Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Dear alwight,

I don't know what to tell you anymore, alwight. Didn't you have bosses to serve when you worked jobs, etc? I know the 'why' for your reluctance, but tell that to God, whom I know you're not sure He even exists. I wish you the best of luck. Eeeeekkkk!

You have sweet dreams tonight!!

My bosses were always real people Michael whom I wasn't compelled to work for, I could have left any time I wanted. If God shows up and offers me a job I'll give it due consideration.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Jesus denounced a lot of human behavior. He didn't spend any time on homosexuality. Apparently, He used His limited time with us to work on the things that were most damaging to our souls.

Shouldn't that be a clue for you?

It might be if you were correct

Feel free to cite where Jesus condemned it. It's a sin, but apparently no one that He felt compelled to warn us about. He seems to have had more dangerous sins in mind.

A fanatic is one who does for God what he knows God would have done, if He had all the facts.


Dear alwight,

God is not looking to give you a job. He is looking to have you for one of His sons. Sons help their fathers out when they need it. God is not a taskmaster looking for slaves. Not even at all that way. I hope you have a good day 2morrow, which should happen for you in maybe 12 hours. I think you are on Greenwich Mean Time? I'm on Mountain Standard Time {MST}. Well, will chat with you again soon.

Cheerio, Matey,



Dear Cross Reference,

You see that Jesus did not complain about the 'herd' of pigs nearby, knowing they were being raised for meat. And it is an abomination for Jews/us to eat pork. He didn't rail against the pig owners that it was an abomination for pork to be eaten. Some things, like adultery, take precedence over certain abominations.

God Be With You, CR,



Jesus denounced a lot of human behavior. He didn't spend any time on homosexuality. Apparently, He used His limited time with us to work on the things that were most damaging to our souls.

Shouldn't that be a clue for you?

Dear The Barbarian,

Thanks for your help. I know you are trying! It's too bad we are not as righteous and sin-free as CR. Interesting.

Praise The Lord!!



New member
Dear alwight,

Ah Al, you choose what you want to believe.l

I don't think that's true Michael. Speaking for myself I could no more "choose" to believe something that makes no sense to me than I could fly unaided through the air.

I have no idea why people believe some of the things they believe but it doesn't seem like a choice thing IMO. But try for yourself. Think up a belief that you don't already hold and see if you can "choose" to believe it.

For me, even if I wanted your god to be real I couldn't adopt it by choice because it's just too daft and lacks any form of convincing, unambiguous evidence. I choose to "accept" evolution based on the vast supporting evidence, but I wouldn't call that a "belief" by choice regardless of what Stripe and 6days think.

Creationism, especially YEC, is a religious, evidence free, belief that some people seem to cherish emotionally, while evolution is science backed up by oodles of evidence from various fields. I have no "choice" in the matter. The only thing that could change my mind on that would be evidence to the contrary, or evidence suporting Creationism and there is none


New member
I don't think that's true Michael. Speaking for myself I could no more "choose" to believe something that makes no sense to me than I could fly unaided through the air.
Flying through the air unaided is no great problem, it's the hitting the ground at the bottom which presents the most difficulties.
I could choose to fly through the air but then I couldn't choose not to hit the rocks below. :eek:


Flying through the air unaided is no great problem, it's the hitting the ground at the bottom which presents the most difficulties.
I could choose to fly through the air but then I couldn't choose not to hit the rocks below. :eek:

Dear Hedshaker,

And to alwight also: I could choose to fly through the air but I also would, by proxy, choose to dash myself on the rocks below, knowing that what goes up must come down. I choose God and Jesus, but I think God chose me beforehand and beckons me to be with Him. It is written, "Many are called, but few are chosen." So perhaps there is no choice for others. God picks who He will and leaves the rest to deal with later. It's all not so bad when you add in all the other facts that I know, so no need to be alarmed. No, Hedshaker and Al, I believe you don't have a choice. I don't see how I had a choice in being gay for all of those years and inviting all of that pain upon myself, I mean of extreme depths. I don't think we have a choice, Hedshaker.

Much Love Forthcoming!!



I don't think that's true Michael. Speaking for myself I could no more "choose" to believe something that makes no sense to me than I could fly unaided through the air.

I have no idea why people believe some of the things they believe but it doesn't seem like a choice thing IMO. But try for yourself. Think up a belief that you don't already hold and see if you can "choose" to believe it.

For me, even if I wanted your god to be real I couldn't adopt it by choice because it's just too daft and lacks any form of convincing, unambiguous evidence. I choose to "accept" evolution based on the vast supporting evidence, but I wouldn't call that a "belief" by choice regardless of what Stripe and 6days think.

