Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
Sure. This may be different from the objective truth, however.

How would it be different? You keep saying this, but you have not clearly explained how it is different, can you explain?

Are automobiles spiritual matters?

Why do you think the Bible does not mention/give repair instructions on automobiles?

I compare what people say to what I read in the Bible.

How do you know what people say and what is in the Bible?

Sir, with all respect... you could do both.

Can you tell me how I could do that? And why both? Why not just 1 of the mechanics?

I know God is ultimately the judge in such situations.

That's for sure. And he is the ultimate judge on your character as well.

What really matters is that people know the gospel.

For automotive repairs?


How would it be different? You keep saying this, but you have not clearly explained how it is different, can you explain?
I don't know if I can. I have already said my truth is subjective.
Are automobiles spiritual matters?
No, but fixing them may be.
Why do you think the Bible does not mention/give repair instructions on automobiles?
God's instructions apply to everything, but not everyone had automobiles back then.
How do you know what people say and what is in the Bible?
By reading the Bible and by interacting with people.
Can you tell me how I could do that? And why both? Why not just 1 of the mechanics?
You don't have to use both mechanics. I have only said it is possible to use both.
That's for sure. And he is the ultimate judge on your character as well.
The passage you are asking about is Romans 1.
For automotive repairs?
For any situation. Each situation in life can be an opportunity to share the gospel.
To what is this in response?
If anything, to this:
How do you determine who is "suppressing the truth"?
You wanted to know what I compare to. In regard to creation we examine the first book of the Bible for starters. In regard to other subjects it may be a different book or passage.


Well-known member
I don't know if I can. I have already said my truth is subjective.

We have covered this repeatedly. You and I both agree on this part. I am trying to get a solid answer for this:

I am trying to discover your method for getting your subjective perspective as much in line with the objective reality as humanly possible. Can you explain how you do that?

No, but fixing them may be.

So an automobile is not "spiritual" in your mind, but fixing one "may be"? I do not understand your point here, can you clarify?

God's instructions apply to everything, but not everyone had automobiles back then.


Do you think some people had automobiles back then?

Can you think of any other things that no one had or few people had back then?

By reading the Bible and by interacting with people.

So your knowledge of the words in the Bible and what people say is based upon empirical evidence, right?

You don't have to use both mechanics. I have only said it is possible to use both.

I know. You said it was possible in an attempt to skirt the following question:

If your car breaks down and you have a choice between 2 mechanics. One is a Christian and you have heard many horror stories about the repairs from this person. The other is an atheist and you have only heard good things about his service. Both mechanics tell you they know what they are doing, would you choose the Christian over the atheist?

Which you still have not answered clearly. God is watching.

The passage you are asking about is Romans 1.

You think? What makes you say that?

For any situation. Each situation in life can be an opportunity to share the gospel.

I am quite aware of that. I share the gospel every moment of every day, without even having to actually quote scripture (word for word - for the most part). Would you like to know how that is done?
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Dear noguru,

Why don't you share the part of the Bible that says God created everything. You seem to be stuck as being part atheist/part Christian. God created it all and every change made thereof. But you Must have your Science. What is God going to tell you when it's time to go and you meet Him? Well, God, I believed in you to a point! Get Real!

God Be With You Instead Of Satan,



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

Why don't you share the part of the Bible that says God created everything. You seem to be stuck as being part atheist/part Christian. God created it all and every change made thereof. But you Must have your Science. What is God going to tell you when it's time to go and you meet Him? Well, God, I believed in you to a point! Get Real!

God Be With You Instead Of Satan,


Michael, since you are deceiving people, you are a child of Satan. I seek only an accurate report of the natural world in a discipline we call science. Your attempts to confuse others and deceive them are from the deceiver, Satan. I do not care if you call yourself a Christian. It is clear that you are a liar and from Satan. God is not the author of confusion.

