Creation vs. Evolution

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Greg Jennings

New member
Funny how evoluionists hate evidence.

We do know that life never comes from non life. Atheists have no alternative other than psuedo scientific beliefs.

No my know no such thing. Funny how evolutionist beliefs cause them to "not know" things that are known. Funny how evolutionists beliefs cause them to "know for certain" things for which there is no shred of evidence.

We need to now..... is that something you don't know? Or, is this one of those things that you know for certain? Or, could we classify this one as a religious belief?

*Some atheists think that a couple molecules met in simple clay, then organized other molecules into a information and storage system.

*Others believe life started between sheets of Mica.

*Some atheists believe life got a frankenstein start with a lightening bolt.

*Warm little pond...anyone?

*Others insist life began all by itself at a deep sea thermal vent.

*Could life have been brought to earth by ancient astronauts?

* some atheists believe....its even possible life was seeded on earth by aliens

IOW... atheists are willing to believe anything, no matter how matter how unscientific..... anything but the Creator God of the Bible.

Evidence... life comes from life. require a code maker.

Logic...things which appear intelligently designed, may have a intelligent designer.

6days I want to discuss evidence with you. I want you to suggest a topic for our discussion, and I will suggest one as well. We will discuss both using scientific evidence in order to evaluate whether our chosen topic supports evolution or young-earth creationism.

You are complaining about "evolutionists" refusing to discuss the evidence. Well you got your wish. The ball is in your court. Pick a topic and we can begin

patrick jane

6days I want to discuss evidence with you. I want you to suggest a topic for our discussion, and I will suggest one as well. We will discuss both using scientific evidence in order to evaluate whether our chosen topic supports evolution or young-earth creationism.

You are complaining about "evolutionists" refusing to discuss the evidence. Well you got your wish. The ball is in your court. Pick a topic and we can begin
The appendix


Well-known member
Mice share ~90% of their DNA with humans.
Chimps share ~98% of their DNA with humans.
Google "How much DNA do we share with mice/rats?" From 90 to 99%, the same as with chimps. I've read too, that we share more in common with gorillas than chimps do with gorillas and that we share more DNA in common with them than chimps, by DNA percentage.

Many of these are science websites with no indoctrinating agenda that I can tell. I've no reason to doubt them, especially when they give the reason that it is why they experiment on mice and rats. They aren't just trying to eliminate disease in the mouse and rat population. I'd think Pandas, dogs/cats, and baby fur seals take priority with animal charities, rescues, and giving (just saying, again, I have not reason to doubt the percentages given).


New member
From 90 to 99%, the same as with chimps. I've read too, that we share more in common with gorillas than chimps do with gorillas and that we share more DNA in common with them than chimps, by DNA percentage.
The 'percentage shared' between chimps and humans needs to be accompanied by a statement of what percentage they are talking about. 40 million base pair differences out of 3 billion base pairs gives 98.7% similarity. A couple of thousand significant differences across perhaps 25,000 protein-coding genes gives 92% similarity.

But there is no doubt about the order of common ancestry, the phylogeny of the great apes. The ancestors of humans and chimpanzees were the same animal 6 million years ago. The ancestors of chimpanzees, humans and gorillas were the same animal 7 million years ago. The ancestors of chimpanzees, humans, gorillas and orangutans were the same animal 14 million years ago.

You don't even need fossil evidence to determine this. The rate of mutation can be calibrated as a clock. Then you count the accumulated base pair differences between corresponding genes in the different species. The more differences, the more time since those two species shared a common ancestor.

Then there are endogenous retroviruses. They are the absolute clincher of the fact of common ancestry and the order of divergence. Endogenous retroviruses are sections of virus that became permanently inserted into the genome following infection of a germ cell. If an endogenous retrovirus is found in the same place on the human genome and the gorilla genome then it will also be found on the chimpanzee genome.

This diagram indicates the principle for a few retrovirus insertions. There are large numbers of these insertions in all species, and it builds a picture of common ancestry that is entirely consistent with every other line of evidence.




The 6 day creation philosophy of the authors of Genesis came from the much older story of the arrival of Adam and Eve on an evolved, populated earth. Its from the oral tradition that they spent their first 6 days on earth surveying their new garden home prepared for them by the loyal inhabitants. Some 30,000 years later when the exiled priest of Babylon were redoing Hebrew history they just assumed Adam and Eve were the first humans. They didn't know any better and apparently the fragments of the story didn't inform them well enough.