Creationism, especially YEC, is a religious, evidence free, belief that some people seem to cherish emotionally, while evolution is science backed up by oodles of evidence from various fields. I have no "choice" in the matter. The only thing that could change my mind on that would be evidence to the contrary, or evidence suporting Creationism and there is none

Dear Hedshaker,

I do know there is a 'fourth dimension' or a veil/curtain put up that others cannot see through, except God lets them see what is beyond it. You'll find out in the end. There are those of us who believe what is behind curtain no. 4 because we are told it is there, so we live by Faith alone that it is there, even though we cannot see it. So we have to defy all hell out of logic and people's unkind words because we believe strongly in something we cannot see, even though it is true. I don't know how to explain this any better at all for now.

Getting Closer To The Mystery!!


:cloud9: :cloud9: :thumb: :guitar: :singer:


Well-known member
Dear Hedshaker,

I do know there is a 'fourth dimension' or a veil/curtain put up that others cannot see through, except God lets them see what is beyond it. You'll find out in the end. There are those of us who believe what is behind curtain no. 4 because we are told it is there, so we live by Faith alone that it is there, even though we cannot see it. So we have to defy all hell out of logic and people's unkind words because we believe strongly in something we cannot see, even though it is true. I don't know how to explain this any better at all for now.

Getting Closer To The Mystery!!


:cloud9: :cloud9: :thumb: :guitar: :singer:

Michael, you seem to be avoiding the very clear point Hedshaker is making with some vague insinuation that we do not know everything. The unkind words are only "unkind" to those who try to avoid the clear reality in front of them. You cannot avoid the clear reality by claiming that we do not know everything. There are mysteries and there are things we know. As Donald Rumsfeld stated (even a broken clock is right 2 times a day); "There are things we know we know, there are things we know we don't know, and there are things we don't know we don't know."

I admit that it takes courage to admit what we do not know. But it also takes courage to squarely face the things we do know.


Active member
re: "The only thing that could change my mind on that would be evidence to the contrary, or evidence suporting Creationism..."

And even then any change of your mind wouldn't be because you consciously chose to make the change.

Cross Reference

New member
re: "The only thing that could change my mind on that would be evidence to the contrary, or evidence suporting Creationism..."

And even then any change of your mind wouldn't be because you consciously chose to make the change.

Factor in plant life and see where it takes you before you question someone else re being compelled to believe.


New member
Wrong assumption! Paul knew there would come along in time the irrational, as you, who would need a little help. Ergo, he reached out to them as if to say, Hey! Wake up, Pay attention!.
I'm irrational? That's rather rich since you are the one who apparently knows that some guy called Paul, a self proclaimed "servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God", actually knew the mind of God.
Like there haven't been a few more like him in all the years since using the supposed power of God for their own ends. :rolleyes:


New member
Dear Hedshaker,

I do know there is a 'fourth dimension' or a veil/curtain put up that others cannot see through, except God lets them see what is beyond it. You'll find out in the end. There are those of us who believe what is behind curtain no. 4 because we are told it is there, so we live by Faith alone that it is there, even though we cannot see it. So we have to defy all hell out of logic and people's unkind words because we believe strongly in something we cannot see, even though it is true. I don't know how to explain this any better at all for now.

Getting Closer To The Mystery!!


It's no good thinking you're c***-sure Michael because when you're wrong, which we all are sometimes, it hurts all the more. It's a pride thing and you come over as very prideful Michael, though I doubt you will admit that.

You see, when this year pans out, only a little over three months from now, and your predictions do not come to fruition, you will have some explaining to do. And since you can never be wrong I think we know that you will put it down to another little mistake, You were somehow mistaken about the timing. It will be next year, or the year after. The fact that every so called seer, ever, as used the same excuse when they're wrong won't matter because you're not like them. You are right. You have a direct line to on high, or so you think.

What's so telling is how you constantly use this: "you'll see..... you'll answer to God in the end", "You'll find out in the end." and so on ad nauseum. It's always something to come isn't it? What you don't seem to get is that anybody can do that about anything. It's actually meaningless, yet you smugly think you have made some devastating point every time you do it.

You are every bit as apt to be wrong as anyone else, and pride often comes before a fall, as they say.

Cross Reference

New member
I'm irrational? That's rather rich since you are the one who apparently knows that some guy called Paul, a self proclaimed "servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God", actually knew the mind of God.
Like there haven't been a few more like him in all the years since using the supposed power of God for their own ends. :rolleyes:
Their own ends?? You mean as you reject God for your own ends?


New member
re: "The only thing that could change my mind on that would be evidence to the contrary, or evidence suporting Creationism..."

And even then any change of your mind wouldn't be because you consciously chose to make the change.

But I couldn't "choose" to believe it regardless. I accept things that are well established through sound evidence, which is not the same as "choosing" to believe. Or do you think acceptance is the same as belief.

I'm a sceptic to the core and that's not something I have chosen. It is not a belief system IMO.
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