Michael, are you certain the syphilis you acquired during your homosexual encounters is not now in its tertiary stage? I mean that might explain your behavior and the content of your posts.

doxycycline/tetracycline be with you instead of treponema pallidum.
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Michael, since you are deceiving people, you are a child of Satan. I seek only an accurate report of the natural world in a discipline we call science. Your attempts to confuse others and deceive them are from the deceiver, Satan. I do not care if you call yourself a Christian. It is clear that you are a liar and from Satan. God is not the author of confusion.

Michael, are you certain the syphilis you acquired during your homosexual encounters is not now in its tertiary stage? I mean that might explain your behavior and the content of your posts.

doxycycline/tetracycline be with you.

You are such a dumb fellow. I'm not deceiving people. YOU are being deceived to think that evolution has any part in what God has created and what changes He makes to each creation. You sure are messed up. "You seek only an accurate report of the natural world in a 'discipline' we call science. You should rather believe in the 'disciples'. God created and changes ALL. Not SCIENCE!! Science just 'studies' what He's DONE! You're a fruitcake waiting to happen. God help you.

I've never contracted syphilis or AIDS, or any of that. I was one of the blessed ones. I'm doing just fine! And you're not!

flagyl and penicillin be with you.



Well-known member
You are such a dumb fellow. I'm not deceiving people. YOU are being deceived to think that evolution has any part in what God has created and what changes He makes to each creation. You sure are messed up.

I've never contracted syphilis or AIDS, or any of that. I was one of the blessed ones. I'm doing just fine! And you're not!

flagyl and penicillin be with you.


Right Michael, you keep telling yourself I am the one who is dumb and messed up. You might be able to fool yourself, but you are not fooling the rest of us.


New member
gcthomas said:
The rock is nothing like flood deposits,
The rocks are totally support the Biblical flood model. .
The millions of marine fossils are buried in sedimentary, flood deposited rock. The only way all these fossils could gave been perfectly preserved is catastrophic flood burying them in sediment. The evidence is strong for catastrophic burial in a flood.
Igneous rock also supports the Biblical model of a time when the earths mantle was broke open.

gcthomas said:
and there are clearly areas where there was upliift
True...there is an "area"
Do you think that hurts your model? It certainly fits the creationist model.

gcthomas said:
and erosion representing long periods between deposits.
There is virtually sharp borders
between layers that supposedly represent millions of years. These layers are pancakes and run across most of North America. It fits the flood model.


We have covered this repeatedly. You and I both agree on this part. I am trying to get a solid answer for this:

I am trying to discover your method for getting your subjective perspective as much in line with the objective reality as humanly possible. Can you explain how you do that?
I believe the Bible is accurate in its historical details. I have found it to be consistent and coherant. I suppose I learn like anyone else.
So an automobile is not "spiritual" in your mind, but fixing one "may be"? I do not understand your point here, can you clarify?
You are talking about an object. An automobile is neither good nor bad. But the driver can use his or her car properly or not. This is where morals are involved. But morals are also important for the mechanic.

Do you think some people had automobiles back then?
No, but your question was about back then. Maybe charriots and horses and donkeys and camels.
Can you think of any other things that no one had or few people had back then?
Few people had calculators. I can't remember when the acabus came around, nor where. I know there are other ways people have discovered to help with counting.
So your knowledge of the words in the Bible and what people say is based upon empirical evidence, right?
I guess when we talk about learning we can consider natural learning or Supernatural learning. I do learn about the Bible by the Holy Spirit. Language is a mystery to me, but God by His Spirit I believe helps me navigate through life... and this does include the study of words. Reading the words of the Bible does not always provide people with spiritual illumination, or at least it does not seem so to some people in some situations. But I still believe reading the Bible will help... even before the Spirit of God does a work in that person's life, making God's word come alive and bringing the truth of His word to fruition... that we can be set free from sin and live life the way God intended it to be lived.
I know. You said it was possible in an attempt to skirt the following question:

If your car breaks down and you have a choice between 2 mechanics. One is a Christian and you have heard many horror stories about the repairs from this person. The other is an atheist and you have only heard good things about his service. Both mechanics tell you they know what they are doing, would you choose the Christian over the atheist?