Well-known member
The 'percentage shared' between chimps and humans needs to be accompanied by a statement of what percentage they are talking about. 40 million base pair differences out of 3 billion base pairs gives 98.7% similarity. A couple of thousand significant differences across perhaps 25,000 protein-coding genes gives 92% similarity.

But there is no doubt about the order of common ancestry, the phylogeny of the great apes. The ancestors of humans and chimpanzees were the same animal 6 million years ago. The ancestors of chimpanzees, humans and gorillas were the same animal 7 million years ago. The ancestors of chimpanzees, humans, gorillas and orangutans were the same animal 14 million years ago.

You don't even need fossil evidence to determine this. The rate of mutation can be calibrated as a clock. Then you count the accumulated base pair differences between corresponding genes in the different species. The more differences, the more time since those two species shared a common ancestor.

Then there are endogenous retroviruses. They are the absolute clincher of the fact of common ancestry and the order of divergence. Endogenous retroviruses are sections of virus that became permanently inserted into the genome following infection of a germ cell. If an endogenous retrovirus is found in the same place on the human genome and the gorilla genome then it will also be found on the chimpanzee genome.

This diagram indicates the principle for a few retrovirus insertions. There are large numbers of these insertions in all species, and it builds a picture of common ancestry that is entirely consistent with every other line of evidence.



Answers in Genesis does address this, specifically, by a PhD microbiologist.


The 6 day creation philosophy of the authors of Genesis came from the much older story of the arrival of Adam and Eve on an evolved, populated earth. Its from the oral tradition that they spent their first 6 days on earth surveying their new garden home prepared for them by the loyal inhabitants. Some 30,000 years later when the exiled priest of Babylon were redoing Hebrew history they just assumed Adam and Eve were the first humans. They didn't know any better and apparently the fragments of the story didn't inform them well enough.

Hard to tell which is wackier, your understanding of the real world or that of the standard Biblical literalist.


New member
Answers in Genesis does address this, specifically, by a PhD microbiologist.

A brief response (an eon of time could be devoted to the attempt to convince laypeople that AiG is talking out of the wrong hole, and life is short):

Evolutionists will say that shared ERVs prove evolution to be true
No scientist should ever say that. Here, AiG is setting up the 'proof' narrative that leads to the attacking of strawman arguments. The page mentions the word 'proof' nine times. The word proof really has no place in a scientific discussion. It is about evidence, provisional conclusions and disproof. You can't prove anything. So the article isn't about science really. It's about posturing.

It is important to realize that evolution works based on a “use it or lose it” basis. The fact that any ERVs (which are “leftover, useless” pieces of DNA) exist among primates at all strongly argues against common ancestry by itself. But why should so-called junk DNA be conserved for millions (even billions) of years of evolution when it supposedly has no purpose? The argument of junk DNA simply perpetuates the problems with the vestigial organs argument, but at the molecular level. If the genome has no purpose for such elements by evolutionists’ reasoning, then it should have been eliminated millions of years ago. You can’t have your cake and eat it, too.
This is really dishonest. Mutation gives variation. The combinations of genes best suited to survival and reproduction become most frequent in the population. The adaptations that are tested by natural selection are made of proteins, or are the product of the action of proteins. Those proteins are coded in DNA. The proteins, or the effects they have, are exposed to selection pressure. The DNA is not directly exposed to selection pressure. The DNA is only subject to change through mutations, copying errors, insertions etc. Genes can be modified by other genes, but the ultimate test is whether the protein products of the genes work well enough to allow the genes to be passed on.

The author doesn't say what he is suggesting would be a way for DNA to be exposed to selection pressure in the same way that phenotypes are exposed. His main alternative appears to be the effects of something he calls sin. How that affects DNA he doesn't seem to be able to say. He really should say whether he thinks there is such a thing as junk DNA or not. He is having his cake and eating it there.

Further, scientists are finding actual functions for a number of ERVs, which declassifies them as junk
Indeed there is a researcher in California who is convinced that pretty much the entire human genome is now composed of endogenous retrovirus DNA, on which mutation goes to work to produce new possibilities.

However, once again our author is being dishonest by trying to call ERVs junk. Does he believe in junk DNA, or does he follow the AiG line that their god wouldn't make junk, and that it all does something useful but we don't know what yet? Whatever, they should be called ERVs because the junk DNA is only called that as a kind of placeholder name.

