Creation vs. Evolution

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The longer this goes on the more you sound like Stripe. Your rationale was simplistic and hopeful, and it seemed to rely more on an attempt at common sense than conceptual understanding. So yes, laughing stock was an accurate description for you and your ilk.
Applying Shannon to messaging is common sense to any rational person, and I guess if your ilk find that laughable I'll wear that as a badge. But you neither follow common sense or Shannon, and you contradict yourself to boot:

I have never claimed noise works better
It is those rare ones that make the organism function better

And why deny Shannon? Because... because... common descent just has to be true:
mutations work because without them there is no substantive evolution.


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Then I am rejecting by default only one more god than you do based on the lack of evidence for any specific deity.
Perhaps you haven't actually looked at what you are talking about, but Christians believe in many supernatural beings and in many cases they are called gods. Just for your future reference. You can recalibrate your meme as you see fit.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I think the characterization of genetic mutations as "noise" is a misnomer A mutation occurs on a gene. Natural selection CAN NOT act on that mutation if it is not expressed as an allele. That will allow the mutation to be passed on to the progeny where it may be expressed at some time in the future. This would be a reasonable explanation for a recessive trait. On the other hand, a mutation may express as an allele whereupon natural selection can act on the mutation. There is no way to predict whether any given mutation is beneficial, detrimental or neutral to a population based on the mutation alone. For instance, there has been some research into sickle cell anemia that indicated that the condition provided some resistance to malaria. It is an interesting condition as it may provide some protection against malaria yet it can also be debilitating.


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I think the characterization of genetic mutations as "noise" is a misnomer.
Why? Among all the messages in a cell, including from one generation to the next, are there any systems to promote mutations or only systems to suppress them? Do mutations enter the DNA (we'll ignore epigentic messages for now) when they are transmitted/transcribed/moved in a cell message?

And if you are about to say there are no messages in a cell, then tell us what the "m" in "mRNA" stands for any why.


New member
Perhaps you haven't actually looked at what you are talking about, but Christians believe in many supernatural beings and in many cases they are called gods. Just for your future reference. You can recalibrate your meme as you see fit.
I'm really not that bothered about a plethora of supposed supernatural beings but I think you'll find that Christians actually tend to believe in one God, perhaps in three persons, a "blessed trinity", whatever that might mean. :think:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'm really not that bothered about a plethora of supposed supernatural beings but I think you'll find that Christians actually tend to believe in one God, perhaps in three persons, a "blessed trinity", whatever that might mean. :think:
One supreme God, yes. But many gods as well. I'm not saying your meme is wrong, but that you should re-state it to be more accurate.


New member
Applying Shannon to messaging is common sense to any rational person,

That is why science is done by highly educated people, since they have to learn to restrict the common sense that in reality is just a reference to those without the understanding taking intellectual short-cuts. Intellectual short-cuts are what you rely on post after post, forever providing your pop-science sound-bites that you read on the internet somewhere.

It is uncommon-sense that is necessary for concept heavy reasoning, and you don't seem to have that or even appreciate that it might be necessary.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Why? Among all the messages in a cell, including from one generation to the next, are there any systems to promote mutations or only systems to suppress them? Do mutations enter the DNA (we'll ignore epigentic messages for now) when they are transmitted/transcribed/moved in a cell message?

And if you are about to say there are no messages in a cell, then tell us what the "m" in "mRNA" stands for any why.

If had read and replied to my entire post instead of just the first sentence you would have had the answer to your question. Go back and read it again. I'll wait.


I had child-like faith in the reality of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. When I became an adult I found that faith didn’t have much to do with reality outside of my own mind.

“generic faith … is the proof of faith” sounds like a lexicological redundancy – a circle proves a circle. Anyway, thanks for the reply. I clearly was mistaken in thinking there was more substance to what you said about faith than just abstract philosophical musings.

Parents should never teach children things that aren't true, it damages the natural trust that children have in parents. But just like certain plant and animal groups that once existed throughout evolution served as the scaffolding for life that exists now, the evolution of beliefs and ideas are built on trial and error from childhood to adulthood.

"The facts of evolution must not be arrayed against the truth of the reality of the certainty of the spiritual experience of the religious living of the God-knowing mortal. Intelligent men should cease to reason like children and should attempt to use the consistent logic of adulthood, logic which tolerates the concept of truth alongside the observation of fact. Scientific materialism has gone bankrupt when it persists, in the face of each recurring universe phenomenon, in refunding its current objections by referring what is admittedly higher back into that which is admittedly lower. Consistency demands the recognition of the activities of a purposive Creator.

Organic evolution is a fact; purposive or progressive evolution is a truth which makes consistent the otherwise contradictory phenomena of the ever-ascending achievements of evolution. The higher any scientist progresses in his chosen science, the more will he abandon the theories of materialistic fact in favor of the cosmic truth of the dominance of the Supreme Mind. Materialism cheapens human life; the gospel of Jesus tremendously enhances and supernally exalts every mortal. Mortal existence must be visualized as consisting in the intriguing and fascinating experience of the realization of the reality of the meeting of the human upreach and the divine and saving downreach." UB 1955


How do you know? Telepathy has never been proven, though there have been some fraudulent trickery. Case-in-point..... a pair of young twins who could make high pitched noises that each could hear to signal one another, but adults could not hear them, which fooled the testers for a while.

Dear Hedshaker,

The Lord told it to me! He said in Heaven, we are spirits and will not have a mouth to talk with or legs to walk with, while we're in spirit form. Nor will we have an earthly body, but instead we will have a heavenly body. And we shall move at speeds we never dreamed of, not having legs, etc. to hinder us.