Which you still have not answered clearly. God is watching.
Interesting. I wouldn't think God is not watching. I don't have a car right now and I don't have a mechanic either. But when I had a car I picked a mechanic, twice, by who I knew. Do you have any other questions about mechanics and cars?
You think? What makes you say that?
[Rom 1:18-21 NASB] 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
I am quite aware of that. I share the gospel every moment of every day, without even having to actually quote scripture (word for word - for the most part). Would you like to know how that is done?
I've been on both sides of the coin. One person I know will not receive anything I say unless it is a Bible verse. But I have learned that the gospel can be communicated without quoting Bible verses. What I don't understand is why people would not want to read the Bible, knowing that it is God's word (maybe they don't).


New member
The rocks are totally support the Biblical flood model. .
The millions of marine fossils are buried in sedimentary, flood deposited rock. The only way all these fossils could gave been perfectly preserved is catastrophic flood burying them in sediment.
I suppose bona-fide field geologists and palaeontologists could all be wrong while you are right, but forgive me for not giving that too much credence. :nono:


Well-known member
I believe the Bible is accurate in its historical details. I have found it to be consistent and coherant. I suppose I learn like anyone else.

You are talking about an object. An automobile is neither good nor bad. But the driver can use his or her car properly or not. This is where morals are involved. But morals are also important for the mechanic.

No, but your question was about back then. Maybe charriots and horses and donkeys and camels.

Few people had calculators. I can't remember when the acabus came around, nor where. I know there are other ways people have discovered to help with counting.

I guess when we talk about learning we can consider natural learning or Supernatural learning. I do learn about the Bible by the Holy Spirit. Language is a mystery to me, but God by His Spirit I believe helps me navigate through life... and this does include the study of words. Reading the words of the Bible does not always provide people with spiritual illumination, or at least it does not seem so to some people in some situations. But I still believe reading the Bible will help... even before the Spirit of God does a work in that person's life, making God's word come alive and bringing the truth of His word to fruition... that we can be set free from sin and live life the way God intended it to be lived.
Interesting. I wouldn't think God is not watching. I don't have a car right now and I don't have a mechanic either. But when I had a car I picked a mechanic, twice, by who I knew. Do you have any other questions about mechanics and cars?

So the Holy Spirit directly tells you what should be viewed as the objective truth in science, the current theories that are supported best by empirical evidence. And you want us to take your word for these things without a well reasoned argument as to why?

Oh right we are just suppose to take your word because you claim God, indirectly through the Holy Spirit, has tipped you off on the objective reality concerning origins.

What you have described here is not science. It is a program to broadcast your specific theological understanding. I hope you can see why, coupled with your incompetence in science, people are not going to adopt your way as a way to objectively analyze all the empirical evidence available.

You do not consider a vast amount of empirical evidence. Your conclusions are based on an interpretation of words which were written as theological text 1000s of years prior to modern science. You know "modern science", one of the other things they did not have (like automobiles) when Genesis was written.


So the Holy Spirit directly tells you what should be viewed as the objective truth in science, the current theories that are supported best by empirical evidence. And you want us to take your word for these things without a well reasoned argument as to why?

Oh right we are just suppose to take your word because you claim God, indirectly through the Holy Spirit, has tipped you off on the objective reality concerning origins.

What you have described here is not science. It is a program to broadcast your specific theological understanding. I hope you can see why, coupled with your incompetence in science, people are not going to adopt your way as a way to objectively analyze all the empirical evidence available.

You do not consider a vast amount of empirical evidence. Your conclusions are based on an interpretation of words which were written as theological text 1000s of years prior to modern science. You know "modern science", one of the other things they did not have (like automobiles) when Genesis was written.
I believe God governs the laws of nature. It should be no surprise to you that the Spirit of God can reveal truth to a person even while they are studying the natural world (science).

Can you analyze empirical evidence correctly without God? I don't believe you can. No one can. God will always have His way with us. Unbelievers can learn the truth as much as believers can, but believers have the Holy Spirit to help them understand the world in which they live and minister God's love to others, unbelievers and other Christians as well.

Genesis was probably written after at least one of the events I know in Exodus. Some historians believe the Torah was written much later than Moses.


