God too.

You'll find out soon enough. :(


Meanwhile, let's see what Bob Enyart thinks about the current justice system:
* Aurora Killer’s Judge Mocks Justice: The judge in the Aurora Theatre Massacre case has entered a plea of “not guilty” on behalf of the killer. Find out why that judge, Blackstone and all the other lawyers are mostly wrong when it comes to justice.

"...that judge, Blackstone and all the other lawyers are mostly wrong when it comes to justice..."

I agree Bob! :thumb:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
That dude should have been executed moths ago! :madmad:

Why do we need lawyers getting in the way of justice?


According to our racist friend barbie, it's because Texas executes innocent black and hispanic people. :dizzy:
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The Barbarian

"Black or Hispanic" being Koban's addition of course. In fact, many of those innocent people were white anglos. One of the most egregious cases in Texas involved a white guy.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
They don't. Justice is the end of a process. Lawyers serve that process.

One man to say "Guilty - Death". One people to execute justice. Lawyers come in and say things like "process" and "rights" and they pervert justice.

The Aurora shooter should be hanging from a tree. Anyone willing to put himself between the criminal and his reward deserves to join him.

Now, if you weren't convinced how marginalised my position makes you, I hope you are now.

The Barbarian

One man to say "Guilty - Death". One people to execute justice.

So said Mao. That's your standard of justice?

Lawyers come in and say things like "process" and "rights" and they pervert justice.

As you see, that process saved a large number of innocent people condemned to death. And you think that's a perversion of justice. I don't get the idea that justice is served just by killing someone quick, regardless of guilt or innocence.

The Aurora shooter should be hanging from a tree. Anyone willing to put himself between the criminal and his reward deserves to join him.

You're far to eager to kill, and far too reluctant to allow justice to take place. The process is there, because we know it's a check against killing a person falsely convicted.

Now, if you weren't convinced how marginalised my position makes you, I hope you are now.

You've just tried to dump a thousand years (roughly) of Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence. You pretty much marginalized yourself.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
One man to say "Guilty - Death".
That happens now, depending on whether or not a jury trial is requested, which it usually is in trial. I'd rather have a number of heads considering it.

One people to execute justice.
No idea what you mean by that unless you want a class of executioners.

Lawyers come in and say things like "process" and "rights" and they pervert justice.
That would be funny if it weren't so frighteningly ill informed and dangerous.

The Aurora shooter should be hanging from a tree. Anyone willing to put himself between the criminal and his reward deserves to join him.
Lawyers serve a system designed to punish the guilty and protect the innocent. If you oppose that you oppose justice, however you wrap it.

Now, if you weren't convinced how marginalised my position makes you, I hope you are now.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
you oppose justice, however you wrap it.

Justice is murderers being put to death publicly, painfully and promptly.

Wrapped like that, lawyers are only a hindrance. All that is required is one man to assess the evidence and hear the witnesses.


Every successful business model develops a parasitic layer of middle management that struggles to justify its existence. :idunno:

Much like priests in the RCC
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