Make Your New Day Count!!



Pella was one of the cities Jesus and the apostles visited and preached at during the Decapolis Tour. I don't know what it is now. Urantia is the heavenly name for our world that we call earth. All worlds have names and numbers. Ours is 606 in the system of Satania. Jesus has 10,000,000 inhabited worlds under his creatorship.

Dear Caino,

You don't want to know what I think of all of this!! You're right, it is out of this world, just for starters!!



Not when Jesus was 12, it was after he began his public teaching.

Mark 3

Jesus Accused by His Family and by Teachers of the Law

20 Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat. 21 When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.”

22 And the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem said, “He is possessed by Beelzebul! By the prince of demons he is driving out demons.”

Dear Caino,

My Bible says "His friends," not his family(b) It's a trivial point, I suppose. We have bigger fish to fry!!

Good Job, Dude!!



Michael, This is the dig that is uncovering the 12,000 year old Göbekli Tepe ruins. The UB reveled that this area was once home to the superior civilization of the Adamites who were later overrun by inferior culture. The Göbekli Tepe settlement was deliberately buried as it was likely the source of fear and aw by succeeding cultures and their beliefs.

Dear Caino,

I can't be sure that the dig is from 11,000 years ago or 7,000 years ago. You know? I could believe that is was post-Adam and Eve's coming upon the scene.




If one person in one religion has complete faith that his religion is correct, and another person in another religion also has complete faith, but the religions are fundamentally opposed to each other, then … ???

then, with the passing of time, the true religion will stand, and the other religions will falter and be dissolved.



Matthew 26:53

53"Or do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels?

Revelation 12:7

7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.

It doesn't say 'Michael the arch angel."

Dear Caino,

I know by proxy that it means Michael the Archangel fighting with Satan and winning, and fighting for the man child named Michael also. You just don't get it, do you? If I bear witness of myself, you will not believe. So God and Jesus will bear witness of me when the time comes for that. I've been visited by the Lord God twice, and I've been visited by angels a number of times. The first angel, I both saw and heard. And his appearance was as of a bright, glowing ball of light, and the room filled with his booming, commanding and loud voice. "Fear God, and give Him Glory, for the 'hour' of His judgment is come upon all of the Earth, and worship Him Who made the Earth and Heaven, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." These fountains run below the sea, from what I understand. I could not take my eyes away from watching the angel and I was enthralled and awed, and amazed, thinking I might never see another angel again. The second angel that visited me one week later, I did not see, but instead only heard him say, with a booming, commanding voice in the room that I was in saying "Babylon has fallen" and I was made aware of this woman actress named Betty Hutton and the book of Hosea, chapter two, and I'm just not going to go into all of this right now. The third angel that visited me, I also did not see, but I heard him and his visit came another week after second angel, saying, "Do not follow after the beast and his image {outward appearance as a man}, nor receive his mark in your right hand or forehead." I can't go into details about all this now. It is past 4 a.m., so I'll be getting going for a long while. We're maybe going to see the movie "Risen" tomorrow at the Theater. I can explain more next time I get a chance.

None of you yet know all that has happened to me. It would curl your toes. I'm going to quit keeping it a secret and just go ahead and tell you all, and spill the beans. Hopefully more tomorrow/later 2nite.

God Be With You All,

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I've ask you before Michael, please don't preach at me. I don't believe a word of it. It's all in your head and none of it is real to me. Preaching it at me wastes your time and mine, thanks.

And by the way, sharing your "alleged" testimony does not mean attacking your opponent, calling names and posting logical fallacies. If you want to present what you think is your testimony then you have to address what they post and that isn't just calling them names.

Dear Hedshaker,

I didn't mean to be preaching at you, if that's what you call it. I was just stating some facts that you can't seem to bear. And if I am sharing my testimony, I can do what I please. You must remember that even Jesus got upset/angry and overturned the tables of the money-changers, etc. I can do whatever I please to share my testimony. I have permission.

Thanks For Caring,



Michael, Know that you are replying to those who will never benefit from God's free gift of redemption; reconciliation-salvation can never be theirs.

Dear Cross Reference,

Thank you so much, Cross R. I know. I've been trying to help them reach out to God and they love us for trying to reach out and try to save us from whatever. It's quite a quandary and I'm starting to get it through my thick head that they never will believe. Oh, well.

Praise God and Jesus, and the Holy Ghost!!



New member
Dear Hedshaker,

The Lord told it to me! He said in Heaven, we are spirits and will not have a mouth to talk with or legs to walk with, while we're in spirit form. Nor will we have an earthly body, but instead we will have a heavenly body. And we shall move at speeds we never dreamed of, not having legs, etc. to hinder us.

Make Your New Day Count!!


Michael please...... I do not doubt you actually believe all that, but do I think it's true? Of course not. Not for a millisecond, and my convictions are every bit as strong as yours. The difference is I don't make bald claims free of evidence.

So do me and yourself a favour and find someone else to preach at, k?

Cross Reference

New member
Michael please...... I do not doubt you actually believe all that, but do I think it's true? Of course not. Not for a millisecond, and my convictions are every bit as strong as yours. The difference is I don't make bald claims free of evidence.

So do me and yourself a favour and find someone else to preach at, k?

All your claims are bold more so than Michaels and without evidence. How do you figger to be right in your thinking?? You know there is a God of the universe. Why reject him except you have said in your heart: "I will have no God over me". And yet you live by a god of your mind's choosing.
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