Well-known member
I believe God governs the laws of nature. It should be no surprise to you that the Spirit of God can reveal truth to a person even while they are studying the natural world (science).

Can you analyze empirical evidence correctly without God? I don't believe you can. No one can. God will always have His way with us. Unbelievers can learn the truth as much as believers can, but believers have the Holy Spirit to help them understand the world in which they live and minister God's love to others, unbelievers and other Christians as well.

Genesis was probably written after at least one of the events I know in Exodus. Some historians believe the Torah was written much later than Moses.

How convenient for you to claim the Holy Spirit can compensate for your own incompetence. I am not buying it. I have not seen any sound reason to accept your claims that the Holy Spirit dictates science to you. If that were true, how come you still get it wrong?


New member
Michael, since you are deceiving people, you are a child of Satan. I seek only an accurate report of the natural world in a discipline we call science. Your attempts to confuse others and deceive them are from the deceiver, Satan. I do not care if you call yourself a Christian. It is clear that you are a liar and from Satan. God is not the author of confusion.

Michael, are you certain the syphilis you acquired during your homosexual encounters is not now in its tertiary stage? I mean that might explain your behavior and the content of your posts.

doxycycline/tetracycline be with you instead of treponema pallidum.

Thank God somebody said this. He is an extremely sad man in desperate need of help.


How convenient for you to claim the Holy Spirit can compensate for your own incompetence. I am not buying it. I have not seen any sound reason to accept your claims that the Holy Spirit dictates science to you. If that were true, how come you still get it wrong?
You should look at all the references in the Bible to the Holy Spirit.

God's Spirit never errs. However, I have found in my life myself to err.


Well-known member
You should look at all the references in the Bible to the Holy Spirit.

I have, what's your point?

God's Spirit never errs.


However, I have found in my life myself to err.

We all make mistakes. The trick is to learn from them and not repeat whatever methodology you are using that allows mistakes. I suspect you will not pay much attention to this, however. And you will continue to claim exemption due to your delusion that the Holy Spirit is saving you from making mistakes.


New member
The rocks are totally support the Biblical flood model. .
The millions of marine fossils are buried in sedimentary, flood deposited rock. The only way all these fossils could gave been perfectly preserved is catastrophic flood burying them in sediment. The evidence is strong for catastrophic burial in a flood.
Igneous rock also supports the Biblical model of a time when the earths mantle was broke open.
You are so unbelievably lazy.

Or, as noguru would have it, guilt-ridden.

Shame you're not feeling guilty about being so lazy.



I have, what's your point?
I don't want to take any credit for what the Holy Spirit has done in my life.

We all make mistakes. The trick is to learn from them and not repeat whatever methodology you are using that allows mistakes. I suspect you will not pay much attention to this, however. And you will continue to claim exemption due to your delusion that the Holy Spirit is saving you from making mistakes.
I don't know what you mean by a methodology. I have already pointed out you cannot know everything there is to know by empiricism alone.


Well-known member
I don't want to take any credit for what the Holy Spirit has done in my life.

You don't have to worry about confusing me with that. I can tell quite clearly what is the Holy Spirit and what is your fabrication.

I don't know what you mean by a methodology.

That's probably one of the most honest things you have said so far.

I have already pointed out you cannot know everything there is to know by empiricism alone.

There are certainly many things each of us do not know. The questions are "Is there something we are doing or have not done that keeps us ignorant when confronted with such issues. Are they outside of our capacity to understand, or are we being lazy or willfully ignorant?"

I have never claimed that everything we know is from empiricism alone. Empiricism is how we falsify/verify. Inductive processes are also involved. Again it is your sloppy thinking here that is the problem. And probably a bit of lazy thinking as well.

So given that, can you tell me one thing you know for certain, that is completely absent of inference as well as deductive thinking from empiricism?

Here is a question, but you must answer it squarely and clearly (yeah, why should I expect you to do right this time? :chuckle:).

If you analyze a question. With inference and deduction, given the empirical evidence, you come to one conclusion. But the voice in your head you claim is the Holy Spirit tells you that answer is wrong, who do you believe the objective standard or the voice in your head?
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