Criminalization of Christianity in America


New member
Ohio Supreme Court's Board of Professional Conduct said judges can't refuse to marry same-sex couples on personal, moral or religious grounds.

Apparently public employees do not have freedom of religion. It seems that the court can abridge the Constitution.


New member
Years ago people in the federal government asserted that gays were “not suitable” for federal employment. They believed that such employees would work together to pervert the legal system. They also believed that such persons were inclined to give away government secrets like Bradley Manning.

If the liberal government employees are able to force out the Christian employees, then that will make room for more Gay employees.


New member
If there is such a thing as freedom of religion, then how is it that Christians are being sued and imprisoned for their beliefs? How or who started this attack on Christians?

Perhaps we should not identify with the articles of a deist Nation and depend upon them.

Our "Constitution" is between Genesis and revelation. And Gods Constitution is solid and guaranteed.

Food for thought my friend.


New member
Well, if you were a "supposed" Christian and decided to kill (murder)
a homosexual, you'd be found guilty of first degree murder and either
get life imprisonment without parole or the death penalty. Does that
seem like a good idea to you? Besides, that was based on Old
Testament laws that the "Hebrews" were given. We're to obey
the laws of the land today. If you murder a homosexual, you'll
suffer the consequences of your action.

Correct. And a Christian will not want to kill a sinner. We are to lead them to their Messiah, Jesus. And he will lead them to righteousness .


New member
Perhaps we should not identify with the articles of a deist Nation and depend upon them.

Our "Constitution" is between Genesis and revelation. And Gods Constitution is solid and guaranteed.

Food for thought my friend.

Deists: The belief in a deity based on natural religion only, or belief in religious truths discovered.

It is my understanding that many people believe in God as a concept.


New member
Here are the good Muslim citizens praying in the streets of NYC at rush hour. It is their way of getting people to pay tribute to Allah. When told that Allah was a Pagan god worshipped by the Pagan Arabs, they are in disbelief. They are told that everything we say against the Quran is a lie.



New member
The law of the land in Israel was the biblical law. law of the land is a phrase used in the Magna Carta. Kill and murder are two different words. I'm not sure, but I think it is against the law to make special laws that respect certain persons.

like people who want to discrimiante


New member
1. It Is not a true Marriage.
2. It violates natural law.
3. It always denies a child either a Father or a Mother.
4. It validates and promotes the homosexual lifestyle.
5. It turns a moral wrong into a Civil Right.
6. It does not create a family but a sterile union.
7. It defeats the State’s purpose for benefiting marriage.
8. It Imposes Its acceptance on all society.
9. It Is a Sexual Revolution.
10. It offends God.
11. Homosexuality injures the fabric of society, especially children.
12. Homosexuality is counterproductive to the survival of the human race.
13. Homosexuality does not offer the stability of a traditional family.
14. Homosexuals have a higher incidence of infidelity.
15. Homosexuals have a shortened lifespan.
16. Homosexuals have a much higher incidence of domestic violence.
17. Homosexuals have a much higher rate of molestation than Heterosexuals.
18. Homosexuality is not condoned in the Bible.
19. Homosexuals want to redefine marriage, changing the uniqueness of heterosexual marriage.
20. Homosexual marriages are “unnatural” unions which would lead to other unnatural unions.
21. Homosexual relationships are dangerously unhealthy physically and mentally.
22. Homosexuality is not genetic, that is a lie to excuse the life style.
Many millions of people have died of AIDs because we do not keep the commandment Leviticus 20:13.

I'm sure there are other things that I am not thinking of at this time.
Intelligent Analysis
Basic zoology



New member
Ohio Supreme Court's Board of Professional Conduct said judges can't refuse to marry same-sex couples on personal, moral or religious grounds.

Apparently public employees do not have freedom of religion. It seems that the court can abridge the Constitution.
Shouldn't people expected to do the jobs they're paid to do?

It's not as if they don't have the right to withdraw their labour.

The one that seems to come up time and again is Catholic pharmacists refusing to supply contraceptives or the morning after pill. Did they never consider the requirements of the job they were training for?



New member
Shouldn't people expected to do the jobs they're paid to do?

It's not as if they don't have the right to withdraw their labour.

The one that seems to come up time and again is Catholic pharmacists refusing to supply contraceptives or the morning after pill. Did they never consider the requirements of the job they were training for?


The world just decided to run off a cliff. Do you lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way?


New member
The world just decided to run off a cliff. Do you lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way?
I chose a long time to get out of the way, but to try to convince religionists not to run towards the cliff, or at least to get some entertainment for myself out of the spectacle.

But what has that got to do with religionists getting themselves into employment contracts that specify services they're then not willing to supply?



New member
I chose a long time to get out of the way, but to try to convince religionists not to run towards the cliff, or at least to get some entertainment for myself out of the spectacle.

But what has that got to do with religionists getting themselves into employment contracts that specify services they're then not willing to supply?


The rules were changed in the middle of the game.


New member
Perhaps you are on a different planet than we are. Have you not read the paper lately about Christians being sued and jailed?

those poor Christians...all they did was break the law and discriminate against a minority and they then tried to hide their hateful behaviors behind their religion


New member
those poor Christians...all they did was break the law and discriminate against a minority and they then tried to hide their hateful behaviors behind their religion

Apparently you believe that people should be allowed to force their sin upon others. If Gay marriage becomes legal and constitutional, then those who want to marry their pet animals could use the same argument. Marriage is a religious concept. Gays should not be allowed to change other peoples religious beliefs.
Marriage between a man and woman has been a religious concept for thousands of years. Why should Gays or governments be allowed to change Judaeo commandments or doctrines?

Same sex rape is a crime.


New member
The rules were changed in the middle of the game.
That's the risk you run in providing a service that is subject to the will of the people or their democratically elected representatives or judicial interpretation of a national constitution.

It's not as if there aren't democratic channels through which religious bigots can campaign as private citizens for a law change. And you would think that Americans in that situation would be at an unfair advantage given the almost universal claim of US politicians to some god belief or other.

But if they don't like the jobs they do, then it might be time to read the writing on the wall.