When sequences are identical, claiming common ancestry is a moot point because they could be part of what is considered essential for life as designed by God
Then it must be a spectacular coincidence then that this supposed god's creation has resulted in completely independent lines of evidence, the morphology of dated fossils, the molecular clock data with its base pair differences, the ERVs, and the observations of speciation by natural selection we have observed, all agreeing perfectly on common ancestry. It's in the 'testing your faith' category if you want to believe it's all set up by a creator.

This claim falls under the 'proof' narrative set up earlier. You are led to believe that because something cannot be proved then it is unreasonable. But actually the scientific narrative is that the best explanation for the patterns of ERV insertion is common ancestry, and that is only a provisional conclusion. It is provisional on the appearance of further evidence, especially evidence to the contrary.

Professional scientists have a kind of social contract with society to test their ideas as rigourously as they possibly can - to disprove their ideas by whatever means they can think of. That means shonky ideas are eliminated. This creationist isn't writing as a proper scientist if he isn't going to say exactly what evidence contradicts common ancestry and instead is consistent with 'designed by god', and especially isn't doing science if he can't tell you what he has done to try to disprove his god hypothesis.

Perhaps the complete lack of any unambiguous evidence for any creator gods ever could be something for him to consider. Or maybe the multitude of other inconsistencies in the AiG narratives. But that would require honesty and retrospection, which is not completely absent but very rare at AiG in my observation of it.

God only knows, and He hasn’t revealed these details to us in His Word.
Oh, I see. That's the problem. We need to wait around for the word. That's not science either.

One last problem associated with citing ERVs as proof of evolution is that no one can provide a naturalistic selective mechanism for how they “jump” in DNA from generation to generation.
Actually how much do they jump from generation to generation? Reading the paragraph that contains this sentence suggests to me that the author doesn't really understand the implications of jumping transposable elements. If he did, or if he was honest, he would have discussed the fact that ERVs are passed down the germ cell line. There are all sorts of mutations and translations going on in somatic cells (general body cells) but those mutations are not passed on to the next generation. There are also mechanisms for suppressing the jumping. He has also ignored the point of identifying ERVs by sequencing. Same, or same but mutated sequence then same ERV. It doesn't matter so much if it has jumped if it can still be identified as the same virus.

It is highly probable that ERVs “jumping” is a result of the Fall of Adam. Sin entered the world and what was once perfect, and properly functioning, changed into something that it was never meant to be. The picture painted by evolutionists is that they are the only ones who can provide a naturalistic mechanism for why certain ERVs are selected for and conserved in disparate genomes. Even more, they insist that they, therefore, should be the only trusted ones. People claiming to be the sole source of information for the general public ought to be heavily scrutinized, and the burden of proof remains with them if they cannot prove otherwise. Without having a clear selective advantage, they don’t have a leg to stand on.
Would that be AiG accusing real scientists of not being able to provide a mechanism, then not having any mechanism of their own? Charlatans isn't a sufficient term for them. They are demonstrated liars. Why does their god require them to lie, I wonder.

OK, it wasn't a brief response.



New member
Mice share ~90% of their DNA with humans.
Chimps share ~98% of their DNA with humans.
Greg..... Your numbers are wrong. If you do a little research you will discover that. (Its impossible to compare accurately since we have whole sequences they don't have and visa versa)
BUT..... Even if they are right, wouldn't a designer use similar blueprints to create similar structures. Wouldn't a manufacturer use the same or similar information system, to perform same function in different models?


Well-known member
OK, it wasn't a brief response.

It gets harder when two scientists are going at it (you and he). I have to take a spectator role or gain on the huge learning curve (I have little background in microbiology). For a forum? I think I'll let it stand between you and he on this particular. Perhaps a scientist would be able to pick up where I need to leave off. Thanks for the response. It is rare that anybody ever does that, specifically in forums. -Lon


New member
6days I want to discuss evidence with you. I want you to suggest a topic for our discussion, and I will suggest one as well. We will discuss both using scientific evidence in order to evaluate whether our chosen topic supports evolution or young-earth creationism.

You are complaining about "evolutionists" refusing to discuss the evidence. Well you got your wish. The ball is in your court. Pick a topic and we can begin
Greg... That might be fun. You could start a new thread with your topic. Then, If I or others are inclined we could participate. Meanwhile you could discuss how the evidence shows life comes from life... after all, that is what we were talking about.


New member
wouldn't a designer use similar blueprints to create similar structures. Wouldn't a manufacturer use the same or similar information system, to perform same function in different models?
Are you prepared to stand by that claim as we go through a few examples?

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